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One foot at a time - to an awesome life! Document your adventures.

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Hi there! No, I know that it normally is "One step at a time" but you will understand this not so brilliant pun..

This is my first try on a text like this and my first trys on thoughts like this. Normally I am the one to receive help, but I wanted to share this idea I had with you. So please look past my terrible writing and English skills, i am learning and living :) These are just thoughts, don't ruin your life because of some advice on the internet ;)


So now that I crashed your hopes, lets get started! :D


Imagine taking a picture of your feet every day, to have a picture based diary, so you can remind yourself of the things that happend one day.

But now, imagine your hole diary is consisting of pictures of your feet infront of the TV, in the kitchen and maybe in the shower - kind of lame, right?



Looks comfortable, but boring!


Days like these are necessary but not pretty interesting. Everyday is the same, you don't get things done and feel sore.


But now imagine having a diary full of epic pictures, your feet in the snow, the sand, the mud, on top of a cliff, upside down while bungee jumping - your get the idea. Sounds pretty cool, right?



Now that looks epic!


Okay, in reality it is pretty unrealistic (and probably unhealthy) to have so extreme adventures everyday.

But you understand the difference between these extremes.


A lot of people (me included) think their life is missing something. That their life is not thrilling enough, that they are missing the adventures - in short they are missing awesomeness in their life.The problem is, that we wait for the perfect moment to happen or for someone coming into our life to 'wake us up' and guide us to the interesting life.

The reality seems different, those times and people are most likely not there.


You have to get up and take action


Instead of climbing the next cliff (and probably falling down - stay safe!) I want you to think.

You should start small - and work yourself up, day by day, adventure by adventure. If you are afraid now, by adventure I mean getting out of your comfort zone and doing something new, unknown and a bit scaring.

On paper this sounds easy, and it can be easy in reality too!

Start small. Maybe go and visit the small park near you. Or get up and explore the forest. You can take a different route to work today or explore your part of the city. Google sightseeings in your city and go there. Leave the big streets and 'get lost' while wandering. Enjoy the sunset while sitting on a bench. Take your old camera and shoot some pictures, no matter how bad they look. Try to cook something new. Try out a new sport.

Just do something new, something interesting, something scary - something awesome!

Do something you will be happy to remember. It does not have to be big. I think you get the idea :)

I am not going to write to detailed about this process, Steve already did an amazing job with his guide to building habits ( http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/06/04/new-habits/ ).


Now we have this awesome plan and are highly motivated. But what about next week? Or next month?

This is where my idea takes action. Take a picture of your feet every time you do something interesting or something you find awesome - something on your way! Now upload it to facebook, twitter or instagram (or just save it on your pc if you want to have a private journey) and then write something about the activity! Maybe what you did, what scared you and most important what made you happy! Now you can come back and see what you already archieved and what you experienced! To motivate yourself, you need to do  it as often as possible, maybe you don't want to break your chain of 10 days of beeing awesome so you just go out on the next day even if you don't want to at first and boom you experience the best adventure so far!

Now you wonder "Why on earth should I take pictures of my shoes in the sunset when I could shoot the sunset itself??" - You are not wrong. Just do both! :D

On the one hand, having the same motive in every picture makes it more recognizable. And at one point you can do a cool timelapse of your year and see the changing background :) You could take a selfie from the same angle too, but a lot of people (me!) don't like showing your face - but hey, do whatever pleases you most!

To be honest, 100 pics of feet can be boring to people not interested in the story, but maybe they are interested in your story behind it!

If you use Instagram, you can tag your pics with #onefootatatime (or is #onestepatatime better? Have to decide yet) and atleast I will check them out and be interested in your stories :D


But lets be realistic.


We are all humans, we have jobs, school, family and other things in our life that don't allow us to have hour long adventures every day.

But don't get frustrated (especially in the beginning) and remember, you are doing this to have fun and to have a better life! Enjoy the way, don't do things you don't like to do!

And on some days, the best we can to is to cuddle into a big pile of sheets and play Fallout for hours :D


What are your plans for the future? :)



I hope you liked this post! Any addidionally ideas ( I can add them with credits to this post) or feedback?
Do you want to join?


Thanks for reading!


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I'm IkarusPicture, but can't change my name


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