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Accountability here I come! 




I am a young 5'6'' 23 year old that weighs 142 lbs. I am mostly looking to eat healthier and build up my body strength and endurance. My ultimate goal is to become a parkour master. I dislocated my left patella in November 2015 and have been on the road to recovery ever since then. 


I am not very strong but I can walk for very long periods of time. I have a job that keeps me on my feet all day so that has helped me stay moderately active since graduating high school. 


I don't follow the paleo diet but try to avoid added sugars and processed foods as much as I can. 


I am also obsessed with cats and you will see a lot of cat gifs here. 



Plan for today: 


- Eat some breakfast 

- Take supplements

- Do 20 lunges, 20 squats, 20 leg raises, and 20 foot rocks (It's to improve flexibility in my injured knee)

- Go for a walk with the Zombies, Run! app and while doing that head to the library to pick up some things


- Come home, shower and get ready for the day 

- send off some important e-mails

- Work on personal budget 

- Work on metal health exercises 

- Eat dinner (Mushroom Chicken with rice and an egg salad. I know, I know it's not paleo) 

- Read the news 

- Work on art project for one hour 

- Get ready for bed 

- Go to bed 


I'll edit this later with the results and plan out the next day as well! 


Let's do this! 




EDIT 6:37PM: 



- For breakfast/lunch I ate 1 cup of homemade hamburger soup. It has Macaroni, hamburger, celery, carrots, parmesan cheese, a few different spices, and tomato sauce. Not paleo but I'm trying to build up my confidence with cooking AND live on a budget first. I also had the rest of my homemade chocolate banana bread. Not the best choice but what's done is done. For a snack before my walk I had a homemade chocolate coconut energy bar. It has cocoa powder, coconut oil, honey, oatmeal, dried cranberries, golden raisins, pumpkin seeds, and shredded coconut inside. 


- I went on my walk before my workout. I walked for 54.48 minutes for 5.09km with an average of 10min 45sec needed for each km. I walked a total of 5614 steps. 1st km: 10min,  2nd km: 11min, 3rd km: 12min, 4th km: 10min, 5th km: 12min, last km: 13min. My knee hurt for the first bit but then the pain went away after km 2. I have no idea why that is


- Did my workout fully, perhaps a bit too fast. I need to focus on slowing down and concentrating on technique and form 


Now, to shower and take care of those e-mails, I'll update at bed time!


EDIT 12:27AM 


HA HA. Wow I didn't plan on staying up this late WHOOPS. 


- Had mushroom chicken and rice with two whole carrots and two whole pieces of celery. Also had another homemade energy bar which was the same kind from this morning


- Sent off some e-mails but still need to do more tomorrow/today 


- Didn't work on budget 

- Didn't work on mental health exercises 


- Read 1 article 


- Worked on my art project for 2 hours 


Now I'm going to bed. Right away. After I plan out tomorrow.

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hOI!!!! im fluffy



I like to schedule my life hour by hour.


8:30AM: Wake up 


8:35AM-11:35AM: Morning routine including 20 lunges, 20 squats, 20 leg raises, and 20 foot rocks and a 1 hour walk 


11:45AM: LUNCH- Hamburger soup 


12:00PM-3:00PM: Head down to the Registry office and Work to take picture of schedule and pick up left behind book 


3:05PM-5:00PM: Clean kitchen 


5:05PM: DINNER- Egg salad with mushroom chicken 


6:00PM: Clean bathroom 


7:00PM: Clean room 


8:00PM: E-mails 


9:00PM: Art project 


10:00PM: Bed



I'll edit later with the results. 



EDIT: 10:41PM 


I feel so stressed right now, and it was actually a pretty good day. I hope this passes. 


- Woke up at 8:30AM

- Got up at 11:30AM

- Had Breakfast which was 1/4 cup of french vanilla yogurt with a handful of almonds, pumpkin seeds, golden raisins, and chia seeds, and one whole hard-boiled egg (it was separate from the yogurt not combined haha) 

- Remembered I had to make a dessert for a church function for tomorrow and so made that  

- Sampled cake mix, caramel sauce, and cream cheese frosting while making cake

- Didn't go for my walk but I was on my feet for about 1 hour getting the ingredients and baking the cake

- Did my exercises 

- Had last meal before fasting (we fast every first Sunday of the month for 24 hours) which was a salad with left-over mushroom chicken, 4 leaves of lettuce, a handful of chopped yellow peppers, and 1/2 of an avocado chopped 

- had about 2 glasses of water

- Watched Harry Potter movie 

- Worked on art project for 1 hour 


Now after I plan tomorrow, I'm going to sleep. Hopefully sleep will help my stress levels. 

