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Hey folks! I've never really been good at this whole introduction thing, but it's kind of a necessity...


I'm new (gasp!), a nerd (shock!), and I'm not in the greatest shape (horror!). I'm a 26-year-old Canadian with a job that has me mostly planted at a desk. I've never actually been what you could consider fit, and have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I was the kid in grade seven that came in dead last when we had to run a kilometre (that's about 0.62 m for the folks in the States) in gym class, and that took me about 30 minutes. I was the kid who decided that chips and pop were a great idea for lunch. I was the kid whose parents saw nothing wrong with her eating the same size portions as them, and then plunking down in front of a video game for hours. So, yeah.


I'm at a point now where I'm actually a pretty good cook, and I tend to make things from scratch in a healthy manner (huzzah!). My issues are snacks (chips or ice cream = zero willpower), and getting fit. Also, quitting smoking would be good. I've recently learned that my resting heart rate is around 90 BPM, which for a woman of my age is pretty awful, and if it stays like this, I've got a really spectacular chance of having a heart attack. No thanks.


I've made the discovery that I don't hate running. In fact, I may actually like it. But don't tell running that. It's our little secret. In May, I ran my first 5K and didn't die, so that's good. I've been running at least once a week for a few months now, and I've gone for a post-lunch walk at work most days since the end of January. My goal is to start running three times a week, continue with the walking, and shave 20 minutes off of my previous 5K time.


When I'm not talking myself out of ice cream and trying to deny that I've grown fond of running, you can find me reading, playing video games, taking photos of random stuff, trying to stop my cats from destroying all the things, convincing my wife not to sneak up on me (and failing), doing velociraptor impressions,  and working to not give myself an aneurysm during election campaigns. 

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Greetings Epistrophies and well met!  Sounds like you're already well on your way to achieving your goals.  Already completed a 5k? Wow, great job!  I can relate to the running thing.  When I was in grade school I despised running, but now (secretly) it's one of my favorite things to do!  I'm new here too and just signed myself up for the 6 week challenge that started on the 2nd.  Check into them, they're quite fun and empowering to read up on everyones quests!

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Lycan Assassin


"Fitness is not about being better than someone else, it's about being better than you used to be"

"Fit is not a destination it is a way of life"

"He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty" -Lao Tzu



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That all sounds painfully, PAINFULLY familiar, but I did a MILE in 30 minutes.  I find substitutes for my snacks.  I keep trail mix in my desk and have chocolate covered bananas at home.  There are a thousand ways to quit smoking and all of them work, if you happen to pick the right one at the right time.


My wife tickles me.  It isn't her fault... I giggle like an infant.

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My Battle Log 

I'm on Strava for my running now.

Check out Kick! too.  You unlock gear with your progress on Strava.

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