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Having trouble keeping motivation

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I've tried again and again to really start building up a workout routine, but life (as it usually does) tends to force itself in in ways that make continuing to exercise really dangerous or kind of unfeasible for a while, such as getting bad upper respiratory infections and stuff like that. And one excuse for not working out leads to so many more. It doesn't help that I don't have a lot of willpower yet. I make excuses for the easy way out, and while it's something I'm trying to change, I'm having a bit of a hard time.


But I'm not giving up on myself.


I know I can do it, I just need to focus and keep trying.


So in that vein, does anyone have any tips for like, the hat trick of keeping yourself going? Like, when the going gets rough, what's the medallion you pull out of your pocket to kick your own butt back into line?


I know motivation and dedication are learned traits; the more I practice them, the easier it will get to overcome myself and the lower my will saves are gonna get (mostly because my plus numbers are going to get higher), but right now, I think I need just a bit of boost to make it out and keep getting stronger on my own. My support system, who is my lovely girlfriend who's trying to go through and build better habits with me, has major depressive disorder, and her willpower can be pretty low as a result as well, which makes it tough for us.


Ahh, this is rambling a bit. But basically, neither of us are giving up on this, and we're hoping to make some major points in favor of us getting at least a simple routine in, even if it's just walking since the temps have finally dropped down to something reasonable. Thanks for being a crazy awesome community, guys.

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make yourself a goal that you know you can stick to, success build motivation. If that goal is to do 5 minutes of stretching 3 times a week, then do that. Start small, later you can build up. Right now you are making habits.


I forget what Steve call this, but do a system where you  always pair an exercise with something. TV at night= first you have to do 5 push ups.


Bribe yourself, give yourself a reward if you hit the goal, still refer back to my first point. Don't think just because you're bribing yourself you have to hit a huge goal. 


Post on the boards, people here are super encouraging and that really helps.

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Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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My exercise equipment is in my home office because I have a tiny house, so it is right there and accessible.  I have planned ahead what I am going to do in the way of exercise each day, and one session builds on another which is motivation to 'just do it'.. Make your exercise accessible, plan for success in terms of time and your exercise equipment.

When you exercise and keep fit, you feel better.  That can be a strong motivation when you are feeling low, and it can be a role model for your gf for you to follow through with your plans, she may do the same herself after watching you.

If you are having debilitating respiratory infections close together, I suggest a visit to your doctor to make sure there are not treatable physiological reasons that are keeping you from your goal..


I agree with Elastigirl on posting for encouragement and ideas.

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Alright, I'll try setting myself some smaller goals. Looking back on it, I think I might have just tried to push a bit far and got discouraged when things didn't go absolutely perfectly. 


Thank you for the advice and tips! I'll try my best to make some manageable goals, and I'll probably try to make myself accountable by posting progress. It's always better to share stuff in general. ^^

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