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I have decided I'm not going to plan my entire life on here. As much as I want to be held accountable, I don't have to share EVERYTHING that's happening in my life. 




Tomorrow the plan is to rest and rejuvenate myself. It's Sunday and I don't work out on Sundays. 

Just going to Church and reading scriptures.


More on Monday.






Food Log 


Breakfast:  Nothing, I was fasting 


Lunch: Nothing, I was fasting 


Dinner: 2 cups of pasta with hamburger tomato sauce, 2 cups of leafy salad, 1 cup of fruit salad


Dessert: 1 cupcake, 1 slice of my super-sweet super-sugary cake, 1 slice of Nutella cheesecake, 2 chocolate puffed wheat squares, 1 bite-sized cinnamon bun  


Cups of water drunk: 4

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So, I was mixing up my Chiro's exercise recommendations for me. 


He wanted me to be doing 10 lunges, 10 squats, 10 leg raises, and 10 foot rocks 3 TIMES A DAY

I just thought he wanted me to do them once a day.




Last time I saw him he said I could be doing 2 sets of that a day so instead of doing 30 of each exercise in total a day, I should be able to do 60. 


This is something I can get behind. 


It's been frustrating me that I haven't been able to REALLY workout since my injury so I'm glad I can up the ante now. 

He also said I could walk as much as I pleased. 

Bonus <3 


SO that being said, here is my new workout plan for each day except Sundays: 


20 squats 20 lunges, 20 leg raises, 20 foot rocks 3 times a day (early morning, afternoon, and evening)

30 minutes-1 hour of walking using the Zombies, Run! app. If I'm able to walk even more than an hour, that is awesome. 


I don't see my Chiro until Thursday so I'll see how this goes! 


I'll edit throughout the day with my progress! 


Fluffy OUT 




EDIT: 10:21PM 




Today was a good day. 


I walked to the bus stop where I catch the bus to go to work in the morning, and walked from the bus stop to home after work was done. In total I walked for about 42 minutes today. I WAS going to use my Zombies, Run! app but the mission I wanted won't be unlocked until February 11 <_<  Not cool Zombies, Run! So I just walked listening to music. 


I woke up, bleary-eyed and groggy BUT I still did my first set of exercises at 5:10am. I also did a modified version of a warm-up Steve described in this blog post: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2012/01/09/warm-up/


I modified it this way: 


30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 


I then proceeded to do my workout: 


20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


I did the first set at 5:15AM, the second set at 2:30PM, and the third set at 6:15PM 


On top of that I cleaned my bathroom and my room AND had a 5 hour and 30 minute shift at work. 


Best part is my knee held together really well, and I don't even feel that tired.  


I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep and another productive day tomorrow! 


Now to plan tomorrow and then go to sleep. 


Food Log


Breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal with half a sliced apple with pumpkin seeds, dried cranberries, golden raisins, and 2 packets of raw sugar 


Lunch: Bowl of Hamburger soup with a tall molten hot chocolate with no whip from Starbucks 


Dinner: Bowl of Hamburger soup 


Snack: Handful of Tostitos Scoops chips


Dessert: 2 cupcakes, 2 pieces of fudge, 4 timbits, 3 chocolate puffed wheat squares, and 3 bite-sized cinnamon rolls (man I didn't realize I ate that much whoops) 


Snack: 1 cup sweet potato fries (courtesy of my awesome roommate <3) 


Cups of water drunk today: 8 ish 

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Alrighty! The plan for tomorrow is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk.



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


I also have work tomorrow and I'll be on my feet for 5 hours. 


Let's do this! 




EDIT: 9:29PM 


Another fantastic day! 


I managed to do all 3 sets of my workout warm-up included as well as walk for about 50 minutes today! I feel awesome... and very sore. I hope I'm not straining myself or anything. I'm trying to be as careful as I can but I'm having a hard time knowing the difference between pain being caused by my knee or pain caused by the micro-tears in my muscles. 


I just did a bit of reading on taking rest days and I think I'll do that tomorrow. While I don't mind the soreness in the least, I don't want to injure myself... the incident with my knee has taught me I must listen to my body and my body is saying 'take a rest day'. 


