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Newbie Question About Soreness and Fish Oil

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Hello folks,

I am new to NF and rather new to regular exercise in generally. Being so out of shape as, of course, led me to being sore. Sometimes it isn't so bad but recently I have found that sometimes the soreness impedes my ability to stick to my workout schedule (like if I am so sore that I have to take days off from major workouts because even sitting down on the toilet is brutal.)

I have searched the forums for ideas on how to combat soreness after a friend recommended fish oil for this issue. Any opinions or experiences for me on how to combat the soreness? Anyone find that fish oil helps?

"Receive without conceit, release without struggle." ---Marcus Aurelius

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I guess it would make sense, I used to have to take it for my high blood pressure... so the logic seems to be the same.

Have you met the foamie rollie thingie of pain? Spend a few minutes on that thing after a workout and you'll feel less sore the next day.

That and just stick with it, I used to have trouble working after my heavy workouts. It gets better the more you do it.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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Lacrosse ball or tennis ball. Rub hard all over sore muscles. Hurts like the dickens (I've cried, I'm a big man and I am not afraid to admit a tennis ball made me cry).

You are also probably experiencing what is known as DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness. Really the only thing to do is continue working out. It gets easier. Doing the movements actually helps the soreness. I know, counter intuitive, but it does. Just don't go so hard you crumble, twinge, or crack something.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I am curious about this whole rolling of things on my muscles till I cry thing. I am sold on the fish oil, it has other benefits that make it worth it, I think. Besides, I'm still not a huge fish eater so I might as well get the oils in pill form till I can gulp down that salmon (gross).

Is there a reason that rolling the foam ball thing whatever over muscles helps? I'm no science major but I'm curious to know HOW it works. I just roll a tennis ball over the muscles hard? Any internet sites I can look at for more detailed explanations? (so you guys don't have to type it all out!)

"Receive without conceit, release without struggle." ---Marcus Aurelius

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What's so gross about salmon? D:

All the same, if you're experiencing such incredible amounts of pain that you skip workouts/can't function on a normal basis, then either you're doing too much too fast or you're doing something wrong.

Why must I put a name on the foods I choose to eat and how I choose to eat them? Rather than tell people that I eat according to someone else's arbitrary rules, I'd rather just tell them, I eat healthy. And no, my diet does not have a name.My daily battle log!

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All the same, if you're experiencing such incredible amounts of pain that you skip workouts/can't function on a normal basis, then either you're doing too much too fast or you're doing something wrong.

This. And water. Lots and lots of water. And stretching. Liberal amounts of stretching after you workout. Fish oil and foam rolling are great but they aren't miracle cures.

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This guy kinda sounds like a blowhard, but I'm going to quote him anyway:

"Foam rolling is a self induced massage created by your own bodyweight that allows you to untie these knots in your muscles, embracing a pain free workout. Foam rolling, single-handedly, will help you achieve your fitness goals and help you gain strength in your lifts." - http://www.geoffmorehartfitness.com/2011/03/07/foam-rolling-101/

You're pretty much squishing the big muscles you worked on during your work out and working the soft tissue between and around them. This allows everything to loosen evenly and get into the same recovery stage. When everything works together, more progress(recovery) is made.

...and knowing is half the battle.

You ever see those guys who look like they totally used to be in shape?
I'm working to get back to that...

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I am curious about this whole rolling of things on my muscles till I cry thing. I am sold on the fish oil, it has other benefits that make it worth it, I think. Besides, I'm still not a huge fish eater so I might as well get the oils in pill form till I can gulp down that salmon (gross).

Is there a reason that rolling the foam ball thing whatever over muscles helps? I'm no science major but I'm curious to know HOW it works. I just roll a tennis ball over the muscles hard? Any internet sites I can look at for more detailed explanations? (so you guys don't have to type it all out!)

Oh yeah. When I first started running, my legs would hurt soooo bad. I foam rolled after my runs... and no more pain. I haven't foam rolles in months, but it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't know if that's evidence enough. Could be just me or that the foam is made of magic. Either way I'm cool with it.

