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I am ACTUALLY going to introduce meself!

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I have never introduced myself on a forum before, but since I really do want to be a active, helpful member of this community I figgured today was a good day to start.

I moved up from NYC area to the border of canada a few years ago. Six months after moving, I had gained forty pounds (not walking to work anyone?) and have yet to loose it. Lugging around the weight of a small child around on my body thus has made me alot more tired(read "exhausted" and "unmotivated").

There is also of course the nagging problem of catching colds and flus at least every other month. I remember getting sick only twice in the first 3/4 of my life.

I found nerd fitness a few weeks ago and I fell in love with the whole concept. So far it's been a major motivating facto for me and I hope to continue this health streak forever. I WILL. (there is no try, i know yoda.)

My battle plans involve taking up crossfit a bit, becuase it sounds like alot of fu , especially for someone who gets bored fairly quickly-adhd is my middle name- and I really like to chalenge myself with my workouts.

I also hope to get my life alot more minimalistic and to get out of retail as a career.

I'm a computer scientist by trade but there is no bussiness for that here in the middle of the frozen wasteland.

Guess i'll just have to start one!!

More and more i hope i can be helpful and encouraging to people in the community- at the moment i dont have much knowlege to share but at least i can say "way to go!"

Alrighty, allons-y!

I must control my THOUGHTS...
CHARACTER determines your DESTINY
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Yeah crossfit can be a bit expensive. However, for me, i dont have a crossfit gym in my state (gluh) which is why i said "a bit". I'm trying to do some of the WOD's at my regular gym, to the best of my ability. Obviously there are plenty of things i would not try without some certified instruction but i'm enjoying it so far!

Thats awesome that you do classes. I went to one with my friend last week (who btw is about three times my age) and i was FLATTENED. very embarrassing....

But funny. I hope to do it again.

I must control my THOUGHTS...
CHARACTER determines your DESTINY
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Ok So Im not actually introducing myself anymore becuase I've been on here for a while but since the blogs are shutting down, this seemed like the place to paste this.

She was a science prodigy, off to college when most kids began high school. Endless hours in the lab and and surrounded by calculations earned her the nickname, “happienumber,” not intended to be a compliment. Being an outsider from her peers was painful, but she truly was happy around numbers. She had a knack for them like no one she knew, it was how she saw the world. She could see the math in every object, every event, how it would progress through time, how it was in every point in the past.

The attack was sudden. Mid afternoon, in the middle of the suburb. The kind of thing that should have been noticed, but the world outside the ransacked house was oblivious as the creatures tore through the walls and shot balls of fire at anything that moved. Happienumber ran from room to room, ducking behind furniture and walls to avoid incineration, trying to find the rest of her family. She wasn’t quick enough diving behind the kitchen island, a fireball scorching her arm as she landed beside her parents. The bodies of her parents. She went cold inside, but there wasn’t time to deal with it now. Peeking over the counter, she saw the creatures placing a device. A bomb on the kitchen table. The instant that they ran out the back door, she sprinted to the bathroom as fast as her leg could take her. If her brother was still in the house, he would be...Yes! He was hiding in the shower, unconscious but alive. She did her best to drag him across her shoulders, her body weak from too much book work. She hobbled to the door. Not fast enough. It’s not fast enough. She was only partway into the front yard when the bomb went off, and all that she knew was blackness.

She awoke to bright lights in her face, a cold room. She blinked. A hospital ER- no, not quite. It was too small, and the machinery wasn’t quite right. And the person across from her was green.

What kind of pain meds do they have me on?

“That was courageous, what you did.”

She jumped, just noticing the looming figure beside her bed, an imposing man dressed like S.W.A.T.

“You were only feet from the door. But you ran all the way back to the center of the house to save that boy.”

“He’s my brother. It was...obvious.”

“Not everyone would have done that.”

“Well, than everybody else is stupid.” She trailed off, feeling unconsciousness trying to take her back.

“Wake up!” The voice shocked her awake again, “Doc says you’ll be fine. I bet you can walk if you put that brain of yours into it. Let’s go.”

Are you NUTS?! “I just need to sleep for... a little longer..”

“No time for that, we need to talk.” he sat her up in the bed and she put all her willpower into getting to her feet. Gripping the man’s arm, they headed down the hallway, past a window looking into outer space, and into what appeared to be your average interrogation room.

She sat in the chair heavily, brain still foggy, “What do we need to talk- Good lord, that window was looking into outer space!”

“yes it was.”

“are we in outer space?”

“yes we are.”

“and that green man in the infirmary...?”

“is from a planet in the andromeda galaxy. You’re not paying attention to what we really need to be talking about.”

She swallowed, “which is?”

“I’m making you an offer. We’ve been watching you for a long time. The events of the past few days have proven that you could be a candidate for our latest program.”

“Who’s we?”

“Classified. I’m offering you a chance to become amazing. Your whole life you have been searching for something to challenge you. This will be unlike anything you have ever done or dreamed about doing.”