I think I should follow a 2 days on 1 day off routine. Sundays will always be off so I may do it this way: 

Sunday- OFF 

Monday- Strength and Walk 

Tuesday- Strength and Walk 

Wednesday- Walk 

Thursday- Strength and Walk 

Friday- Walk 

Saturday- Strength and Walk 


That way it's always just ONE day off for strength. I can walk everyday that is NO problem. Maybe I'll walk a little extra on my all-walk days. 


For now, I feel this the best course of action. 


Food Log


Breakfast: 1 cup carrots, onions, celery, and yellow pepper all sautéed in chili powder and canola oil, 2 pieces of whole grain toast with butter and strawberry jam, 1 fried egg 


Lunch: 2 (spread out over the course of 4 hours) grande molten hot chocolates with regular whipped cream from Starbucks (one of my co-workers was stressing me out beyond my limits and I wanted the chocolate to help me feel happy and calm down. Had I had my homemade chocolate energy bars I would have much preferred that :(


Dinner: 1 cup leftover tube pasta with hamburger tomato sauce, 3 lettuce leaves, 1 slice of garlic toast 


Snack: 1 hard-boiled egg with pepper sprinkled on, 1 lettuce leaf, 1 carrot 


Dessert: half a sliced apple dipped in the egg-free left over chocolate banana bread batter I have stored (hey, it's egg-free so I see no reason to waste perfectly good-tasting batter) 


Cups of water: 11


On to planning the next day, and then off to bed I go. 

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Today is a walking day. 


No strength-training. 


Instead, I'll use that time in the morning to work on an art project :)


Pretty straight-forward! 


See you later! 




EDIT: 10:24PM 


It's been a great day! 


Today was strictly a walking day and a walked for about 37 minutes. I wanted to walk more but my legs were hurting a lot, and I think that's because I was on my feet for 5 hours and 30 minutes at work today. I was also partly running trying to keep up with everything going on soooo I think that contributed to the pain a lot. 


I want to walk 2-3 hours on my days off if possible. I just love walking <3 


I've also been reading more of Level Up Your Life, it's so good! I'm so happy I bought it. 


Food Log 


Breakfast: Grande Strawberry Banana Smoothie from Starbucks, 1 whole navel orange 


Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 leaf of lettuce, 1 carrot, 1/2 an avocado, Grande Strawberry Banana Smoothie from Starbucks


Dinner: 1 cup spaghetti with cream of mushroom soup-based sauce 


Snack: 7 Breton Vegetable crackers, 1 leaf of lettuce, Venti un-sweetened Passion Tea Lemonade from Starbucks, 1/2 1 Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate bar, a handful of mini m&ms


Dessert??? (I was hungry after a late-night course): 1 sandwich made with whole wheat bread, sliced avocado, 3 slices of salami, cheddar cheese, and miracle whip


Cups of water: 6 ish


On to plan tomorrow!

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The plan for tomorrow is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk (I'll also be able to unlock a Zombies, Run! mission tomorrow YAY!).



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


I also have work tomorrow and I'll be on my feet for 5 hours and 30 minutes. 


Let's do this! 




EDIT: FEB 12, 2016, 10:03AM 


Okay so yesterday was interesting. I was planning on editing this entry before I went to sleep but it was about 12:30AM when I went to sleep and I was mostly focused on getting to bed. I was going to go to sleep at 10:00PM but then my roommate invited me to watch 30 Rock with her, which was lots of fun! It was a great way to end a busy work week. Now I'm awake and ready for today! 


I completed 1 set in the morning but after my Chiro appointment and Shockwave Therapy treatment I was advised to take it easy the rest of the night which I was kind of sad about :( 

He said I could workout today though :) 


I worked for 5  hours and 30 minutes on my feet and also walked for about 30 minutes outside. 


Food Log 


Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with dried cranberries, golden raisins, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, and 2 packets of raw sugar 


Snack: 2 Lemon loaves from Starbucks 


Lunch: Sandwich made with whole wheat bread, 3 slices of salami, avocado, mayonnaise, sliced red pepper, and cheddar cheese 


Snack: 1 whole navel orange, 1 grande molten hot chocolate for Starbucks with normal whipped cream 


Dinner: 1 1/2 cups spaghetti with cream of mushroom sauce 


Dessert: 1 handful of mini m&ms, 2 breton vegetable crackers


Snack: 5 lindt sphere chocolates, a handful of sour gummies, 2 1/2 cups of microwave popcorn  


Not the best choices for food yesterday. My vegetable and fruit supply is dwindling and I need to get more ingredients to make healthy snacks. 

I'm going to make some healthy granola bars today :)

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The plan for today is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up (right after I finish this post), one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk but I would like to walk for even more time if time allows (I'll also be able to unlock a Zombies, Run! mission tomorrow YAY!).



