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What changes have YOU made since joining NerdFitness?

Guest guest4729

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Guest guest4729

So my question is exactly as the title says. What kind of changes in your life have YOU made since you started following the blog, reading the forum, posting on the forum or otherwise?

For me, my changes have been:

  • Hating the gym -> going to the gym 3-4 times a week
  • Thinking lifting weights was for men -> lifting weights WITH the men
  • Eating pasta once or twice a DAY -> not eating pasta at all unless I have literally no other choice
  • Eating other grains such as bread and rice every day -> eating rice once this month and eating as little bread or cookies as possible
  • Not understanding ANYTHING about lifting or working out/the evils of machines -> knowing a lot (more than before) about working out and how machines can be bad
  • Not knowing proper form for almost anything -> knowing proper form for more things than probably almost anyone I know
  • Eating lots of microwavable food -> not eating any at all
  • Thinking that I wanted to be super thin just to be thin -> wanting to be super fit and healthy

P.S. - Just made spaghetti squash for the first time. WHY HAVE I NEVER HAD THIS DELICIOUSNESS BEFORE?!?!

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Good job! For me it's:

Drinking 2L+ Pepsi Max everyday -> Only if I'm out for a drink; having 2L+ H20 a day instead

Thinking I was too fat/unfit to exercise much -> Exercising every single day

Being really, really weak -> Improving strength with body weight and free weight training

Terrified to participate in group exercise -> Taekwondo every week, plus 1-2 gym classes per week

Eating like Sh** -> Making sure I get fruit and veg in everyday, minimising carbs

Hating myself for every slip up or "off plan" food -> Accepting that if I'm doing this for life, I've gotta roll with the punches :)

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I've never had spaghetti squash! I also julienne my zucchini to be pasta, its my favorite.

Hmm changes I've made:

** Gym 5-6 days a week, three of which are weight related.

** Got the ovaries to pick up the olympic bar

** eating mostly paleo, but also tracking my percentages

** generally... I just have a better outlook on life. I'm really enjoy the blog system and it keeps me accountable.

Tiffany -Elven Ranger & Derby Girl
STR 7 | DEX 5 | STA 4 | CON 3 | WIS 4 | CHA 3
@moxie_hart. Tumblr. Fitocracy

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A short list, brought to you by Nerds for a Better BigM

Pizza/Wings twice a week -> once a quarter

260lbs -> 198lbs

Week 1 Day 1 of C25k -> sub 30 min 5k

No free weight training -> 235 squat, 315 dead lift, 155 bench

Size 36 pants XL shirts -> 34 pants L shirts.

No pullups -> 4 dead hangs.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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Guest guest4729
Good job! For me it's:

Drinking 2L+ Pepsi Max everyday -> Only if I'm out for a drink; having 2L+ H20 a day instead

Thinking I was too fat/unfit to exercise much -> Exercising every single day

Being really, really weak -> Improving strength with body weight and free weight training

Terrified to participate in group exercise -> Taekwondo every week, plus 1-2 gym classes per week

Eating like Sh** -> Making sure I get fruit and veg in everyday, minimising carbs

Hating myself for every slip up or "off plan" food -> Accepting that if I'm doing this for life, I've gotta roll with the punches :)

Oh! You reminded me of a few things!

I also stopped drinking soda. I have some every now and then (once a week at work, sometimes as a drink mixer.

I switched from regular drinks to use as mixers to everything in diet (if possible).

I drink less when I go out.

I also started out really REALLY weak. Now I have some (key word: some) muscle!

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Well, I'm only on my third week of Nerd Fitnessing, but here's what I've got so far

Thinking I was eating a lot -> Paleo + GOMAD and a food journal

142 lbs - > 148 lbs

Working out with the dumbbells I had, which allowed for no progression - > Accepting that I don't have the cash for a gym or weights right now and sticking to body weight progressions (turns out I really enjoy them)

Being kind of confused - > Having a trusted source of information

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Guest guest4729
Things I would not have done without you guys:

  • Lost 50 pounds.
  • Paleo for 6 months (and still going).
  • Symptom-free of Crohn's Disease for going on 5 months now. (as a result of the above)
  • Tough Mudder
  • 10 minute plank
  • Run 10k
  • Run in a 5k race in 28 minutes

You can do 10 minute plank? That is...that is...


