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I Seriousleigh slacked off...

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So I fell off the health and fitness train so hard this summer that I fell into a time portal and landed just in time to have my past self land on top of me just as I hit the ground. :P


I'm honestly not too sure what happened to derail me last time around but I'm no going to dwell on the nitty gritty too much for now, beacause dwelling leads to self pity, and self pity leads to eating 2L of ice cream out of the tub with a spoon in the kitchen. :P


Also since I've injured my left hand to the point that I requred stitches and despite the skin healing over nicely with very little scar I fear that I have permanent damage to something in my first knuckle on my left hand. Needless to say it's a real bitch to open bottles and carry certain things now :/ Although the pain feels like maybe it is decreasing so either I'm heaing or my pain tollerance is ratchetting up :)


My healthier eating efforts were shot to the moon and due to a miscalculation in the math, they overshot and have crash landed on Mars and are hanging out with Matt Damon... I've gained a fairly substantial amount of weight and am now +/- 1 lb of my highest lifetime weight. (212-214 lbs ish)


So I'm trying, yet again, to get back up, hop back on the health and fitness train and try and make it to the first stop without falling off on the curves. :)


My plan is hopefully a simple one, that I hope to have set in motion by the start of the next challenge and I have hope that the three goals I am planning to set for myself are achieved by Christmas this year.


Since the current challenge is still on for another week ish, I'll toss my plan up here and leave it to my fellow nerds to offer suggestions if they wish.


Step one: Stop drinking pop period. No cheating, no half glasses here and there, just none at all anymore, unless I'm somewhere the tap water is unsafe and there are no bottle water options available.


Step two: Start going to bed at 9 pm on worknights period. No excuses, no cheating because I took a nap in the afternoon and no staying up to finish the last few minutes of the show, the last few pages of the chapter and no I will not make one more attempt at the boss fight. I will turn my stuff off, set my alarms and get into bed and fake sleeping until I'm doing it for real no later than 9 pm.


Step three: Pick 2-3 days in the week to go to the gym with my girl friend, and then actually go, unless one of us gets horribly sick/injured or has unavoidable plans change (doctor's apt, dinner at mom's house, shift change at work)


Step four: ????


Step five: PROFIT!



I'd also like to attempt to only eat salads at work instead of making subs, but let's face it, if there's flawless bacon and I bake perfect bread, I'm no gonna say no all the time :P That way leads to cheat meals and cheat meals leads to the dark side. ^_~



Fun story time!


I went to visit a very dear friend of mine from high school who now lives in the Toronto area earlier this month and she had a scheduled session with her personal trainer at the gym and the rather chill guy invited me to work out with them no charge! (yay free training session!) So my friend Laura and I can get VERY competitive so when he pit us against one another to see who could safely leg press and bench the most weight (legs) and the most reps (bench) we got stupid and I paid the price dearly.... In a horrible yet oddly hilarious (to me) manner. I pushed myself to the point that I felt a bit sick to my stomach from the effort I was putting in. My body temp was through the roof and I drank a bit too much water in an effort to cool down. Extreme body heat + full tummy of liquid = getting sick all over the place if you're not careful. So I called it quits a few minutes early and sat down to cool off and try and relax. I foolishly thought I was okay a few minutes later and when we left the gym to go grab some food before heading back to her house.... I was in the middle of bulk barn with her picking up some spices for dinner and I started to feel horrible again... sadly the nearest public washroom was too far for me and I threw up... on the floor... in the middle of the mall hall way two paces from a garbage can. :(


Now this should be right up there in my top five most embarassing things I've done in public but honestly I felt immediately 1000% better so I was like "Yay!" and not only did two people immediately come to make sure I was okay and to assist me in cleaning up the horror I just unleashed on the floor, I also managed to not get any splash back on my shoes! Now if this had happened in a mall where I live, I wouldn't set foot in that place until I'd dyed my hair a different colour, bought new glasses and changed my entire clothing style :P


Although I find myself oddly proud of this event. I worked out to the point I threw up. Nice to know that it currently takes a hell of a lot of effort to get to that point ^_^


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Hey! Great respawn write up. I love the metaphors and similes all over the place!

I think you kick the pop habit is pretty on target. It's the only way I could deal with Dr Pepper. Just end it. I wonder if you can use another liquid, besides pop, when water isn't available. Can you get cold teas or fruit juices? Do you even like those? lol

Have a great week and see you in the next challenge!

Go Rebel Go!! :onthego:

The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Oh man I LOVE juice, but it isn't a viable option at work since there is no way in hell I'm paying $2.45 for 500 mL of super processed juice. And the fountain options are currently fruit punch Fruitopia, which is pretty much just koolaid and iced tea. And iced tea up here is sweet tea so it's just as awful for me.

I had a can of coke this weekend because it was the drink that came with the tasty dinner one of my roomies picked up for me and even that one can had me feeling pretty ill very quickly :(

But ooooh man. The next challenge cannot come soon enough! Not sure what guild I'm going to run around with though.




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Iced tea is seriously easy to make, if you're interested. I often use flavoured teas as I find I'm less tempted to sweeten it. But as long as I always have a jug or a bottle of it homemade in the fridge (currently I have a pomegranate iced tea), I'm not tempted by sugary drinks. I love juice, but even the expensive less processed version sneaks in far more fruit sugar than you could ever stomach eating the actual fruit.

Good plan to also focus on the sleep. I know I need to give this aspect a lot more attention. 9pm seems early, but that's very schedule dependent I suppose, so great to have a plan.

I'm also looking forward to the next challenge. Huzzah for accountability & competitiveness all tied up in one!


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I've made iced tea a lot actually and I have some really wild loose leaf tea mixtures that I use fairly regularily. Although despite labels on the jug at home my room mates tend to pour large glasses for themselves and then dumping it out because it isn't the fruit juice or super sweet iced tea they think it is :P

And yeah 9 pm seems crazy early but I am the opener at the restaurant I work at and my shift starts at 5 am and I leave the house at 4:30 am and have to get up at 3:45 am to be ready to go so 9 pm means I get roughly 6.5 hours of sleep a night.

I usually make my iced tea in the coffee maker at home. Dump a huge amount in a coffee filter and set it to brew 12 cups :) makes for pretty decent tea and if I need to I'll reheat the first batch of tea and pour it back over the filter if I need it stronger.

Fun tip: vanilla protein shake powder makes fantastic coffee/tea whitener :) and it's not as sugary and is a really quick way to add protein to your diet ^_~




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