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


Let's get to it! 




EDIT: February 13, 2016, 1:56AM 


WOW what a night. 


I was out with a friend for their birthday and then when I came home my roommate said she wanted to go grocery shopping at 9:00AM in the morning. wELL I hadn't made my meal plan yet soooo I got right on that at about 12:23AM. I just finished. Looks like I'll be tired tomorrow. 


It's great to have it done though! A lot of exciting recipes planned. 


ANYWAYS. Let's get to the workout report. 


I did all three sets today! I also walked around the mall with my friends for about 2 hours so I got my walking in! 


Best part is I'm no longer suffering from hard-core DOMS, working out has become much more enjoyable. 




Breakfast: 1 cup tube pasta with hamburger pasta sauce, 2 lettuce leaves, 1 piece of garlic toast 


Lunch: Non-exsistent??? I ended up sampling the fudge I was making and ate 4 pieces of white chocolate to 'test the quality' of them (yeah that was just an excuse to eat it, I'm not proud of that). I also ate 1 piece of fudge once I was done making it. 


Dinner: 6 pieces of mango roll sushi, 8 pieces of female dragon roll sushi, 10 tempura squid legs, 4 tempura shrimps, 2 pieces of ginger beef, 1 piece of ginger chicken, 4 pieces of California roll sushi (I had to eat a ton of sushi because I bought some for my group but none of them wanted to try what I ordered :( some of it had caviar on it and that grossed them out -sigh- ) 


Dessert: 5 m&ms 


Cups of water: 10 ish 


Now to plan tomorrow and then off to bed I go finally.

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The plan for today is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up (right after I finish this post), one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk but I would like to walk for even more time if time allows (I'll also be able to do a Zombies, Run! mission today YAY!).



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


Let's get to it! 



EDIT: 10:28PM 


Well today was interesting. 


I ended up only doing 2 sets today with the second set being modified a bit but I was also on my feet for nearly 8 hours today and during my second set, my knee was not doing well. I decided to rest it instead of doing my third set. 


All in all a good first week of regular exercise! 


My diet could use some work but I'll work on it more as I do the NF quests. 




Breakfast: 1 cup oatmeal with dried cranberries, golden raisins, pumpkin seeds, honey, and 1 teaspoon cocoa powder 


Snack: a little piece of homemade white chocolate bueno fudge


Lunch: 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt with almonds, dried cranberries, golden raisins, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds 


Snack: a little piece of homemade white chocolate bueno fudge 


Dinner: 1 cup spaghetti with broccoli, sliced red pepper, 1 chopped carrot, with a sauce consisting of cream of celery soup, 1 can of V8 vegetable juice, garlic powder and pepper 


Dessert: one banana and a little piece of homemade white chocolate bueno fudge  


Cups of water: 10 ish


I'm going to be making granola bars tomorrow to cut down my snacking on the fudge 


Now to plan tomorrow.

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Tomorrow is Sunday which is a rest day from everything, including walking. 


The plan is to make cookies, make granola bars, and go to church. 


Other than that, nothing too crazy. 


More on Monday. 




EDIT: FEB 15, 2016, 12:24AM 


Got a chance to walk around for 2 hours this morning making cookies for my Mom and about 1 hour more playing with my little brother. 


My diet was not so great though, but I did buy a lot of great healthy food to eat this week. 




Breakfast: 5 of the cookies I was making (I like to taste-test my baking but this is mostly an excuse to eat cookies) plus licking the batter off the whisk attachment, spatula, and bowl. I also had one banana because I was feeling sick from the sugar 


Lunch: More of a quick snack before I went off to my Mom's, I ate: 3 breton vegetable crackers and 6 pieces of mixed salami meat. 


Dinner: 2 pork chops with apple sauce and mushroom sauce, 1 1/2 cups of white rice, 1 cup of steamed baby carrots 


Dessert: 2 cookies from this morning and the chocolate from a kinder surprise my brother had (my Mom didn't want him eating the chocolate) 


Snack: 1 piece of brown bread toast with butter


Cups of water: 6 ish 


I'm quite disappointed with the amount of sugar I consumed honestly. 


Let's plan tomorrow now.

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The plan for tomorrow is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk, even longer if the day allows. Hopefully my knee does better tomorrow than the last two days. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


I'm excited to get back into working out tomorrow! 



EDIT: FEB 16 2016, 8:24AM


So yesterday was kind of... disappointing. 


No matter though! That won't prevent me from working hard!