...insane. Wow.


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For me, my changes have been (in the one week I've been here):

• Eating the Food Pyramid -> buying Robb Wolf's book and knowing/eating Paleo

• Exercising when I could find the time -> Making time to do a workout four days a week

• Snacking on crisps and soda -> measuring snacks of Almonds and homemade jerky

• 2lt of soda a day -> 4-5 lt of water a day

• drinking beer with dinner -> drinking beer only on weekends

• working towards being 'fit' -> having solid goals and a monthly plan

So far, this site/community has given me the focus and encouragement I needed to get back on the wagon.

To read other peoples success and know where they have come from, shows me that it can be done.

This is my weekly Blog, From Fat to Bat; one man's journey to be Batman...

This is my Intro thread...

Convict Conditioning:: Push Ups - lvl 2 || Squats - lvl 1 || Pull Ups - lvl 2 || Leg Raise - lvl 1 || Bridges - lvl 1 || Handstands - lvl 0

Current Body (2012.02.12) :: 5'10" || 270 lbs || Waist: 48" || Thigh: 25" || Arms: 14" || BF%: 36 || Young Bruce Level

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Eating wheat free but loads of oats, brown rice, potatoes and beans/pulses, rarely meat -> those on rare occasions but mainly meat and veg now

Trying and failing to eat a calorie deficit every day -> effortlessly achieving to a calorie deficit the paleo way,

Worrying & comfort eating -> Its early days but I have noticed I eat when I'm hungry, which is less often, or at meal times, and don't feel inclined to comfort eat, even when I was so stressed out I was crying the other day, and thats a massive woot for me!

Tired and lethargic, eating sugar or carb to boost energy -> energy filled and eating paleo

Exercising in a generic, I don't really know what I'm doing and I don't have the time kind of way -> 20 mins strength training every other day.

Bingeing on complex or simple carb food, particularly chocolate, and dairy (cheese) -> Not eating carby stuff BUT being chilled out and knowing its not the end of the world if I do really crave a jacket potato or sweet treat. The twice I have craved sweet things I have been more than adequately satiated by a banana or a few dried dates. I gave up chocolate on 1st January for 12 months. 19 days in, no sweat.

Cramming it in and eating without noticing flavours - sweet food like braised red cabbage and sweet potatoes taste really sweet to me now, as do herbal teas!

Its early days for me but so far I am VERY impressed.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually afraid to make one. - Elbert Hubbard

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For me, so far:

Exercising sporadically----> Getting up at 5:45 am to go to CrossFit at least 2x a week

Eating well until 2pm, then binging on sugar and bread------> 99.9% Paleo diet for over two weeks

Deciding every week that "this was it" for weight loss and failing one day later-------> Making solid goals that I have stuck to (except for keeping my room clean...)

Thinking I could just show up at the gym and do wimpy shit and expect results-----> Realizing that I can't expect results by just showing up at the gym and doing wimpy shit

"Receive without conceit, release without struggle." ---Marcus Aurelius

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I've had pretty big BF% progress too, but I'm saving it for next Wednesday, which will be six weeks of NF training. Because it's amazing, and I want to put it in the w00t room :D

Can I just say - go nerds! There's so many people doing great, Steve's truly creating a rebellion! And what I love about here too, which I should've added:

Whining about having to exercise/diet -> Just get on with it, no whining, no excuses. This is hardcore superhero training!

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I can probably think about more things, but the big one is this:

Less talking about exercising and getting healthy and more doing something about it.

I guess the qualifier is less talking IRL, I'm still plenty chatty about it here on NF. Though even that is talking about what I have done, not what I want or plan to do.

