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Hi there!

Username is Lady Ninja, but if you're reading this, you've just earned the ability to call me Aly J (Alyssin June). It'll be a great inside secret for us who read and welcome other new members such as myself!  ;)


I like lists.

I am:

-a soccer player/enthusiast

-a martial artist


-avid reader

-in college because degrees are a thing

-obsessed with sugar

I like:




-April 25th, because it's not too hot, and not too cold... all you need is a light jacket


Who am I..?


I used to play soccer in high school. In college, I became a fine arts major, had no time to devote to team sports. A year passes.

Then, I started kickboxing. It became my LIFE. I loved it. I loved the mat. My instructors, my partners. It was a family. I was on the mend, but a day after getting my first belt, it was time for...


Knee surgery. Invasive, but not to the point where extensive surgery was needed. I have Osgood-Schlatter's disease in both knees, and my left was so bad that I needed to get a bone chip removed. All I needed was one month to heal, then six or so months to make a full recovery. Doc said I should be able to pretty much resume everything in that first month I had been doing previously.  But school started again, and I went back to a university that had no kickboxing gym or classes anywhere nearby. I fell into what was probably depression, and tried to do >100g of carbs a day... cold turkey. I ended up gaining fifteen pounds, which, in all honesty, probably was somewhat healthy for my non-feminine figure. I picked up another style of martial arts, but it wasn't the rigorous training that had me looking like a Rousey wanna-be. 

Went back home for winter, did more kickboxing. Transferred schools, no time for consistent martial arts with my internship.


But... I picked up a personal trainer. He taught me how to weight-lift. In six weeks, I dropped 3% bodyfat without it being my goal! My goal was to learn how to use weights and learn exercises that would keep me interested.


Now I am an avid lifter. I train martial arts, life and do interval training when I can. I recently finished my five-and-a-half-week stint as a camp counselor (loved it), but my diet was whatever we had in the dining hall and s'mores, and my exercise program suffered because, well, you just can't outrun your fork. My body and my mind? Well... not exactly ring-worthy. 


Without further ado, I present Lady Ninja's (Tentative) List of Goals:


-Run a 5k comfortably

-Be able to do two consecutive non-assisted pullups

-Have a solid routine

-Lose body-fat 


-Have a better outlook on my personal body-image 

-Sleep better


-Set long-term, tasty, attainable goals

-Learn how to cook!!

-Go back to eating as clean as possible

-Figure out a way to control my blasted sweet-tooth


I say tentative because I would love suggestions about how to attain these goals/modifications to them. The body-image and sugar control are my two biggest concerns. Once I've committed to any/all of these goals, I'll boldface them :)


Thanks for reading, and for having me as part of the Rebellion! Talk to me about books, fashion, movies, martial arts, soccer, nerdy things, whatevs! I love being part of a community, and I can't wait to get to know you!


~Lady Ninja (Aly J)


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Aly J, 

   Welcome!  I know all about the sweet tooth.  I found that doing things in baby steps is a lot more constructive than trying to make big changes in my lifestyle.  Particularly if you have a sweet tooth, try eliminating sweet drinks for a month before you look at other things.  And if you fall off of the wagon, its okay.  Get back on when you are ready.  



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Take a deep breath, center, LEAP!

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Hey Aly J!!  Welcome to NF!  


It sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what you're looking for.  Take a look around, say hi, maybe start a 6-Week Challenge, join a Guild (shameless plug for the Monks!) and stay a while!  


I love your goals too!  Might I suggest, though, that for short-term things, you narrow it down to 2-5 basic goals that get you closer to your major goals?  That way it's simpler to track progress and keep your eye on the prize, so to speak.  


Glad to have you here!  

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"Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back." - Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Current Challenge


Also, I Agree With Tank™

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