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If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball

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Hey! I'm Maja, a returning (fallen) hero. Honestly, I came onto nerdfitness more than a year ago and really wanted to get into it, but crashed and burned right out the gate and just didn't come back. Here's my old about me: click


I'm Australian, living in Melbourne. I'm 23, about to turn 24 (fuck my life) and I'm fucking sick of hating my body. I recently lost nine kilos (I now weigh about 83kg), though I think I only put those nine kilos on in the last year, too. My UGW is 65kg, though at the mo I'm gonna start with trying to get to 80. I have a thing about round numbers (and I am SO VERY ROUND).


When I lost the nine kilos something seemed to switch on for me that never really has, and it came off...not easily, but with so much less of the mental struggle I always seemed to otherwise put into it. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get myself back into that headspace, but I'm trying. I think a big part of it is planning ahead and trying to make the healthy eating/exercising the EASIER choice. Which I'm also trying.


I just finished my honours thesis (about racial and gender representation in science fiction - spending a year writing about and researching Doctor Who and Star Trek, thanks yeah sign me uPP) and I'm now doing my Diploma of Remedial Massage. I'm in film/creative arts space – I work at my uni's film society as the events coordinator, at my community tv station in a few various positions (producer, director, post production, for the most part) in which I get to meet various semi-famous Australians, which is g. I've also got a few other things running – trying to write a sitcom-ish webseries about ladies with cute crushes on cute ladies CHA. Etc. Brunch, for the most part. Sitting in bed watching movies. Having as little human contact as possible, apparently. I'm a slash ficcer (NOOOO) and will forever hold Sterek close to my heart (and...yes, I'm gonna say it, my vagina), despite no longer watching the once beautiful trainwreck that is Teen Wolf. My other two OTPs are Merthur and Drarry, thank you, you are welcome. I will also never say no to femmeslash in any form known to ladykind. Including gender swapped. YASSS.


AAAnyway, here are my goals:


  1. Ultimately, get to 65kg (or thereabouts, I'm not too fussed as long as I feel good in my body, but I like having numbered goals)
  2. For right now (the next month or so): get to 80kg
  3. Get stronger: I want to be able to do a handstand, as my next strength goal. I'm planning on doing my yoga teacher training next year in India and I want to be strong enough to get into the harder poses before I go.
  4. Have more ENERGY. I feel soooo sluggish.


So my challenges in order to get there are:


  1. Lower my calorie intake - between 1200-1500 a day and I'm considering having one day a week where I eat 500cal as a sort of 'easy' step into 5:2
  2. Drink 3L water a day (I'm usually pretty good with water intake but lately I've been feeling super dehydrated so I just wanna keep an eye on it.)
  3. Getting my sleep schedule back on track - bed (no distractions, trying to sleep) by 11pm, (I know, ironic) up before 8.
  4. Go for an hour's walk at least three times a week. Yoga at least twice a week. I'd like to do more exercise but I'm trying not to throw myself into it too fast and burn out again.
  5. With food, I just want to try to eat less cheese, pasta and sugar (particularly chocolate). Those are my main downfalls, for sure. 




Sorry for blithering on, I hope some of this strikes a chord! I'm gonna join a challenge, I reckon, and I guess we'll go from there! Thanks for reading, lovelies. xx

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Oh, also, today was a good beginning! Pretty slow in terms of activity haha, but food was good.


Breakfast: greek yogurt, honey, oats (about 2 tbsp, just to oomph it up a bit), mandarin

Lunch: roast veg (carrots, red capsicum, onion, garlic, beetroot), brown rice, tahini dressing (so good, a bit of an experiment, but one that worked out! Tahini, greek yogurt, lemon juice, garlic, paprika)

Dinner: Same as lunch

Calories: I think I fudged it a bit, but I'd say around 1200-1300 calories total


I need to go and get some more groceries tomorrow, but I'm hoping that this week will go well. I think if I plan it out a bit, it will. :) Also, I'm planning on making vegan chocolate (I'm not vegan, obviously, but it's a good recipe for pretty low cal choccie!) which is coconut oil, cocoa and honey. Maybe add some almonds. Hope it's good, because I'm anticipating either crushing disappointment or being unable to stop from shoving my head in the pot.

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Hi guys! Yay, feeling loved!


Tanktimus: just walking and yoga for the moment. I'm not quite as on track as I'd like, but I've gone for a lovely 1hr walk home from my diploma (after 8 hours of anatomy my brain really needed the break) and a 60 minute yoga session in my back garden after I went out to hang out laundry and realised it was beautiful and sunny (a common occurence when I don't have anything on during the day!).


Hellany: It really is! I took so many instagram pics haha. probably slightly beside the point of being out in nature but I still really appreciate all those lovely flowers now I can look at them again. I didn't end up making the chocolate, instead made bliss balls! Which were pretty damn nice but not QUITE what I'm after. Also I didn't have a food processor so chopping up cashews and dates by hand was a pain in my ass. Still. Satisfyingly chocolatey, just needs an extra kick of something. Not quite sure. I'll do some experimenting!


Hratheceane: Haha oh lord, it's a great bus aint it. Yass! I'm always so happy to find a fellow drarry/merthur fan! Also you're a Slytherin! High five. What's your story with massage therapy? That's cool, I love finding people who are into the same stuff! YOU ARE NOW MY NEW BESTIE. Sorry, no takebacks.

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Btw, my food has been pretty good again for the last few days! I made an exhaustive menu plan which I'm not technically sticking to in that rather than making ahead and freezing a bunch of meals I ended up making a huge pot of chickpea and cauliflower curry and for the last few days I've been eating that with (variously) brown rice, salad, pappadums, rice noodles and yeast free focaccia that I made yesterday because I was CAH-raving bread. SO that was pretty good, still. I also had some pancakes but what can you do sometimes you just need some pancakes.


And I made a kale and lentil soup tonight, which was really (surprisingly) yummy. I seem to be going kind of vego, which is weird, but kind of nice on my pocket. Having said that, I did go on a major shop in preparation for this week and LORRRRDDD did I spend a lot of money. I would have felt bad for my debit card but I had a gift card haha. Thank god for mums huh?


Anyway it's been nice to have a plan and also to be eating well because this week is hella intense. I'm doing a lot simultaneously - studying for massage classes, applying for Rhodes (!!!!), producing a live episode of a tv show next week which means a lot of pre-production stuff now, running a student short film festival, and trying without much success to finish the second episode of my webseries (wihtout much success because im putting it off because i am a scaredy cat). But the food is making me feel a bit more energetic which is lovely. 


Thanks for dropping in to say hi. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who care.

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