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What changes have YOU made since joining NerdFitness?

Guest guest4729

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Only been at this for a couple of weeks, but already my life has changed. (by the way, I'm doing Primal, so I also eat some cheese and very dark chocolate)

Falling asleep on the sofa every night after supper ---> Having the energy to do chores after supper

Grazing all day on sugar and grain products ---> Eating just what I bring in my lunch box - and sometimes I don't even finish that!

Liking products with artificial sweetener ---> Thinking that products with artificial sweetener smell/taste funny

No portion control ---> Portion control (and staying under my daily calorie limit - yes, I still count calories, it keeps me honest)

Out of control binging on chocolate, even crap chocolate ---> having a small portion of organic dark chocolate with almond butter and being satisfied

Losing my temper a lot ---> Holding my temper in check

The biggest thing for me is the cravings, or rather, the lack thereof. I felt like an out of control beast before I started eating primal; always looking for the next sugar / grain fix. Even if it was crap food (and let's face it, it almost always was) I still ate it. I hated myself for what I was doing, and yet I couldn't stop. Not to overstate things, but my grain addiction (which fueled my sugar addiction) was very much like an alcohol addiction, and it even affected my personality and mental clarity. I was a high-functioning grain addict; I could hold it together for the most part, but I was prone to binges and had a terrible short temper. I was exhausted all the time, too, even when I first got up in the morning.

In the past week and a half that I've been seriously Primal, I have felt So. Much. Better. Really - I'm alert, I have motivation, I'm getting stuff done both at work and at home, and I'm generally calmer. The grain fog has lifted, and I don't hate myself for the food I eat. I mentioned that I still track calories to keep myself honest, because I don't want to fall into a binging pattern again, but I'm noticing that I'm actually having to find snacks to meet my calorie goal for the day - and it's not like my meals aren't properly sized. I eat 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon for breakfast, a pretty big salad with chicken, feta, mushrooms and tomatoes drizzled with homemade balsamic vinaigrette for lunch, and I eat normal-sized suppers of meat and veg, but I still have a significant number of calories left over (300-400 a day). I'm excited about my meals for the right reasons (preparing and eating something nutritious and tasty) instead of the wrong ones (the quick fix of junk food).

And the best part... since January 1st I've lost 10.5 lbs!

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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Completely given up on my childish fascination for the quarterstaff, to ordering a top of the line super slick fiberglass bo staff to begin practicing again (let’s not argue the fact that its proper name is either just bo, or just staff)

Tell me more about this - I too have had a long-standing fascination with the quarterstaff. Years ago I played a friar in DAoC who kicked ass with her staff. Always wanted to REALLY learn how to fight with a staff.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

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Guest Snake McClain

The way nerdfitness has imporoved me for the better.

1. It was the final motivation to move me physically in the direction that mentally I knew I should go. (eating better and being in shape)

2. I have now been given the tools to follow my dream of Puroressu (professional wrestling for you Gaijins) and I am now doing so.

3. It led me to a routine that in two weeks got me in enough condition to pass my try out for Pro Wrestling.

4. I now have a routine which is not only keeping me in shape for professional wrestling but it is allowing me to go above and beyond what is needed.

5. I now have the CONFIDENCE to walk into a ring and feel good about what I know and can do. This is a huge issue because, probaly like a lot of us, I have serious insecurity issues and I have little faith in myself usually. So this is good.

6. I am now in the best shape of my life.

7. Due to eating mostly (85-95%) paleo my stomach pains have gone away. I feel better in the mornings.

8. I have way more energy due to exercise/lifting/diet.

9. Due to strength training exercises my joint pains which I used to have literally all day every day are now a very rare occurence.

10. I'm just a hell of a lot happier to see that I'm not alone in being sort of a weirdo and not having all the answers.

I am really happy to be here. And anyone reading this whom I have talked to at all I would just like to say thanks for being accepting of this sort of strange guy (even for a nerd) and thanks for always having sound advice.

