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Hello! I am Michelle, online usually known as Renn. I am 19 years old, and I have been quite unhappy about my body for years now. Now that I have gotten medical help for my joint and muscle problems, I decided it was time for a change. So here I am!


My goal is to lose 20 kilos/about 40 pounds, a pure loss of body fat and condition improvement - I don't care about muscle. As for now I don't have a deadline.


What I like to do:

Game - World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Skyrim, Garry's mod, Sims 3, Heroes of the Storm, Pokémon - those kind of things. Mostly PC, although I'm a nintendo fan too.

Dogs - Doges are love, doges are life - seriously though, one of the reasons I really want to lose weight is because I want to own and train many dogs, and I need to be able to give them what they need.

Archery - I have actually only done a beginner course once, but as soon as I got money to spare, I want to just buy a longbow (traditional) and start shooting some arrows again!

Books - Whenever my butt isn't stuck to my pc-chair, you can find me lying in my bed reading a book - Fantasy and Sci-Fi; Hunger Games, Eragon, Wolf Brother, Game of Thrones, that sort of stuff.


I really want to make an RPG-style achievement system, goals and rewards, so if you happen to have suggestions for that or for Really easy-mode fat-loss workouts, please do tell me. Keep in mind that I haven't done the slightest of excersises in years, so my condition is at an absolute zero, and I'm not the healthiest of persons - I mainly suffer from hypermobility, wich means I'm quite flexible, but it also gives many joint issues and pains. (For example, I can't do squats. My ankles just can't make that bend.)


Have a good day!


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I don't game because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have many.

Because I simply enjoy the moments I share with people from all across the world.

Because I am not judged by my looks, but by my skill as a player.


I hate people, I like individuals.

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Hello Renn ^0^ Welcome to the Rebellion!!! This is a place for change so you've made a brilliant decision joining the community.
Yaaayy for Nintendo! Love having a sesh of mario kart with the lads! Minecraft is lyf as well hahah
Archery is gr8, get amongst it, put forward your goals and commit to it. Save up some money can be one of your goals.

Its ok if you make mistakes. Thats HOW you get better right??
I hope you enjoy your time here at the NF forums and reach your goals so you can get out and train some dogs aye ;)

I would reccomend signing up to the 6-week challenge (now already 3 weks in ahaha). I only just signed up myself. It'll get you a foot hold and you can work your way up. Just take baby steps, don't bite off more than you can chew because you will end up falling off the wagon pretty soon. Lets be honest - we all do at sometime but its what you do after you fall - do you get back on or do you let it get the better of you.

You could check out the new Nerd Fitness Yoga?? Its brand new and I dont know much about it so head over to the Yoga section to get the full deets. Also just doing like 5 minutes of walking a day and slowly increasing the time you exercise each should bring up your health. Hope this helped and goodluck!

You will not do incredible things without incredible dreams.

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Heya Renn!  Welcome to the Rebellion!  :)  Glad to have you aboard.  Also glad to have another WoW/Nintendo fan amongst us...oh, and Heroes of the Storm.  I love that game.  Who needs DoTA2 characters when you can play as Arthas?  lol


Do you know which changes you're going to make?  Are they all going to be dietary?  Have you thought about strength training, not necessarily to build a ton of muscle, but to shore up your your body with some reinforcement/stability?  Every little bit helps, ever little change builds on the first one.  :)  Best of luck to you with your goals. 



I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused.

One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum."  If you want peace, prepare for war. 

Two: The old me is dead...he died with his old habits.  The new me will be stronger, faster, sharper, better.


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Hi guys! Nice to meet you!


I'm taking it really slowly, one teensy little step at the time. Because I know myself, if I push myself over or to my limits, I quit because it's too hard. Pain and discomfort are both very demotivating for me.


First step is to start physical therapy, wich I've done. I'm gonna have two one hour sessions per week, and my trainer will help me learn to move with less pain and to gradually build muscle and condition.


Second step is to change my eating habits. No more constant eating. 3 meals per day, a few snacks isn't a shame but no more full bags of chips in an evening. And I drink atleast half a bottle of water before every meal/snack, try to make my portions smaller and drink some black tea.


Next step will be a good routine of excersising, wich I will most likely procastinate until I have my own house (I currently live with 7 other people), and a drivers license, so I can go out and/or to the gym whenever I want.

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I don't game because I don't have a life, but because I choose to have many.

Because I simply enjoy the moments I share with people from all across the world.

Because I am not judged by my looks, but by my skill as a player.


I hate people, I like individuals.

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Sounds like a good plan Renn.  :)  I hope the physical therapy helps.  Less pain is always a good thing.


When you change your eating habits, maybe try logging your chow for a little bit.  Either a simple diary or tracking on sites like MyFitnessPal.  It can really help give you an idea of what you're putting into  your system.  And then, of course, there are the styles of eating like Paleo/Primal, Low Cab, etc.  Experiment...do your N=1 and find out what's best for you and you'll be humming along towards your goals in no time.  :)


Find something you enjoy when you decide on an exercise routine.  It makes it much esier to get done, and reduces the possibility of procrastination.  Believe me...I know...I'm pretty sure my BS is in procrastination rather than my intended major.  lol.  To get my butt out the door I joined a Tae Kwan Do class...more fun than just treadmill work, for sure.  If they offer stuff like that at your gym, give them a look.  You may find something epic that you really enjoy. 


All the best!



I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused.

One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum."  If you want peace, prepare for war. 

Two: The old me is dead...he died with his old habits.  The new me will be stronger, faster, sharper, better.


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You're taking the right approach this go around- small changes over time make a HUGE change! Your journey, since you don't care about muscle for now, can be pretty obtainable just through diet change one small step at time. You'll be able to achieve straight weight-loss with diet, exercise is a bigger factor in body composition (which is why they say you can't outrun a bad diet!). Props for starting it in the right way with the right mindset!  


In the future if you pick up an exercise routine I'd recommend thinking about what physical activity you'd have fun with and use them to work towards that. Exercising for the sake of exercising without any goals isn't something that many people enjoy. Based on your game preferences (which are very similar to mine :D ) I'd suggest thinking about hiking/horseback riding/parkour/trail running as possible end goals to activity.  


Excited to have another fellow Rebel join the ranks, Welcome :D 

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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