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The first thing that I do when I move is to spend an hour and walk around the area.  You said that there is a great landscape for walking and running, how about for free-weight workouts or yoga, meditation, or parkour?  It also a great opportunity to find new people with your ideals. No matter what you're doing, it's always more fun as a group!

-This message is endorsed by the Committee to Re-Elect Godzilla. He kicked ass in Japan and he'll do the same here!

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That is great to hear! It's always a surreal experience moving to a new area. It can almost feel like being in a still forest even if the world around you is flying. It's new, you don't know anyone so the world just sort of unfolds around you.


I can't really speak on it in too great a detail myself but when I moved to college (There's a crutch right there lol) the first thing I did was used the opportunity to design and build my batcave. Made it very supportive since I knew I had the time then before I got into other things with life. From there I'd definitely suggest checking out Meetups to find some people in the area with similar goals and like Jordeas said definitely just wander around the area. Get your XP in for exploring the new zone!


For the Rebellion!


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You can become a Hero. 

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Focus on getting rid of as much stuff as possible and packing what you're going to keep. Moving is a huge hassle, don't make it harder by distracting your attention with "respawn" activities. There's time for that when the move is complete.

I just helped two friends move last weekend. They were only 80% packed when I showed up and had donation items waiting to be hauled away. This added at least an hour to the move time. And that was still one of the more efficient moves I've done. Moving requires a lot of advance effort. Get it done now or suffer on moving day, and probably suffer the rest of the following month while you unpack, too.

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.

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The first thing that I do when I move is to spend an hour and walk around the area.  You said that there is a great landscape for walking and running, how about for free-weight workouts or yoga, meditation, or parkour?  It also a great opportunity to find new people with your ideals. No matter what you're doing, it's always more fun as a group!


Hard to believe, I am living here for two weeks now and I still haven't seen anything of the landscape except the way to the car. I officially declare now that I will have an half an hour walk out there today.



That is great to hear! It's always a surreal experience moving to a new area. It can almost feel like being in a still forest even if the world around you is flying. It's new, you don't know anyone so the world just sort of unfolds around you.


I can't really speak on it in too great a detail myself but when I moved to college (There's a crutch right there lol) the first thing I did was used the opportunity to design and build my batcave. Made it very supportive since I knew I had the time then before I got into other things with life. From there I'd definitely suggest checking out Meetups to find some people in the area with similar goals and like Jordeas said definitely just wander around the area. Get your XP in for exploring the new zone!


For the Rebellion!



I know my boyfriend - he moved in with me. :-)  I still haven't talked to the other persons here except the hello when I meet someone on the way to the car / to the flat. Maybe when the kitchen is finished we gonna invite them over for a official hello and getting to know each other a bit. On of the neighbors has an awesome taste in music as I've heard on the floor so far and he even plays the guitar to the songs he listens to. Gotta find out more about that :D


Designing my own batcave. This will drag on over some years because money is always short and we just threw in what we had (so we definitely miss some cupboards, chairs, ..) and every time we get a bit money able to spend we will get something new. Guess this is also fine, cause this way you always have some joy about having something new.  :onthego:



Focus on getting rid of as much stuff as possible and packing what you're going to keep. Moving is a huge hassle, don't make it harder by distracting your attention with "respawn" activities. There's time for that when the move is complete.

I just helped two friends move last weekend. They were only 80% packed when I showed up and had donation items waiting to be hauled away. This added at least an hour to the move time. And that was still one of the more efficient moves I've done. Moving requires a lot of advance effort. Get it done now or suffer on moving day, and probably suffer the rest of the following month while you unpack, too.


Getting rid of as much stuff as possible is an excellent suggestion. I definitely should have got rid of a lot of clothes. There are about 10 shirts, 3 trousers and 3 sweatpants that I need and which I got out of the boxes - the other stuff is still in two huge boxes because I don't have a wardrobe to keep them in and I don't need them anyways now. But I am always like - maybe, someday I wanna wear it again - which I am saying for years now  :nevreness: Anyways, those clothes would go to people who need them, it even would be a good deed also but instead I let them rot in my box. Aw dammit, I just realize that I urgently must do something against that =/


And you're also completely right about that moving itself is enough to do. Every day is like going to work, coming home and getting anything done. Sort documents, place stuff in the drawers / boxes / .., clean clean clean, get the registration done, ... Also a lot of time was lost driving somewhere to shop for things that are still needed and get something warm to eat because we don't have a working kitchen yet. Those two weeks flew by like nothing.



If you have packing left to do; color code your boxes (use patterned duct tape). This makes it easier for people to put your boxes in the rooms where they belong.


Haha yeah I didn't even write on those boxes what is in them, when we needed something from them while the movement I searched quite a long time for it. Luckily there are only 3-4 rooms (40 m2) so the stuff was all placed in the bathroom and then I sorted everything out when the helpers were gone.


Definitely gonna remember this for the next time moving :D



Thanks to all of you fellows for your care and tips :) 

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"The purpose of life is to be happy." - Tendzin Gyatsho, the 14th Dalai Lama 


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