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An Inspiration? What?

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OK! Something new for me but it left me glowing so gotta relay it to the Rebellion.


This morning I was cruising along with my gym session and there were a good amount of people there this morning. I was kinda down because I realized last night that maybe I wasn't doing some things that were beneficial for me in this challenge. I wanted to work out though since it's been a source of positivity for me. I did my squats and my overhead presses and was finishing up with my power cleans and I'm already sore and dripping. There was a lady to my right doing straight leg deadlifts on a smith machine and a couple people to my left. I made a little hole between them (my gym doesn't have a designated area) and busted out my warm up sets of just the bar, then 25 pounds, then I strapped on a couple of 45s and went into my work set of 5x3.


It's taken me a damn long time to get here. There's been plenty of set backs from poor form creating injuries and just general weakness.


Anyway I just finished my second set and my bluetooth headphones die, annoying. I put them in my bag and embrace the ambience of the gym. I finish the fourth set and I'm positively gassed. Chest is heaving and I'm staggering around trying to collect myself before the final set and the girl that was doing deadlifts to my right walks up to me and just says flat out:


"You know, you inspre me."


I look at her kinda confused, brain not registering what she just said. She goes on:


"What you're doing, it's inspiring. My goal is to be able to do that and when you just walked up and started doing it. . . it's inspiring."


The circuit from my brain to my mouth shorts. I got nothing. I look around for someone else to give the credit too. "Oh it wasn't really me, John over there did all the work." but nope, no one's there and I got nothing! I just stand there for a moment slackjawed before this nugget of intelligence comes out: "You know. . . I don't know what to say. . . " I go on a self deprication spree and eventually stumble through to thank her and she leaves. Then the guy to the left that's doing curls comes up to me and says the same thing. That he's always wanted to do 45s but hasn't worked up to it yet and it was cool to see me doing it.


The manager in my brain is having a freaking meltdown and can't handle this. I tell him it's mostly technique and not so much strength. Just try to grind it out and make the technique solid and that weight will come.


I'm on fire at this point. This feels amazing like a jolt of energy just hit me. It's like the ending of Creed (

. I blow out the final set.


That was exactly what I signed up for. Why I changed my name to Lighthouse after getting inspired by LUYL and from Destiny. I wanted to be an inspiration for others and that demanded that I become better. Lighthouse is something Doug never was. Someone telling me that I inspired them felt supernatural. I don't even know where I'm going with this but I guess the big thing to take away is no matter how crappy you're feeling like you had your face kicked in. If you're doing something and making the effort then there's a damn good chance you're inspiring someone else to be better and to push harder regardless of your current level. I didn't think there was a chance in hell of my inspiring someone with the super ripped guys working out there but I was!



A pudgy nerd that's pumping iron inspired a couple people at the gym to push harder and he feels damn good about it.


For the Rebllion!


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