Her brain began to clear, and race with questions, “But what are you talking about? What is it? Who were those creatures in my house? Is my brother ok? What is going ON?!”

“Your brother is fine. He’s in better shape than you. The rest of your answers will come in time. The most I can tell you is that it’s a job. As an agent. Very elite, a secret kept from the keepers of secrets.”

She took a deep breath, “My family is dead. You’re making me a job offer and telling me riddles?”

“Not everyone in your family is dead.” He slid a picture across the table, a badly taken photo of a man running, “This is your father. Your real father. He is from a race of people called Time Lords. There’s a reason why you see the causality in everything. It’s also one of the reasons you were chosen for this project.”

“so I’m half alien?”


“That’s a mouthful.”

“Listen. You have to make a choice, and you have to make it fast. When this ship lands, you’ll either come with me, or we’ll send you back to earth, defenseless and unprepared for the next attack.”

“What happens to me if I agree?”

“You will become a machine. You will be perfect, controlled, precise. A scalpel in a world of chainsaws. But it doesn’t come without price. Who you are ceases to exist. You get a new name, a new identity, and new life. There is no quitting, there is no backing out.”

He handed her a sheet of paper, a contract, as simple as one could make it, “I AGREE,” with a line beneath to sign.

“What happens to my brother.”

“He’ll have our constant protection.”

She signed her name.

I must control my THOUGHTS...
CHARACTER determines your DESTINY
MyFitnessPal | tumblr 

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So I'm finally getting around to writing an intro and some backstory for my character. I change my race to half-galifreyan, becuase when I chose it, I didn't realize there was another galifreyan assassin, and Mr. Kenobi, you totally own it! It also works better with my backstory.

So. I have been a math and science junky for all of my life, but have never gave serious thought to my health or fitness. Gained more weight than I wanted during my teenage years, College wasn't better. I was getting sick all the time and just recently realized this was because I had rebelled against the diet my mother and grandmother had me on as a kid [lo and behold, they were right. I have food allergies!] and I also have fibromyralga and ADHD which can be aggravated by the wrong foods [i literally feel like I've gone mentally insane if I eat red dye #40. Attention span of a flea.]

Over the past year, many of my family members have died, most of them due to bad health choices [alcoholism, poor eating, smoking, causing liver damage, car crashes, lung cancer, diabetes.]

This past April, when my Grandmother- who raised me- died [colon cancer, the only one of the bunch that didn't do it to herself], I decided I was done being pathetic and defenseless against this. I was going to start taking care of myself and teaching the rest of my family the same things. I'm hoping to get my brother on these forums, too, and get him into shape with me! I tried crossfit for awhile but I really found my groove with more body weight stuff, stuff I can do anywhere and at any time.

Since moving to a colder climate, my health habits have gone even further down hill and I've been working on finding new ways to work out. I think I'm finally getting the hang of some new stuff.

I want to branch out of just Math and Physics. I want to be a Jacqueline-of-all-trades, speak several languages, play music, know mythology, literature, computers, engineering, logic, art. I've always dabbled in these things but never applied myself. I do best under pressure, when I've gone as far as I think I can go and someone comes by and tells me to stop slacking, go another mile. I want to basically be a secret agent: ready for anything at any time. Able to sprint a mile, climb a rock wall, and carry someone out of a burning building as well as have a conference call in Russian and Swahili simultaneously or attend a black tie dinner and feel confident in my little black dress.

I want to have the strength and the health to actually help my friends and family and not feel like i'm dragging them down because I'm always sick.

Ok, that was officially the longest post I have ever written. I think I have to go ice my typing fingers.

I'm ready to begin my training.

I must control my THOUGHTS...
CHARACTER determines your DESTINY
MyFitnessPal | tumblr 

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Very cool backstory! I never knew why you chose Happienumber as your name. I love that description :happy around numbers. She had a knack for them like no one she knew, it was how she saw the world. She could see the math in every object, every event, how it would progress through time, how it was in every point in the past.

My husband and son are both like this. They are happy around numbers.

I think that the changes you are making will effect your brother, he will see what you are doing.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I love the back story you have. Having someone around who is working toward 'secret agent' status will be interesting. It's really cool to me that you care so much for your brother. Does he have allergies and such like you? Hope to see him on in the future.

Rogue Assassin

"You just have to get up one more time than life can knock you down."STR-3.5 DEX-10.25 STA-4 CON-3.5 WIS-6.25 CHA-5 

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Thank you! Yes he does. but unfortunately he doens't admit it. He just stays sick all the time. But i can't really blame him, I didn't admit it either until a few months ago. I was determined to keep eating me bread and peanut butter! UGH I miss those...

But I'm feeling more healthy now than ever in my life. So that's worth it.

I think that the changes you are making will effect your brother, he will see what you are doing.

I hope so! He is one of the most awesome people I know and I want him to be healthy and happy.

I must control my THOUGHTS...
CHARACTER determines your DESTINY
MyFitnessPal | tumblr 

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