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New recruit from Holland

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Hello everybody!

I've been reeding the nerd fitness blog for a while now, but i've never registered myself to the forums, until now!

I'm 30 years of age, 170cm/5'7" tall (or short if you like), 80Kg/176lbs, around 20% Bf (if you can believe the precision of the weight scale thingy at the gym)

Diet: Paleo since about two months, but i'm not 100% strict, i make sure the bulk of the intake is paleo.

Typical day:

Breakfast: 3 egs with or without some vegetables.

snack: Banana and soms nuts

Lunch: Meat and vegetables from dinner the day before

snack: Apple and some nuts

After workout: 1l yoghurt and a banana (not every day, and i know it's not paleo, but it's the easiest way to get the proteines)

Dinner: Meat and vegetables

I only drink water, coffee, tea (not so much) and carbonated water (not sure if this is the right term, but water with bubles)

Workout: About 3-4 days a week, i do crossfit workouts (since may), usually together with a strength workout.

E.g.: Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

21-15-9 Deadlifts, push-ups hand release with 400m run between the sets.

Problems: Weight/fat percentage isn't really dropping as i would like it to.

Strength is growing nicely though.

I can deadlift 160Kg, whereas when i did my first deadlifts (6 months ago aprox.)i was very proud to get over 100Kg.

I suspect the problem lies in sleeping, i need quite a bit, but i don't get much more than 7 hours usually.

Or my work could be the problem, sitting down at a desk all day behind a screen.

Thank you all for reading/replying in advance :)

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Welkom op de nerd plaats. That's all I got... Looking fwd to reading about your journey.

Cool, thanks!

Did a nice workout yesterday.

First time after a week off due to illness and general tiredom.

Felt pretty strong and did the following:


PowerClean 3rm

40-50-60-65-70-75Kg(only 1 rep. PR by 2.5kg)


800m run

21 Clean & Jerk 2 Dumbells 16Kg


21 Clean & Jerk 2x16Kg


17:50 (previous time on this wod: 20.44)

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Haven't worked out all week, :( and i've eaten a lot of crappy food.

The hollidays will do that to you, well in the end i did it myself off course, i know that, but it's an easy excuse.

But at least i did some work on my house, that i've been putting off for way-way too long.

I gues that was a workout in itself, well 2, because i worked on my house 2 days.

This afternoon i'm going to workout again!

I'll post what i did afterwards :)

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Went to the gym yesterday, didn't feel realy strong/fit/whatever, but worked out anyway.


Squat-snatches x3

practise with just the bar (20kg), then 3x30, 3x35

didn't feel very comfortable with the movement yet, so decided not to go any higher and continued with snatch balance:

3x30, 3x32,5, 3x35, 3x37,5, 3x40


Max. rep pullups (5)

1000m row

Max. rep pullups (1)

50 Pushups Hand release

Max. rep pullups (2)

15 Hang squat clean 20Kg


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Did another workout the day after this one ^^

Deadlifts x5

120Kg max. and 125 Kg x3, grip was a real problem, not the actual lifting.


3 Rounds

15 Deadlifts 50Kg

8 Burpees

6 Knees to elbow


Felt it for days after in my lower back muscles.

Yesterday i went to the gym, but i was really unmotivated and tired.

Did only Cleans x5

Up untill 60Kg, 65Kgx3

At that weight it becomes about the mind, i am pretty sure i can clean up to 80Kg or something, but i lack the bravery to pull myself under the bar with such weights.

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For some reason the last couple of weeks i don't really succeed in working out intense enough (in my own opinion)

I do go to the gym, i do work out, and i do have sore muscles the day after, or the day after that.

But the intensity is just a bit off somehow.

Well this was my last workout, last saturday:

Powersnatch 5x5

maxed out at 52,5 x2, was aiming for 55x5, but i just chicken out when it gets hard, partly because there are no bumper plates, and no floor that is resistent to the impact of a barbell with some weights on it.


9 min amrap of:

9 Body row

9 Power snatch @ 30Kg

9 Box jumps 50cm

did 4 rounds and 9 body rows and 9 power snatches.

And i still feel it in my legs today, so i must've done something right.

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