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I'm a former competitive soccer player and distance runner who got sick in college (Crohn's disease) and used that as an excuse to become lazy. Add that to my habit of stress/emotional eating and a general lack of nutritional education, and there's definitely a problem! I love to cook and bake - just never learned any rules about what or how much to make.


I'm also trying to combat a chronic case of anemia. It's not a fight I am likely to ever truly win, thanks to the Crohn's, but it could definitely be better. This is also a concern since my fiancé and I (we'll be married in 20 days!!) want to try to kids in somewhat short order and the better health I'm in, the better that whole process is likely to go.


Thankfully I have some great support at home from my fiancé who is a competitive triathlete, but he's not interested in becoming my trainer so I ended up finding this place to help :) I still enjoy running but I'm also looking to balance it out a little more this time. Fewer marathons (ha! as if that was an option for me anymore!) and more strength and agility work, partly because it's cool and partly to support my growing love of archery and bowhunting. It's something I've always wanted to learn and I took a beginner's course years ago, but only started doing anything with that knowledge recently; I currently shoot a 35# recurve but am hoping to work my way into at least the 40-60# range.


Otherwise I'm a language nerd and speak bits and pieces of several languages, but only consider myself fluent in English and French. My fiance's mom is from Mexico though and their whole family speaks Spanish, so I'm working towards being able to join in. I'm a middle school teacher currently, but I love fantasy stories and am an aspiring author with a few small publications under my belt already; someday I want to publish novels. I'm a very competitive person and I love data, so becoming more dedicated in my fitness and nutrition (a pretty hard goal for me) is likely to help my dedication on multiple goals, or at least that's what I'm hoping!

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Mom. Teacher. Language Enthusiast. Wood Elf :)

Current Challenge: KCAleece Returns to the Grind

Alors je ne lui parlais ni de serpents boas, ni de forêts vierges, ni d'étoiles. Je me mettais à sa portée. Je lui parlais de bridge, de golf, de politique et de cravates. Et la grande personne était bien contente de connaître un homme aussi raisonnable.

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Bonjour, bienvenu a NF! Ici est une autre "language nerd"!


Haha I don't speak French very well, just started playing around with it recently, but I noticed it in your title and headed over to check. It's not often that I'll come across other people who like languages like that, so I got interested   :) I myself am native Finnish and speak English and Dutch fluently, although the latter is somewhat rusty. Besides that there are several languages that I know to varying degrees, Spanish being my fourth strongest one that I'm currently working on "fluentizing" by reading a novel in Spanish.


And I love archery! I haven't done it in a long time, though, but when I used to live in the country I did it casually in our yard. Got inspired by Lord of the Rings :P

As for fantasy stories and writing, I recently finished my first manuscript on a semi-fantasy novel. Haven't tried publishing yet, as I'm still going through the editing process, but it was a great feeling getting it written. You should totally go for it with publishing novels, it'll surely be worth it!


I'm still a new member here, but I'm loving it so far, and people are very welcoming when you write on the forums. You'll surely find support for your goals, which are really good, by the way. I can assure that becoming more dedicated in nutrition and fitness echoes to the other areas of life: I've only been stepping up my game for a few weeks and can already notice the difference!  :joyous:


Well, good luck with all your goals and I hope you get to where you want to go with everything  :D

Life is an epic story and you have the pen.

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Thanks! :) 

I like to pretend I can understand Dutch...I know bits and pieces of very, very basic Flemish from hanging around Belgium for a few months (mostly speaking French, but I learned enough Flemish to not die when I headed north, lol). Dutch wasn't such a horrible jump from there, though the only thing I really managed to figure out decently was the weather forecast. My Spanish right now sounds pretty atrocious - I can't break the French accent habits! - but my fiancé swears he can usually figure out what I mean after he stops laughing. 

My soon-to-be sister-in-law was teasing me about "quit pretending to be Katniss" when she heard I was back at the archery range...as if! I've been a fangirl of Legolas since I first read the books in the 4th grade :) But in this post-Orlando Bloom era, I'm often reluctant to admit it, least I have to endure yet another lecture about how women only care about things when hot guys are involved. *sigh*


Way to go on the manuscript! I'm all of 207 words into my most recent one but I'm really proud of those 207 words so far...hey, it's better than zero words, right?

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Mom. Teacher. Language Enthusiast. Wood Elf :)

Current Challenge: KCAleece Returns to the Grind

Alors je ne lui parlais ni de serpents boas, ni de forêts vierges, ni d'étoiles. Je me mettais à sa portée. Je lui parlais de bridge, de golf, de politique et de cravates. Et la grande personne était bien contente de connaître un homme aussi raisonnable.

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Yep, anything is a start when writing! Then, page at a time, you just get to the end somehow.


Haha I can relate to fangirling Legolas, I saw the movies and there was no turning back :P Read the books after that, and yes, partly because I 

wanted to find out more about his character... *ahem*  :redface: Talk about noble literary motivations (but only partly!)  And hey, the books were great anyway.


Hmm archery might be categorized as one of the more "nerdy" pursuits, if that's taken to mean non-mainstream. Otherwise I fail to understand how anyone with a bow wouldn't automatically be the coolest person in the room  :tongue:

Life is an epic story and you have the pen.

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