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I came to this site hoping to find some clever more knowledgable folk than myself (I've seen quite a few, like waldo) to figure out some dietary/training stuff that interests me. Selfish, I know, so before I pose any questions I'll put myself through the rigors of recapping my own fitness experience, fully equipped with terrible terrible depressing pictures, made on a potato (cause i started that shit with a nokia and felt I should keep the pictures somewhat equal for the right comparison). Scroll all the way down for an 'after' pic. It's what I'd do If I saw this much text. 


Age: 26
Length: I'm 5 8' (174 cm).
Current weight: 142 lbs (64.2 kilograms)
Workout-Regiment: 4-5 x a week, 3 exercises a visit, 8-12 reps for 5 sets split into back, chest and shoulders.

My gym is right across from my supermarket and both of them are less than a mile away from my house. I tend do go by both of those everyday. Hitting one, without hitting the other doesn't sit right with me on week days. 


One day every other week I shortboard (Bigwheels, short board, high speed), which I consider interval training for about 5 miles. 

- never done a ab-workout
- never squated
- never deadlifted
- never benched anything above 88 lbs or tried too.
- I definitely don't do jogging,


Though I wouldn't knock any of those. 


Current Diet:
2200 calories a day (currently cutting/dieting-down with a 300-500 cal deficit) of which I tend to keep 1200 sacred. These contain my protein (143 grams a day) and my fats (30 gr) and my vegetables (the rest). I do not mess with those. I eat them every day and if something is adjusted it is done in the same macro-nutrient ratios. The rest I get from whatever carb-type i'm into that day. Experimenting with icecream etc. 


Journey so far: 
I've been where I want to be for the past four or five years. Might sound weird but I been tweaking stuff a long time and am more interested in finding the optimum way of maintaining, cutting and bulking (though not actually seeking to do the latter). It's like seeking gold, to me. Digging for treasure. 

Started out a little overweight (84 kg or 180 lbs) which looked like this, never went beyond, really:



Decided to lose weight, went a little overboard on the calorie deficit (1400 calories a day), which got me to 72 kg (or 158 lbs) Once I hit 158 lbs tho, I found myself Yoyo'ing for a year. Phases in which I maintained that 1400 a day and lost a allot of weight, then phases of overeating due to the fact that I was an impatient ass that tortured his body right out of the goal he was trying to acheive. After a while I reeled it in for 1900 calories total. This got me to to skinny (66 or 147lbs). Once I upped my calories to 2200 I got down (yes, still losing weight) to 'somewhat ripped' (64.4 kg or 142 lbs). Deficit getting smaller as I lose weight. Sensible.That last transition looked like this. (Flexing equallyin both pictures.)




another one for good measure



Went back up to 2500 calories staying at that weight through reverse dieting (slowly bringing calories up) and spent six months tracking everything just to make sure my maintenance calories were actually 2500. Then I went to 2800, and didn't gain any weight, figured out I can stretch out my maintenance to 2800 and not gain weight. At 2900 I start to very slowly gain weight. So a settlingpoint for maintenance of about 2500 to 2800. (I'm amped more on 2800, wanna do stuff. Feel hotter, etc)  

Can't really tell the state of my fitness lookswise, now. Kinda hard to judge considering the amount of times I've seen my own body. Perception gets weird that way. But, I kinda enjoy messing with the way I look, now. Being more buff isn't really a goal of mine. I do like movement. Complex fluid movements. Series of them. Challenging ones to be specific. That means dance, usually. Or Longboarding. Or acrobatics. Being this 'tiny' helps me move well while I do those. Love that. 


I love tweaking my diet. It all revolves around finding the foods that have the most bang for their buck, for me. The realization that calories do not equal satiation but are merely one part of what makes you full and content and can be messed with quite allot provided you figure out how to give your food volume and adjust it to your tastebuds, makes dieting down easy. Also, I'm a binger by heart. I don't do petite portions. I skip the fries and order three chilli chickens. Still get to do that every so often. Not an issue. So take heart.

Anyway, good to be here. If you have any questions, please ask. I hope this intro has somewhat softened the selfishness of my many inquiries on this forum.


Goal for this forum now:
Find out the deal with bloating in the face when losing weight.
Wanna know what thats about. Tend to have it only when dieting down. Gonna start reverse dieting back up to 2500 calories (maintenance) soon and track the effects that has on my face, anyhow. After I'll probably diet up and back down again to test different hypotheses. Doing that in a seperate thread --> http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/71682-the-cause-of-fatface/

Hope to get to the bottom of it.


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