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One more for the rebellion!

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Hello fellow rebels.

I'm a 25 year old girly girl who has always been a skinnyfat. Never in my life have I had the endurance to keep up with the rest of the kids. In gym class I was always lagging behind everyone while running. I'm always the first one out of breath and the last one to cross the finish line. I love to go hiking, but always end up feeling like a failure when I have to turn back and my husband practically leaps over the mountain in a single bound. I want to be strong. I want endurance. I want to climb up mountains and tire my husband out. It always seemed like a hopeless goal...

but then I found Nerd Fitness...

I've been reading through nearly every article on this site for the past two month, and decided now is a good time to become a member of the community. Last month I joined a gym with a lot of enthusiasm, but I can feel the motivation fading with each workout. I've lurked this community as well as others. You all are the most positive, uplifting bunch I have found. Basically, I don't know you guys, but I already love you.

A bit about me- I teach English to elementary school kids in South Korea. I have 2 months left here until I move back to the States and figure out what life holds for me in the US. The future is uncertain, and I want to be in the best shape and clearest state of mind to figure out my next move.

My interests are knitting, table top gaming, travel, history, science, and now, fitness.

With a rebel yell,

Knitwit xoxo

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Right now I'm lifting and running on the treadmill. I'm losing motivation because of boredom. I try to listen to interesting podcasts to keep my mind entertained, but it isn't enough anymore! My gym offers free classes that I am considering joining to mix things up, however there are some issued I have. I typed out all the issues I have but realized I sound like a complainer and WOW that isn't what I want to be! Today I am going to grab the class schedule and pick a few to join in the upcoming weeks. Isn't taking positive action and overcoming personal struggle what being a rebel is all about? So what if people stare at me because I am the only foreigner in a Korean gym! I'll prevail.

Also, I am really interested in running outside once the weather warms up and there isn't ice on the ground. I think that will cure the boredom of the treadmill.

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I think teaching English abroad is the easiest subject to get into, but this past summer I met a couple who teach math and science in Kazakhstan. I've been looking at their company for a while, I'll probably get more qualifications once I move back to the US so I can eventually teach with their company. If you are interested in teaching in Central Asia, check the company out here- http://www.qsi.org/.

I have a wealth of knowledge about teaching English abroad though, if you have a change of heart and decide you want to teach English instead of science. (but I love science and with I could be a science teacher some day!!)

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Guest guest4729
I think teaching English abroad is the easiest subject to get into, but this past summer I met a couple who teach math and science in Kazakhstan. I've been looking at their company for a while, I'll probably get more qualifications once I move back to the US so I can eventually teach with their company. If you are interested in teaching in Central Asia, check the company out here- http://www.qsi.org/.

I have a wealth of knowledge about teaching English abroad though, if you have a change of heart and decide you want to teach English instead of science. (but I love science and with I could be a science teacher some day!!)

Do you have to have a teacher's license to teach it abroad, or do you just have to have a degree and know English and have a basic ability to teach it? I'm very curious. I know some countries (like Japan) will hire people just to READ to them in English or converse in English to get their practice.

Also, to keep on track with your thread - welcome to the forums!

Here's a pro-tip for working out:

DO NOT DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T ENJOY? Does that mean don't work out at all? No! Hell no!

That means find something you DO like to do. If you don't like running on the treadmill then don't. Anything that elevates your heart rate is cardio as far as what I've learned. If you don't like doing certain exercises - don't. Find similar ones that work the same muscles.

Find what works for you and build on it! :)

If you don't like it, you won't stick with it.

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The program I am with- GEPIK- currently only requires a bachelors degree of any kind and native English knowledge. All new hires are required to take a TEFL course.

I am the assistant in the classroom, but I prepare and deliver most of the lessons and help my coworkers decide what kind of materials are appropriate or not for when they teach without me. The program in Korea is very similar to the JET program in Japan. It is a great way to get out and see the world as well as figure out if teaching is something you want to choose for a career. I happen to love it and aim to become a certified teacher in the States.

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I can relate with you about the indoor running. I am a treadmill warrior myself. This Christmas I asked for some cold running gear from my family and they provided in spades. I hate running outside in the cold also but I felt like it was time to take the plunge. With the new gear I got I have managed to take two runs outside so far in temperatures ranging from 25-35 that have gone alright, it still ins't the most comfortable but it isn't as bad as it used to be with the proper protection from the elements. Good luck with spicing up the workouts!

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