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Dandelions grow like weeds!

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My name is Dandelion. Like the plant, I'm cheerful, sunny, near impossible to get rid of, and more useful than folks realize.

My online friends call me Lion.

My character profile is as follows:
Gender: Female
Race: Cervituar
Class: Novice
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 228lb as of this post.
Hobbies/skills: MMOs (any), shooting, sewing, quilting, crochet, knitting, embroidery, reading, leatherwork, cooking, online-roleplay, D&D, Pathfinder, WoD, acting, costume design, construction work, etc...

Background story in a nutshell:
Active childhood full of tomboyishness, got chubbier in middle school and let it drag me down. Wasn't comfortable being me or being a girl. Stopped being active. Joined Cross Country to be with friends, but was always last. Discovered exercise-induced asthma.
Went to college and roommates taught me how to be female, but my new-found freedom in food caused my weight to skyrocket to 255.
Came home and got married to a boy I used to beat with sticks when we were young. It was the perfect love story. Moved to a 1 bedroom apt and was very happy until I lost our first child through miscarriage.
Our lifestyle wasn't healthy and we needed change.

Today: We moved to a 102 year old abandoned farm, rumored to be haunted, that housed the poor and mentally unstable. There is no written history on this house, as it was the place no one wanted to speak of. Most of the windows are shot out, there's no running water or electricity, and no internet. We're working hard to make it a self- sustained home we can pass on to our children and our children's children. I've been making changes for the better, including NF, and have lost 22lb since moving last month.

Winter is coming, my friends. Winter is coming.

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Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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¯`·._.·· Jarenth ··._.·´¯


level 0 Half-Elf Recruit (Ranger Hopeful)

STR 0 | DEX  0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0



Current Challenge

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Thanks, Jarenth!

Ugh! A white walker in the house! Heaven forbid.

The farm is pretty cool. It's 13 acres of space. I'll admit that I've entertained the idea of having one of the NF camps here. All in my head, of course, but a good daydream while sweeping and scraping paint in endless rooms.


Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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Welcome Lion.  We have many common interests (sewing, knitting, etc.) and sadly a common foe... the terrible exercise-induced asthma.  I also have a paralyzed vocal cord which likes to cause tracheal spasms (so crazy scary).  Congrats on the house (and the 22 pounds).  My home is over a hundred years old as well (although no history that I've heard).  They can sure be a lot of work to rehabilitate, but they shine when you get there!!  

Rangering since Sept 2015



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Thank you, Jodiec!

I'm sorry to hear about your vocal cord, that must be rather terrifying if it spasms during asthma...

I'm glad to have a crafts-buddy when it comes to sewing and things! With no electricity, I'm practicing on a treadle sewing machine lately. Harder than it looks. XD

And a house-fixing person too! Wait... Are you me?

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Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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The spasm thing sucks, but it's not new to me and I know how to handle it.  Scares the crap out of strangers though!  I keep a little card in my wallet that says "Don't worry.  I'm okay.  It will pass in a few minutes."  Obviously I can't talk during one and people sure panic!  Thankfully they usually happen in the middle of the night triggered by reflux (which is why I need to drop a few pounds) and not so much during exercise... but I don't run any more.  Fast walking seems to keep the asthma at bay and my knees and boobs appreciate the not running too.  ^_^


The treadle!....  Awesome!  Sounds like a bit of a workout actually. Sewing for fitness...  :wub:

13 acres!  That's like a park!  (I'm a city gal).


You should check out the Ranger guild when you are ready to pick a guild.  It sounds like it might be a good fit for you.  Are you going to jump in on the current challenge?

Rangering since Sept 2015



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Haha! Fitness Sewing for Craftmasters! I'd join that. ;)

I was a small town girl before being a country girl. 13 acres is a bit smaller than it sounds. Think average farmyard. If you want to visit, then by all means do.

I'll check out the Ranger guild once I can read it all properly. I read your reply in "Jumping In", and I'll try to answer it here to save typing time.

Thanks for the info in a nutshell! It really helped. I think I'll join the challenge! Got a lot of chores to do, so O may not respond again until I go to the library. (Maybe I'll walk there. 4-5 miles?)

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Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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Made it to the library! Thanks for the encouragement, Jodie! I made a rough draft of my challenge quests on paper and I'll be posting them here shortly. I have to hurry though, library closes in 10 minutes. (Serves me right for reading all my library books before I came.)

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Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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Nice to meet you. My first house was a victorian built in 1880, the only recorded history back that far was the "headstone"(I think that is the name) etched with the year.


What state are you located in? Are you going to have a brutal winter? I have split wood by hand and it is a great workout.



2 X IRONMAN, 3 X half IRONMAN, 3 X GORUCK Challenge, 2 X GORUCK back to back, Way too many GORUCK lights

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Nice to meet you too, Doctorake!

I'm located in Iowa. I grew up on northern Iowa where the winters can get pretty brutal, and just moved to southern Iowa where they SAY it's not so bad. We'll see. I don't trust winter.

The house I'm in has an old boiler and radiators we're trying to fix. We also need to fix about 37 windows that have been shot out by looters and party-goers. I wish I was exaggerating that number.

The farm we're on has existed as a poor-farm since at least 1866, the house is newer and dates 1913.


Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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Yup! The only reason I've lost weight since moving! My diet went from being mostly vegetables to mostly buttered toast, and I'm losing weight anyhow just by getting off my butt to scrape a room, sweep, or feed animals.


Race: Lapith

Class: Ranger-at-Heart (Recruit)

LVL 0/ STR 0/ DEX 0/ STA 0/ CON 0/ WIS 0/ CHA 0

Weight Loss: 1/28


BBWW: 6/15


No Sugar: 12/35




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Hi Dandelion! Congratulations on your weight loss and in taking so many positive steps.


Condolences on the lost of your child. That is a difficult loss to heal from. The farm house renovation sounds like quite an adventure and a good way to build a healthy and happy future for you, your husband and your future children. 


Best of luck in all of your endeavors!

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All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:

but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.

~T. E. Lawrence


When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands,

flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty. 
~John Muir

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