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"He's a high int, low wisdom kind of guy" - Caeliter 101: Intro to Caeliter

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Hey all,


I'm new here (obviously). Not sure why I picked today to join, I mean in part because I had pulled up one of the articles earlier trying to piece together a new work out routine, but that was hours ago so who knows.


I did end up eventually at the article about choosing classes, which was an interesting read, and since I've been thinking (and a little of putting off thinking) about a pathfinder campaign I'm going to be running soon that's not 100% ready yet, I got to thinking instead about me. Where am I at? Where am I going? (I've been thinking in terms of pathfinder though, so we'll need to convert my character sheet from that system later I'll assume)


Let me just pull out my character sheet here:


Character Name: Caeliter

Player Name: (Real name redacted)

Class and Level: Probably, Wizard/Bard hard to gauge levels irl

Race: Human (duh, can't pass up that floating +2!)

Alignment: NG

Size Category: Medium (Humans are medium)

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 236ish (my scale doesn't produce actual real values but instead some sort of wishy washy nonsense that will fluctuate about 15 lbs depending on a variety of factors)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Some left... Brown

Skin: Surprisingly tan for a white dude in the middle of winter


As the thread title suggests, I took wisdom as my dump stat, boosted my int in favor, and the rest of my ability scores probably hover around average.


I also got stuck with Flaw: Sleep Apnea (Severe) at character creation (totally not worth it for the bonus feats in retrospect) that lowered all mental and physical ability scores. Fortunately, I recently obtained the major magic wondrous item: "Bi-Pap Machine" and that has negated the penalties for the most part.


Now I know what you're thinking: "Wizard/Bard sounds like a terrible multi-class combo" and you'd be right. So I've been thinking maybe I'll retrain those Wizard levels as Bard levels, just go straight Bard. I like some of the wizard class features, but the Bard suits me a bit better.


Now you're probably thinking, "Those sound like caster classes, what does this have to do with fitness?" Bards aren't in terrible shape, they've got 3/4 BAB, d8 hit dice, and a ton of extra skill points with plenty of physical class skills. Also in the wake of treating my sleep apnea, my goals are both physical and mental/social, and who represents that more than pathfinder's most well rounded class ever. (Plus I like to tell stories, remember obscure facts, and give people +1 to attacks and damage by improving their morale)


"But that's not one of the classes listed!" -- Oh  :numbness:


So here's what I've been doing with myself lately:


  • Grabbed the Feat "Improved Unarmed strike" (I.e. I started taking kickboxing classes)
  • Put a couple ranks in "Ride (Bike)" (500+ miles since July)
  • Lost about 50 pounds (Good thing I didn't write my character sheet in pen!)
  • Been all around enjoying being awake for the first time in over a decade
  • Learned some Italian. "Parlo l'italiano perfetto!" (not sure how many ranks I have in bluff or what my bonus is, but I rolled a 13 for that bluff check... Yes, I actually got up from writing this to roll a die...)




  • Find a workout routine I'll stick with (It's a process, but I feel like I'm almost there)
  • Bike a century (longest ride this year was only 50 miles)
  • Lose another 25 or more pounds (I'm taking this piece at a time and reassessing at each bench mark)
  • Finally finish school. (So close I can taste it... and campus security keeps asking me to stop licking the buildings so finally getting it done is best for all parties involved)
  • Learn Czech, Romanian, and/or Japanese (none of these are available on Duolingo yet :upset:)
  • Finish learning Italian
  • Make some new friends, repair some of my old relationships
  • Learn how to do a bunch of cool new things (so I can show off at parties)
  • Find a new racquetball partner
  • Finish that campaign I'm actively putting off working on apparently
  • Be able to kick someone in the face (but not actually do it)
  • Bike up the hill by the engineering building
  • Bike up the Lewiston grade
  • etc. (really, I'm trying to add things to the list as I cross stuff off, so it's ever growing)

That took a lot longer than I was expecting to write it all out... In the spirit of rewarding people with animal videos for reading bunch of stuff. (I saw it in one of the articles I read on here while not doing what I was supposed to be doing) Here is the greatest thing any man/woman has ever laid eyes on: 

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Hey! Thanks!


I've been trying to make sure I always have plenty of goals to work on. Now that I'm treating my OSA, I really feel like a whole new person... but a whole new person who has been half asleep and missed out the last decade. Part of me really wants to make up for lost time, so anything that seems like it might be fun goes on the list, and I'll give it a shot.

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