Oh, and salmon is my favorite.

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i just discovered the doms last week myself - some helpful people encouraged me to push through it, and that was actually the biggest help. doing some increasingly more intense cardio and getting the muscles warm and blood flowing was the best pain reliever. also, i got my girlfriend to massage my legs rather hard while i gritted my teeth and screamed into a pillow, and that helped a lot too.

also, potassium-rich foods.

good luck!

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What's so gross about salmon? D:

All the same, if you're experiencing such incredible amounts of pain that you skip workouts/can't function on a normal basis, then either you're doing too much too fast or you're doing something wrong.

I'm just not into fish! I am trying though. I don't detest it completely and I am branching out into other kinds of fish besides salmon. I wasn't horrified by some orange roughy I had the other day. I guess fish oil is a good alternative since I do not regular fish eating in my future. However, I am open to good recipes for salmon=)

As far as "doing it wrong" goes, you're right. I've done a lot wrong! I have lived the last 33 years as a sedentary vegetarian/vegan who chose the vegan version of Cheetos instead of lean cuts of animal proteins and vegetables! With that in mind, I am guess I can't really be surprised that my first week of real exercise after years of sedentary habits left me wishing I wasn't female since sitting down to pee was about as fun as having dental work. Thankfully the pain I felt was NOT due to anything being pulled or injured and it diminished over the weekend. I am also glad to report that after my Crossfit workout yesterday I feel pretty damn good =) Only some slight soreness but nothing bad at all. My interest in fish oil as a way to assist in lessening the soreness is because it was recommended in passing by two people I know. However, I thought gathering some broader opinions on the subject would give me an idea of whether this expectation was realistic or not. Certainly the heart benefits are enough to get me to be a daily fish oil taker. Well, that is until someone shares with me a winning salmon recipe!

"Receive without conceit, release without struggle." ---Marcus Aurelius

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i use fish oil, but i always thought it was for building cell membranes, apparently it is a necessary raw material in that process, so maybe tangentially related to joint tissue repair, but not in the grease the squeaky tin man joint way...

i usually just stop and give the bod a chance to heal... just seen a lot of people having fluid extracted from their knees using big needles...

on a totally unrelated note... i see a lot of people with years of heavy squatting experience with mobility issues, just because joints are just not as strong or durable as major muscle groups... i think i'll start a thead on this topic to get some opinions...

i don't care what u think of me. unless u think i'm awesome. in which case u're right.

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Yes Fish oil can and will help. Its basically a high dose of Omega 3 fats, which help aid your body in reducing inflamation down to the proper amount. Its not magic, but one more brick to the wall right?

What I would suggest:

1.Take your time to warm up before you lift. This is going to include dynamic stretching and very light versions of the lift to get your body prepped for that movement+weight. Make sure to get your blood pumping beforehand, a light run or some jumping jacks help, the "warmer" your body is (and yes it actually does physically warm your muscles up due to increase blood flow

2. Drink massive amounts of water up to a gallon a day, every day.

3. Warm down after your workout, light stretching.

4. Stretch down after your workout and BEFORE you go to bed. This will be a full hour stretch "session" that includes long term static stretching.

5. Eat right.

6. Get as much good sleep at night as you can.

7. Foam roll and massage BEFORE bed. I use a tennis ball for problem spots.

8. When you wake up in the morning, work the muscles that hurt. If say for example you did weighted squats the day before do say 25 air squats in the morning and go on a light run.

If these don't help enough try to work through the pain and on an especially bad day you can supplement glutamine if you want. It helps with muscle soreness and is a naturally occuring amino acid in most meats.

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Thanks for the suggestions, Ryan, I will certainly see which ones of these I can incorporate right away. I'm kind of terrible at "stretching" because, honestly, I don't even know what to do beyond the dumb shit I remember from high school. I do stretch and warm up properly before Crossfit, because I am made to by the instructor. But at home I get lost.

"Receive without conceit, release without struggle." ---Marcus Aurelius

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