Edit: Girlfriend and I (okay mostly the girlfriend) very recently started with spaghetti squash. Pretty darn good with how she roasts it. I'm going to try doing it myself and she's talking about making a spaghetti squash lasagna. Yum. I win.

The Tin Man: Cyborg Ranger

Tin Man's Out of Date Epic Quest

I am what I do.


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Things I would not have done without you guys:

  • 10 minute plank

That is pretty insane. I saw a video of the world record holder, 35+ minutes I think....she's 65 years old..

- More emphasis on form for lifts

- Trying harder exercises, bigger weights

- Went from doing it on my own to sharing with others

- Stop the diet soda Jan 7 for the last time. (2 swigs since, one by mistake, one on purpose...don't like it)

- Helping wife with her diet. Lots more salads, etc.

Warriors don't count reps and sets. They count tons.

My psychologist weighs 45 pounds, has an iron soul and sits on the end of a bar

Tally Sheet for 2019

Encouragement for older members: Chronologically Blessed Group;

Encouragement for newbie lifters: When we were weaker


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This is such an inspirational thread! Everyone here has made amazing changes in their lives since coming here and I have to say that I LOVE it here because everyone is so supportive and encouraging and there are so many stellar transformational stories!

I have worked out and eaten right and lost weight and gotten strong before and then I had no support and when I got to my goal I wasn't able to maintain because I didn't realize that this whole thing is a lifestyle.

Now, I am working out more efficiently.

I am eating primal/archevore and having no trouble staying on track

I am being consistent and moderate instead of sporadic and all or nothing

I have enlisted my daughters in working out and getting healthy

I have enlisted my husband in starting to make healthy changes

I am making some great friends here who support me and I enjoy supporting them

I spend a lot less time doing things that lead me away from my life goals and a lot more things that bring my goals closer!

I really love nerd fitness and I love all a you crazy nerds!

The real world is bizarre enough for me....Blue Oyster Cult!

Oystergirl: Bad Assed Lightcaster (aka wizard!)

STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | CON: 3 | STA: 2 | WIS: 4 | CHA: 5

Oystergirl's Bad Ass Lightcaster Wicked Rocking Adventure Challenge!

Come visit my wicked rocking Nerd Fitness blog!

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If you guys haven't tried it, seriously, tastes exactly like pasta. Make it with some high quality ground beef meatballs and homemade tomato sauce, crap, I'm hungry again.


My changes-

drinking gallons (literally) of dr pepper, to maybe a cup once a month

munching on sugary treats whenever I feel like it, to an apple fritter or delicious pastry every other week

hating all vegetables everywhere, to loving everything green, yellow orange, purple whatever so long as it's a plant! (I now want to grow my own onions, spinach, potatoes and mushrooms, maybe one day raising my own chickens too!)

hating running thus never doing it ever, to never running ever unless its interval training (or running from zombies, cougars, or zombie cougars) and making it fun by practicing parkour at the same time!

Being scared, scratch that terrified, of screwing up SCRAMBLED EGGS, to cooking my own omelets loaded with delicious vegies every day and exploring cooking like it was Middle Earth! (Tomorrow I’m taking my first ever crack at making homemade mashed potatoes)

This is all well and good, but if I fail to mention how NF has inspired me to Level Up in every area of my life, that would be a discourtesy to everyone.

Scared of what people think of my singing voice and guitar playing, to having played three open mic nights and planning on many more

Nearly given up on my childhood dreams of being a novelist, to helping organize a NaNoWriMo group for January to February! (3,018 words so far) A link for those curious http://www.nanowrimo.org/

Resigned to being a slow bookish nerd, to becoming a super gorilla ninja in training! (obsessed with barefoot shoe products and parkour)

Completely given up on my childish fascination for the quarterstaff, to ordering a top of the line super slick fiberglass bo staff to begin practicing again (let’s not argue the fact that its proper name is either just bo, or just staff)

Many of these changes were inspired by, if not directly influenced by Steve’s website, articles, and this community. Thank you all. Keep kicking ass people!

No excuses.

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