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Hi from a guy with some new year's resolutions

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A little over four years ago and nearing the end of my collegiate career, I started dating my current girlfriend. At the time I was 5'10" and 160 pounds. I was by no means a regular exerciser or healthy eater but I guess I had good metabolism. However my less-than-good habits slowly added pounds to my stature. Now, for the past year or so I've be battling to keep my weight under 180 pounds. To put it bluntly, while my girlfriend still loves me very much, the added weight has negatively affected her physical attraction for me, and I don't like how I look either with my potbelly and larger neck-fat.

Two years ago I started law school. At the same time I became less enamored with my unhealthy habits and resolved myself to dropping weight and getting healthier. However I constantly used the excuse of law school stress and hectic schedule to derail any progress. A paper or exams became a great excuse to miss an exercise or two and to not cook a healthy meal, and once I broke my healthy pattern it was tough to get back to doing the right thing.

I am determined for this year to be different and better. I have set myself two long-term goals (1) get back to 160 pounds and (2) get more toned and look more like Bond/Michael Weston. To help me reach these goals and not be derailed, I bought myself a whiteboard to list short-term goals. The whiteboard is on my fridge now and reads:

  1. Workout, 4 times weekly
  2. Eat salad and fruit only meal, 6 times monthly
  3. Fast food, no more than 2 times monthly
  4. Snack or dessert, 2 times daily, only 1 can be "unhealthy"

Each time I do one of these short-term goals, I put a check-mark on the board. I have also removed the majority of crap food in my house; no more Cheetos and ice cream here. Now, my snacks are often an orange, a banana and lettuce smoothie, or a cup of Ovaltine. I do allow myself one "bad" snack a day, which usually is some "healthier" popcorn with Kernel Season's seasonings. And because I love ice cream, I go out for ice cream with my girlfriend once a week. It is more expensive than buying a half-gallon, but I cannot be tempted to eat ice cream that is not in my freezer.

I am happy to say that I have seen progress since I started my new healthier habits (about two weeks ago). I have lost about 4 pounds, feel more energetic, and am able to concentrate on my studies better. My back, which usually has knots after just one week of studies, feels loose and better than it has been in quite some time.

My friend introduced me to this site just last week, and it has been very useful. Some of the information on the site just confirmed what I believed (like the "Paleo foods" stuff). Other ideas I have incorporated into my life. For example, my girlfriend and I have created our own "Epic Quest" and it has turned into a little race for us. It has many more goals than Steve Kamb's, but many of our goals are much easier to reach. For example, there are goals like "Visit undergraduate roommate" and "take a painting class" (we have a coupon to do so). Do not worry, we have plenty of harder goals too like "Drink a non-American country’s wine in that country" and "Swim with turtles in the Great Barrier Reef." My girlfriend actually was 60% done with her first level by the end of the first day by completing "Write a goal on the Epic Quest," "Communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language," and "Find a loop-hole that makes one of these goals easier, and then do it." What had happened was she communicated with someone through an interpreter, which was easier than what I intended the goal to be (it now reads "Communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your language orally w/o an interpreter."

I am looking forward to continuing on my goals and checking this website often to get ideas and motivation. Thanks all.

Level 4 Secret Agent Assassin

STR - 5  DEX - 4  STA - 6  CON - 4  WIS - 10  CHA - 7

6 Week Challenge - Mission 160

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welcome to the community! i love this post for so many reasons:

1) your gf and you obviously have a very solid relationship if you can be honest about how your attraction for each other changes when you don't take care of yourselves. it can be very hard to hear from someone you love and are attracted to but, ultimately, i think it is better to be honest about this kind of thing and work to make healthy changes than to just break up or give you some kind of ultimatum.

2) i love how you two are working together to make your lives healthier and more awesome!

3) i love whiteboards. i have 2. currently, wonderflonium for the freeze ray is on the grocery list.

4) i love how you have goals both big and small.

keep in mind, as we age, our bodies change a bit and sometimes our high school or college weights aren't really the best place for us to be anymore. focusing on something like a certain pants size or body fat % may be a healthier goal...but, then again, you know your body better than anyone else :)

congrats on taking such awesome first steps - glad you're here!

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I forgot to mention what I like to do when working out.

Currently I run several times a week. I do wear running shoes, but I am interested in trying out those toed-shoes.

I also go to the school's gym after class at least twice a week. There, I do at least 20 minutes of cardio and then some weights. I know its against the Rebellion rules, but I currently use machines and not free-weights. I'm comfortable with the machines, and once I am consistently keeping to a work-out schedule, I will explore free-weights.

Level 4 Secret Agent Assassin

STR - 5  DEX - 4  STA - 6  CON - 4  WIS - 10  CHA - 7

6 Week Challenge - Mission 160

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It sounds like you have a good plan to stick to. There's a bunch of people here that would be more than willing to help. Good luck to ya!

"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!" - Barney Stinson

"I don't care who you are, how cool you seem to be, how old you are, what title you have, or how much money you make. When a child hands you a toy phone and says 'It's for you.' you damn well better pick it up and respond with 'Hello?'."

Life is a marathon, treat every day like it's a sprint

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weight machines certainly have their place and, especially just getting started, i think it's a good place to be. it will be harder for you to use bad form in a machine and will teach you what working certain muscles or muscle groups feels like. only thing - do your weights before your cardio not after. you get more of a benefit from the cardio that way :)

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Welcome to the Rebellion! I also wanted to congratulate you for getting a great start on your fitness journey! Just keep at it, and remember that every little bit counts. :)

P.S. "Toe shoes" are the greatest! I got my pair of Vibrams last spring and essentially didn't wear anything else all year until the ground froze. :tongue:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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