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Finally learning to adult...

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Been lurking here for a while but have finally summoned up the courage to post.


I'm Rae, I'm 28, and I'm in the UK.


I was a keen runner up until September this year, when it all went wrong. I was signed up for Copenhagen Half Marathon, and as I left my house at 3am to drive to Gatwick, I slipped over and CRUNCH. To keep a long story short, I tore three ligaments in my ankle and haven't run since. My physio was good - I've been doing all the strengthening exercises and I have full mobility and no pain, and the physio has given me the green light to run again.


Since spring this year I've been suffering with depression and anxiety. That killed my running mojo but just as I was starting to get it back, I then couldn't run! And they say exercise is supposed to be good for your mental health...


All that has left me feeling very unfit, and a little overweight. I've taken my "before" pictures and I have to say it's a little vulnerable to look at yourself in the mirror wearing just your underwear. I'm bigger than I've ever been before - the real kicker for me was when I bought a dress off the internet and it wouldn't zip up.


Fortunately, I'm quite tough and I have a good support network. My boyfriend and I have been together for a few months and we've decided to team up and push each other in the new year to get in shape. (We're waiting until the new year because he's moving house, and when that happens we'll be able to see each other more and spend more time working out...) - he's done an amazing job at losing 64kg (141lbs, according to the google conversion thing) but that has plateaued because he's moved jobs and spends most of his time commuting to work rather than exercising.


I'm also starting to follow the paleo (ish) diet. And by that I mean I'm finally cooking for myself (rather than eating crap). I'm a big fan of eggs but I don't think I can eat that for EVERY meal...


I've signed up to the nerdfitness academy because I've been a long-time reader of the blog and I like the tone. I'm particularly interested in the bodyweight exercises - I might not be confident enough to run yet, and the bodyweight stuff is appealing to me because you don't need any special equipment - just your body! Even when I was running, I never felt particularly strong (I can plank for about ten seconds) so there's definitely room for improvement there! And then when I'm strong, I'll get back out for a run because I do miss it.


Hi! :-)

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Welcome along! I'm new here myself, still not done my first six week challenge (6wc) but everyone I've met so far is super positive and helpful. 

I'm not in much of a place to offer sage advice on fitness yet, but I would say don't aim to start next year. Start doing what you can tomorrow, or better yet today. Make as many changes as you can as soon as you can. All progress is good and it's best practise not to put off 'til later what you can do now. In my experience what I've decided to do next week, next month etc. I found another reason to put off 'til later still. Best of luck on the paleo thing too. Best change my family ever made. We're still eating our way through the stuff we had in when we decided to swap, but once it's gone it's gone. We're only buying whole foods now and I'm already feeling like a whole new person. 

Stay positive and never give up! Best of luck and again, welcome along to a wonderful community!

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Welcome! I'm still relatively new (in and out since August) but figured I better commit now rather than January 1 like everyone else ;) my one recommendation is baby steps.  I kept over committing and dropping off the internet after feeling frustrated.  This time I'm back with tiny, realistic goals! Took long enough, huh? Hang in there!!

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I'm a 33 y.o. mother of 3, wife to 1. I float between veganism and omnivorism, but will focus on Paleo during this mini challenge.  I am a drama/dance/English teacher.  Class: Aspiring Assassin.


 Main quest: Lose 10% body fat [0/10%]

Sub-quest 1: Cook one new recipe per week [0/2]   

Sub-quest 2: Walk 6,000+ steps per day [0/2]   

Sub-quest 3: Read 1 book for pleasure  [0/1]


My mini-quests for this challenge:

1.)  I will do the body weight challenge X1, 3 days per week.  Anything less? FAIL!

2.)  I will focus on a Paleo lifestyle, allowing dairy intermittently, but no to sugar and carbs except on weekends!  And I will only drink water on a daily basis (over 64 fl oz).

3.)  I will respond in writing and with positivity per week to 5 or more other newbie NF rebels working on challenges (stolen from a friend!)


Mini challenge: +1WIS



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