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Hey everyone! Found nerdfitness via The Dispatch blog roll over at Primer Magazine. Definitely right up my alley.

My highest was 321 at the start of last year. Last July I was at 313, and through great eating and a little bit of exercise, I got down to my low of 260lbs. Its insane how much better I felt. I broke out shirts that had been sitting in the back of my closet for 10 years...yeah I may have been out of style, but I felt good! The weight loss put a stop to my snoring, a side effect my wife was quite happy about. Not to mention the insane amount of compliments I was getting. Now I cringe when I see photos of me from a year ago.

So after slacking off for the past 2 months, I've realized that I am one of those people that can't slack off. Gained about 10lbs back during the holiday season, and even got a comment from someone asking "Did you gain some of that weight back?", so now its back to the grind! I currently tip the scales at 268lbs, and hoping to get somewhere in the 210-220 region.

During the first 6 months of weight loss (prior to xmas) I was sticking to a diet consisting of a ton of veggies, lean meats, and complex carbs (in great moderation) so I'm going that route again. The part I struggle with is the work out...a combination of being self conscious and not knowing what I'm doing. Any tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks guys and good luck to everyone else!

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welcome to the community! i think the biggest key for exercise is to find something you enjoy. do you belong to a gym? if so, they might offer free classes. i've found those to be a great way to find out what kind of exercise you enjoy doing. and the group atmosphere can be seriously motivating. you might feel silly the first couple of times you go but just push through that wall. watch the instructor or yourself in the mirror. no one else cares what you're doing so why be self-concious? glad you're here!

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Thanks! I have been getting down with a little mountain bike action, but with the sun setting at 5 (not to mention its 30 dgrees out) its hard to get out there. I do go to the gym, but I usually just stick to cardio. I'm not at the best gym (Snap Fitness) but its the best I can do in my area (without paying $150 a month) I just need to put on my big boy pants and man the hell up.

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Welcome to the Rebellion! There are loads of things to do besides cardio! And actually, doing some sort of strength training would help you out a lot towards reaching your goals.

Be sure to ask around on the forums if you have questions about workouts and such. If you are fine with the gym route, you could look into lifting heavy - there are a lot of people in the Barbarian Strength Guild who could point you in the right direction for starting out.

Another route to take could be the body weight workouts that don't necessarily require a gym membership (you can do them at home or wherever you like, really). There are a few of those types of workouts around the site, like Steve's Beginner's Body Weight Workout, the Angry Birds workout, and so on.

Hope that gives you some ideas! Good luck, and stick with it! :)

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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