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My ax is sharpened and I'm ready to swing!

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I feel the call...

It's been years. I've read. I've studied. I've dabbled. I've lurked. I've lived on the outside. I've watched and gathered all the information a man could ever need. Why is it year after year after year I continue to sharpen my ax but have yet to take an honest swing with it?

My vision was blurry and the fog made the world unclear. As I looked down the road I saw many things that I thought were important. There were so many paths to take that I ended up walking them all only to realize I've gone in a circle.  What was it about my recent birthday - I turned 35 - that seemed to clear the fog and focus my vision? As I look around me I can finally see my destination. The distractions are gone and I have a direction.

I feel the call, the call of the wild.


That pretty much sums me up, hopefully more exciting and entertaining that what is to follow.

Hello fellow rebels. Randy the Red here. I'm 35 and finally feel like I'm starting to get it. I've spent so many years (since about 2010) reading things like Nerd Fitness and The Art of Manliness and loads of personal development books, rarely taking the time to act on what I've learned.

The wife and I are pretty much on the same page. We read all the info, sort of exercise, sort of eat right, but never really quit the junk food and wine. But I guess it's good that we keep on chugging along.

As for community, we're both pretty much lurkers online and in the real world, especially when it comes to this health and fitness stuff. Really this is kind of weird because both my wife and I aren't awkward or shy people. 

My day job is a coder, which there seems to be a handful of those around these parts. In my off time, my hobby seems to be hobbies. In no specific order: art, web design, guitar, photography, blogging, astronomy, martial arts, screen printing, electronics, cooking, travel, painting figurines, typography, yoga, designing shirts, wood whittling, writing, programming, gaming, video editing, stand-up comedy, cars...honestly, there are probably a few more that I'm not remembering, but you can see I've dabbled in a lot of stuff!

After 35 years of wandering aimlessly I feel like I'm figuring things out. I've cut out all the distraction hobbies and have narrowed it down to a few: astronomy, karate/jiu jitsu, writing/blogging, and stand-up comedy, with just a hint of electronics mixed in. 

What all of this boils down to is I want to be a bad ass. I've never been one, and I feel like the time is right. I'm feeling the need to dominate in life. I want to be a threat when competing. I want to show my kids that their dad is confident, and bold, and adventurous, and that he kicks ass at life. I want my wife to be married to a confident man who can show her the world! I want to be strong and healthy and rid myself of anxiety. I want to live up to my awesome beard (note: I have a big, manly beard but often feel I don't live up to standards of the beard).

That pretty much takes us to now, where I am expanding my comfort zone by coming out of hiding and introducing myself here. I'm looking forward to being a part of and getting involved in a great community! Please feel free to say hi or ask me your silliest question or ask me about myself. 

Here is my character: https://www.nerdfitness.com/character/67361. I'm still working on figuring out my goals, but it's a start, and from what I hear starting is one of the most important things.

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Hi Randy! Welcome to the Forum!


Well it sounds like you've already got some cool hobbies so you're definitely on your way to being a badass and with a beard like that you're almost destined! hahaha. That's good that you're discontent with life and want more I'm happy for your passion! You'll find a very supportive group of people here that want you to succeed in being the best youcan be. It's also good to cut out some of the hobbies that are less important to you so you can focus on the ones that really make your heart sing. Took a look at your character sheet too and loved the energy there sounds like a lot of good first steps with some longer term stuff thrown in too for a nice mix.


I'd say let's get to work! We're nearing the end of the first months challenge so you're definitely in a good place to jump in on the next one and start implementing some of the changes you're hoping to make! If you ever have any questions most anyone here is really open and will answer whatever we can :)


For the Rebllion!



PS Now you can cross off that goal of making an intro post :D

You can become a Hero. 

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Very nice intro.


I think that yours is one of the most "ready to take the plunge" intros I've read so far.  Go for it!  You won't regret the decision to lose your mind and spend your time really pushing yourself to see how deep your "badassery" can go.  I would be willing to bet that you'll find the strength within yourself to be everything you can imagine.


...cheering for you on your adventure, fellow dad.

Lvl 4 Mystical Taoist Priest

"All teachings are mere references. The true experience is living your own life. Then, even the holiest of words are only words." - Ming-Dao Deng

Challenge #1 2 3 4

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Have you considered making a blog or something similar to log your journey, maybe make a thread on the Battle Logs section of the forums here? I only ask because you have a seriously cool style of writing and I'd love to see more of it! (I've been trying to write my own intro post but the forums aren't having it)


I have no doubt that you can become the man to match the beard, (which is undoubtedly a very, bad ass beard) from an outsiders perspective it seems like you're already half way there, but I know we are always our own worst critic so I do appreciate that it's easy to feel very different to how others perceive you.


Have fun becoming awesome!

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