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Hi all. I have been reading the blog for years and finally getting the courage to post and put myself into the community. As with a lot of people I am ashamed of where I have gotten and would rather hide all the insecurities instead of broadcast them but I am ready to make a change. An overdue change to be sure.

My name is Danielle and I am about to turn 30 next month. I am a first time mamma of a sweet 19 month old boy and a stay at home mom. For as long as I can remember I have struggled with healthy habits and weight. I did the yo yo diet thing a few times and had off and on success with exercise (although not at the same time!)

Since leaving the workforce I have lost structure in my day and therefore just floating along. And without structure I have developed terrible habits that I am going to break. My hubby and I are talking about trying for another child soon and I want to be ready for that. I want to be better for myself and to set my family up for success.

i am working on creating positive habits. First, I ordered Nerd Fitness Yoga (Awesome!!!) and do one of those sessions daily during nap time and second, I am prepping meals the night before.

That is my jumping off point. I am trilled to be here and cannot wait to see where this journey will take me.

Star Wars, Marvel, and strategic boardgame geek

Thanks for listening!

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Welcome to the rebellion. Sounds like you have great motivation to get healthy. What kind of meals are you prepping and are you doing anything to be active in addition to the yoga?

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"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Thank you!


I am starting off by planning dinners at night. A big problem I have is that after a hectic day of chasing a toddler the last thing I want to do is figure out what to cook and then have to cook. So many times we end up ordering take out.

By planning the day before I can prep during the day and then cooking is easier.

I am trying to do 80/20 Paleo. I had success in the past with South Beach so cooking healthy is simple. Usually some form of grilled meat and a vegetable.


After I have made dinner planning a habit I am going to work on planning the entire day the night before. I am hesistant to try to change the whole day all at once. I have done the all or nothing in the past and resulted in yo yo 30-40lbs every few years. I want to create lasting and sustainable habits.


As for exercise I am a walker right now. I pop my son in the stroller, put on an audiobook or podcast and go out for about an hour. I used to run and I would like to work my way up to that again. I also have a pair of adjustable dumbells at home.


I have been a runner and a weight lifter. I have done a strict paleo diet. I have tried and done so much. I have read and researched. I believe the missing link is good habits. Slow and steady.


Any advice in the area of creating habits is greatly appreciated!

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It sounds like you've already got the advice you need, make small changes gradually and stick with what will work. If walking and Yoga are what you will do, then those are exactly what you should be doing. The best workout is the one you will actually do on a regular basis.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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I woke up this morning and figured that one small thing I could do that would be easy and make a big impact...

My pantry is now clear of snack food.

Such a simple thing that makes a world of difference. If it isn't there I can't eat it. Not a new concept to be sure, but it still feels great and I had to share.


Gettin' it done.

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Hi and welcome.


One of the items I splurged on to help meal planning was a Food Saver vacuum sealer. It's really great to be able to make up a bunch of food all in one day seal it and freeze it. Instead of messing with it all during the week.


I don't have a kid I'm just selfish with my time. Time spent cooking (which I really do enjoy) is time that I'm not out in the woods or gaming LOL.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams

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I have a kid and I am selfish with my time. Like to play boardgames with friends and the husband. Leaves very little time for cooking.


Something I used to do that I am getting back to putting a bunch of chicken breasts in marinade at the beginning of the week and grill them as needed. Or grill all at once and reheat as needed.

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Crock pot meals are also a good route most are pretty much set it and forget it. Bonus is that most taste just as good reheated as they did the day they were made. Especially if you just throw the bag into a pot of hot water.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams

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