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Hey everyone! I joined a ways back, honestly it was a long ways back, and never really got off to a start. So it's time to commit and get it in gear.


About me.


I'm 27, an avid pc gamer - but more and more board games are creeping in like Talisman, Sabotuer, etc - and a self taught front end engineer. I've been told I'm a craft pizza making "wizard" and just generally love to cook. Pizzas, from scratch, while camping, are my small claim to fame. I can be pretty sarcastic but when you grow up overweight (was always the fat kid in the group) you find a defense mechanism and stick to it. Learning to reign it in as an adult is whole nother matter.


Besides that I try to get outside when I can. Hiking, kayaking, camping, cycling - I love it all. Only, I tend to get distracted with games, javascript frameworks, or random crafting ideas like a diy bushcraft knife. (I will be making this knife though if it's the last thing I do)


The run down and why I'm here.


While not in terrible shape now (5' 9" and 195) I wasn't doing very good a few years back. A high stress job, death in the family, and no real support mechanisms had me miserable, 40 lbs heavier, and pretty much sick all the time. Bad diet and zero exercise didn't help much either. As luck would have it at about that time my car broke down and I decided not to fix it; instead I bought a bicycle and started riding to work. Over time I lost about 20 pounds, quit my abusive job, got one I love, and progressively things got better. But then I got stuck again. I started obsessing over my work, stopped riding to the office, and quickly found myself unhappy and having gained back about half of the weight I worked so hard to lose.


Enter luck again. My new employers are a wellness company and happen to believe that the best employees are happy & healthy ones - so they help sponsor employee groups to get in better shape. They pay for gym memberships, nutrition and fitness classes, try to motivate you, and then pretty much leave it up to you to go at your own pace. I joined, lost another 20 lbs, found muscles I forgot I had, and again progressively got happier. But that was 6+ months ago and while I've kept the weight off I never really made it to where I want to be - fit, happy, and active. For me the biggest battle will be with what I eat and avoiding chocolate cake. It is seriously my kryptonite.


So now I'm here. I've got some rough plans together, tangible goals, and a list of skills I've always wanted learn. The fact that that skills list includes things like archery, herb knowledge, hunting/fishing, and leather working make me think that I've found the perfect guild. I also joined the academy when I first started and am knocking off the smaller quests as I get back into the swing of things.


My rough goals are:

  • Improve nutrition. More homemade meals and less junk.
  • Lose fat, not weight. No hard target but a 6% decrease would be awesome. (was at 31%, currently at 21%, would love to be at 15%)
  • Cut back on the coffee. Mornings are fine but 3:30 pm really isn't and I sleep better without it.
  • Get back outside. Start with climbing and hiking again on the weekends and camping once every couple of months.
  • Run a 5k. Not because I love to run but to prove to myself that I can.


And that's it. Hope it wasn't too rambly and thanks for reading!

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I was typically the heaviest kid in my own groups as well--heavier than my friends, scouts, etc. I'm also trying to get to a 15% body fat, but I have a little bit more ways to go.


It's awesome to see another gamer here! What games are you currently playing on PC? I also really enjoy playing tabletop games as well. Pandemic, Legendary, etc.

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I was typically the heaviest kid in my own groups as well--heavier than my friends, scouts, etc. I'm also trying to get to a 15% body fat, but I have a little bit more ways to go.


It's awesome to see another gamer here! What games are you currently playing on PC? I also really enjoy playing tabletop games as well. Pandemic, Legendary, etc.


Thanks Elric!


I started quite a ways away from where I am now in MBI department. I don't know exactly what it was but before I started riding a few years ago I would guess it was closer to 40% body fat. Nothing got me working harder than finally fitting into an old pair of shorts though.


As far as PC games go I'm all over the place. Currently I'm playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, Dungeon of the Endless, and Risk of Rain. I have a hard time doing just one straight play through so I bounce around a bit. I've been playing more games with perma-death too though so I'm sure that doesn't help.

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