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Hey Everyone, I'm Rich.

(And no, that is not a financial boast, it's a name. I get that a lot.)

I've been reading through a lot of the articles on this site and have gotten a lot of good information and a fair amount of motivation/inspiration so I figured I'd dive head first into the community and see how that works out. I suspect it's going to go well.

By trade I'm a bartender and a game designer. I do mostly graphics (3ds max, photoshop) and have a little time logged using Unity. I helped develop a former #1 downloaded game on iTunes, Crash for Cash, which I recently completed a high definition update. You should check it out, it's a nice little time vampire.

My fat story? Sure, I'll tell.

So I'm 30 (31 soon) and about a year ago I got out of a long (6+ years) and more or less miserable relationship. I'd always been fairly active and athletic when I was younger but as we got bored with each other I pretty much stopped trying, and between that and working in some less than healthy restaurants (don't ever eat anything from Chili's. Ever. That stuff is horrible for you!) I managed to get up to around 220lbs, on a skinny-kid 5'11 frame. Size 37 - 38 jeans are lame. Thankfully the break-up reinitialized the chick-hunter instinct and I got my lard-ass onto a bike and dropped about 20lbs or so over the next few months, and bounced around between 195 - 205. I felt pretty good and got fairly comfortable until summer rolled around. I got involved with a series of somewhat younger women, who in turn dumped me for pretty well built guys. Damn you beach weather! As I noticed a trend beginning to form I decided enough was enough and it's time to really get in shape. Did some internet hunting on various diets, weight routines, and motivational sources which lead me here. I started mostly with just sit-ups and push-ups in late august, graduated to free weights in October, and have been trying to bike at least 40 miles a week. I'm quite proud to say the last pair of jeans I bought was a 32. And they fit, well. Around new years I started briefly dating a fitness instructor with who we decided to race each other to a six pack by feb 15. We stopped hanging out, but I do love a challenge so I'm keeping at it. I've been easing into eating Paleo, which isn't too hard 'cause I love to cook and eat meat, and doing everything I can to keep myself on my workout schedule. She's pretty badass, but I intend to win. After that I'm going to take a week and stuff myself with the buffalo wings that I so desperately miss and then I'm looking to start some serious muscle building so any advice or encouragement in that department would be greatly appreciated.

So that's me. I'm all about the Nerd Fitness / Rebellion idea. I'm definitely a dude.. I like red meat, beer, driving fast cars and explosions. Lots of explosions. Explosions in places that don't even make sense. But I also embrace my inner nerd.. I design and play games, I'll watch myth busters until my eyes bleed, and I can use algebra and geometry in every day situations.

Level 2 Rebel
STR: 5    DEX: 1    STA: 7    CON: 6    WIS: 4    CHA: 4


"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward."


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Welcome! Dude your fat story sounds totally like mine (minus the crummy relationship part) work had a big part though like you. I'm about at the same weight you are and have noticed paleo seriously helping me in the weight loss/more energy department, stick with it and Good luck to you in your race!


"Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done."

"I can only be beaten in two ways: If I give up or if I die."

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welcome to the community! i worked at chili's as well - i found some healthy things to eat there but when other servers ordered the fudge brownie it was sometimes hard to say no (luckily, running around on a saturday night seemed to make up for it). but anywho - congrats on your progress already. glad to have another "chilihead" here!

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Welcome to the Rebellion! Sounds like you've made a lot of good changes already, so congrats on those! And now that you're here, the Barbarian Strength Guild forum would definitely be the place for you to ask around for advice on muscle building and such.

Good luck, and stick with it! :)

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

If you have the inspiration, you have the talent. Strive to be happy. :)

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good sugestion Sco, i'll look into that. Emb, I was sooo not a "chilihead" I'm about as anti corporate as it comes.

Level 2 Rebel
STR: 5    DEX: 1    STA: 7    CON: 6    WIS: 4    CHA: 4


"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward."


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Emb, I was sooo not a "chilihead" I'm about as anti corporate as it comes.

hmmm i take it the sarcasm in my head didn't come through :) i'm with you, though. i much preferred to wait tables at a smaller family-owned restaurant like i did for a few months years ago. there was just so. much. bullshit. at chili's. like drama. every day. i think i'm too old to wait tables now. everyone there seemed like a whiny kid to me.

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me I'd rather tend bar.. which I'm doing again. As for age.. i'm getting up there but it's always a good fall back when it's tough to find a job

oh, and I caught the sarcasm.. but man even the term makes my skin crawl.. Ick

Level 2 Rebel
STR: 5    DEX: 1    STA: 7    CON: 6    WIS: 4    CHA: 4


"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward."


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