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It's all about the little Woots

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TL;DR - Bad goal setting doesn't lead to Woots...


But's only half my problem. The other half is Consistency. Yes, capital "C" for he must be the arch-nemesis that lives with in me. He who has been the only reason that I can see why I have had to fail myself on every challenge I've taken up that can't be done straight away. IE every 6-week challenge to date.

No frowny faces here though. Although my ability to workout for 6 weeks in a row is not there, I can't log anything past 3 days and I still spend far too much time thinking about things and not doing, I have realised this weekend that I too have Woots. Smaller Woots but Woots all the same.

Like I said in the opening, bad goal setting is not a way to get Woots. I have never really been able to set my sights on a single goal that I badly wanted to achieve. Instead it's always been far too general.

"Eat healthier"

"Socialise more"

"Be more active"

There is the basis of everything really.


Things I have found I am doing - 

My diet had been cleaned up. It still has a way to go but I'm not buying Hungry Jacks (Burger King) 2 or 3 times a week any more either, I've cut out a LOT of my added sugar intake and I'm progressing on good food prep for work. Eating healthier Woot!!


I have played my first season of field hockey in about 5 years. Plus I'm going to try playing indoor over the summer as well. Also my sisters boyfriend as offered to introduce me to his gym buddies (was meant to be today but I also had my first deep tissue massage for a problem in my leg that's still hurting on Thursday and I need to make sure I can work on the leg as a priority).

Last weekend I entered and completed the Western Mudd Rush in Western Australia. I was actually surprised by how easy I found the obstacles as I was able to complete then solo and on all but one occasion, on my first try. (I attribute this more to my current work then anything else) Be more active Woot!!


Every other Sunday I have a social group that goes down to a great little place that has live music for a catch up and drinks. (I even don't eat the chips or wedges any more) Plus they have some great little dinner parties at times. (I'm not going to comment on when I went to a pub the other night - I actually messaged a friend to call me and he then also came a picked me up due to a social interaction I didn't know how to deal with) (OK, so I commented on it...) Socialising more Woot!!!


This year I even started working back in my trade as a housing carpenter. (another Be more active Woot!!! :P)


Sadly though I haven't been able to play as many video games as I used to. I do miss them a bit but I don't seem to have as much time as I used to for them. I'm sure this is a Woot but I don't know about it at the  same time....


So there it is. Main goals have been epically failed but repeatedly trying has led to a positive change none the less. WOOT!!! Once I can land a solid goal (i.e. one that I want to achieve, not one I think I should) I think I'll do better. Just too many targets to hit, and if I don't aim, I miss. (some of these targets are not readily available in my area either which is a shame and just adds distractions to the mix)


 - Sympatico

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Sounds great! 


Awesome step toward getting your diet under control, that's prolly my biggest demon. 


This is just my opinion but the end goal is happiness. So if you missed a day working out to do something that brought happiness in your life then DO IT! If you missed a day working out to do a Netflix marathon and cry into a tub of ice cream about how much life sucks... well that doesn't sound like any more fun than blowing it up at the gym but that's just me.  



I mentioned diet being my demon. Whenever I "cheat" I normally enjoy every single bite of it with no regrets. Whenever I "fail" to eat the way I want do to poor planning or travel (which I guess is still poor planning...) I hate it and resent that it happened so in hopes of remedying that I have bought a a small grill I keep in the trunk of my car. So if I'm hungry and away from home I don't get take out I go to the grocery get food and go to a park and cook and eat. Waaay more enjoyable than stuffing my maw with some paper wrapped BS cruising down the road. But again that's me.


Congrats! and keep those small woots coming they'll add up to a BIG one :)

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Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. - Douglas Adams

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