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since joining NF, i have learned how to make goals and stick to them.

i went from my only exercise being walking places because i can't afford gas to working out every day. i do bodyweight exercises and light cardio monday, wednesday, and friday; interval cardio on tuesday, thursday, and sunday; and on saturday, i try to do something fun outdoors or at least walk a few miles on the trails. and even though i still can't afford gas, i probably would choose to walk anyway, so SUCK IT, POVERTY! you can keep on making me healthy! :P

i went from eating whatever the crap i wanted whenever i wanted to going off gluten, doubling my intake of fresh veggies, and eating fruit when i want something sweet.

i have lost five pounds and gotten stronger since this challenge started. my girl says she can see a difference in my body composition already.

my first strength workout, i did 20 bodyweight squats and hurt so bad i had trouble walking for three days. now, i do around 60 squats in a typical workout and wish i could just do more! (trying not to push myself too hard and develop at a steady rate.)

i used to be embarrassed about dieting and exercising because i stupidly thought it was like advertising to others that i am fat and weak. now, i routinely talk about those things with everyone i know! this has caused a lot of my friends to choose much healthier lifestyles, too. now i know that talking about those things is advertising strength, perseverance, and a commitment to living better.

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Tell me more about this - I too have had a long-standing fascination with the quarterstaff. Years ago I played a friar in DAoC who kicked ass with her staff. Always wanted to REALLY learn how to fight with a staff.

When I was a kid I don't really know why I just picked up a broken piece of aluminum and started swinging it around. Then I started spinning it in what I later found to be a method of deflecting attacks. There were several accidental slef-inflicted injuries, but I was hooked.

I haven't had to fight off any dark alley lurkers whilst just happening to carry a staff, but sparing is a ton of fun, and you haven't challenged yourself until you've fended off three friends with bokken!

The new staff I'm ordering is from http://www.martialartsequipmentdirect.com/

Thier site is great, though I can't say much for thier shipping costs!

No excuses.

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Since joining the rebellion I've:

- stopped smoking

- lost almost 10%bf (and nearly 25lbs in the process)

- massively improved my numbers all of the key lifts (squats and deads have more than doubled)

- stopped drinking calories (only water and coffee for me now, thanks)

- started eating a lot fruit (embarrassing, but I almost never ate fruit before)

- started cooking

- stopped worrying so much about what others think, and started doing things for my own reasons

Obviously there are a few things I'd still like to level up, but I'm happy with my first 5 months +/- of progress.

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Since joining the rebellion I have made sure I am working out every single day whether that's my zumba class, going for a run or working on my 200 sit ups program. I'm also joining a gym this week and want to make sure I'm working on strength training rather than just doing the running machine or cross trainer like I used to.

I've started really looking at what I'm eating and choosing the paleo (or as close to it as I can) option every time.

Getting plenty of sleep which I didn't used to and understanding how rest is as important as exercise in keeping the body healthy.


Twitter Blog


Strength (STR): 3

Dexterity (DEX): 1

Stamina (STA): 4

Constitution (CON): 2

Wisdom (WIS): 3

Charisma (CHA): 2

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What's changed for me is that I have a voice in my head when I eat now that says "Robin, put on your big girl pants and eat some freakin vegetables." it's actually helpful lol

My Blog | My Story

Race: Wood Elf | Class: Footpath Ranger Leader

Level18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"Love does not throw the book at you because love doesn't have a book to throw." -CS Lewis

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1. Went from hating running to loving it

2. Did my first races from 5k to half marathon

3. Hiked 100km in 34 hours

4. First barfoot 10k

5. Started BeginningBarefoot.com

6. Learned Deadlift, Squat, Power Cleans

7. 4 minute plank

8. Dropped 14kg (30lbs)

9. Got attacked by zombies, Destroyed the 1 Ring, ran the Bag End to Brandywine Ultra, Currently marching towards South Pole


Scout Commander (ret.)

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1. Consistency in my exercise. You can't pull me away from the gym on a M W F with a bull if you tried.

2. No more knee pain courtesy of weighted squats and deadlifts. After 3 years of just putting up with it and letting my legs get as skinny and weak as ramen. Having the ability to hike or play a game of football or rugby without getting rubber legs 5 mins in.

3. Motivation to run. (some barefoot courtesy of Dawsy) A weekly sprints session for the past 4 weeks.

4. More healthy eating, geared towards muscle gain, more meat, less grain, more veg more fruit.

5. CONFIDENCE in my own strength, i check myself out in the mirror every now and then pleased with the 10+kgs weight gain.

*Victorious Laugh *

"Strength is the cup. The bigger the cup, the more you can put in" - JDanger

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