I managed to only complete one set of exercises yesterday and the rest of the day I was pretty sedentary. However, my knee is not hurting as much as it was and I was able to ice it last night so all-in-all I think things worked out. HOWEVER, to compensate for yesterday I'm going to try to walk at least 2 hours today or more, and add 30 wall-push ups to my last two sets for the day. It's a lot, yes, but I think it is beneficial. I may even just try to do 10 push-ups every hour and spread them out throughout the day. starting at 9:00AM today. 




Breakfast: 3 lettuce leaves with half a can of canned tuna, 2 tblsp miracle whip, half of one slice carrot, half of one sliced stick of celery


Lunch: 1 1/2 cups sea salt and vinegar chips, 9 crackers, 6 sticks of cheddar cheese, 5 of my ruined vanilla cookies from yesterday 


Snack: 1/2 of one large Slurpee 


Dinner: 3/4 of a salad consisting of balsamic beets, arugula, cucumber, red pepper, slaw, spiced almonds, goat cheese, pomegranate balsamic vinaigrette 


Dessert: Strawberry cheesecake with whipped cream, one mocha-dipped strawberry on top, and mocha and strawberry drizzle 


Cups of water: 8 ish 


On to planning today!

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I've already completed one set for today however, I'm mixing it up from my usual routine. I'm going to be doing 10 wall push-ups every hour starting at 9:00AM until I have done 60 push-ups in total. This is to compensate for not completing my last two sets yesterday. Also I would just try to do the two extra sets today but I know my knee would not be able to take it, and I don't want to hurt it more. Also I want to walk 2 or more hours today. 


Also, I should think about taking my measurements at some point. I've notice my tummy is getting slightly flatter and my legs are looking a little more defined.


So two more sets of this workout: 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after. 


Let's do this! 



EDIT: 9:57PM


Well, today didn't really go to plan. However, I got a lot of great things done that were somewhat fitness and also non-fitness related. 


I completed 1 set in the morning and managed to do 20 extra wall push-ups. I also walked around for about 1 hour and a half today. I worked on some things in the Academy as well though so there is that.


Either way, tomorrow is a new day! 




Breakfast: 1 1/2 cups of kale with 1/2 a can of tuna, 1/2 one chopped celery, 1/2 one chopped carrot, 3/4 of an avocado, and 1 tblsp of miracle whip 


Lunch: 1 1/2 cups of the cream of celery spaghetti I made on Saturday 


Snack: 1/2 a piece of homemade bueno fudge 


Dinner: The rest of the beet salad from yesterday 


Dessert: 4 over-baked pillsbury chocolate chip cookies, 3 crispy m&ms, 1/2 a piece of homemade bueno fudge 


Cups of water: 6 ish

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The plan for tomorrow is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk, even longer if the day allows. I'm also going to be working on my feet for 6 hours. I also want to get in those 40 wall push-ups I didn't do yesterday. I'll do 14 in the first set, 14 in the second, and 12 in the third. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


I can do this!



EDIT: 10:24PM 




In the middle of the day I thought I had messed up the entire day in terms of eating/ working out. 

I ended up eating too many sweets and thought that I wouldn't be able to finish my last two sets of my workout for the day. 


I came home at 9:54PM and my first thought was: "man I'm so tired, I'm just going to go to bed." 

Then I realized I would have to report my progress on here saying I ended up not finishing my sets yet again... and you know what? I decided, 



And sure enough, here I am, sweaty but extremely happy. 

I busted out my last two sets one after the other, doing the warm-up before each one AND finishing off my extra wall push-ups. 


I am VERY proud of myself. 


I even managed to walk at least 45 minutes extra outside of being on my feet 6 hours at work. 


My knee is even holding up really well. 

I think my chiropractor will be very impressed with my progress tomorrow. 




Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal with dried cranberries, golden raisins, pumpkin seeds, and two packets of brown sugar. 1 whole orange. 1 crispy m&m. 


Snack: Short smoked butterscotch syrup cream from Starbucks


Lunch: Sandwich consisting of whole grain brown bread, miracle whip, 2 pieces of salami, 1 piece of ham, 1 handful of kale, 1 handful of cheddar cheese. 1 whole carrot. 1 Short citrus mint syrup cream with lemon essence on top from Starbucks 


Snack: 7 crispy m&ms, 1/2 a piece of bueno fudge


Dinner: 1/2 an onion chopped, 1 handful of a sliced red pepper, 2 handfuls of kale, 3 eggs, 1/2 a handful of broccoli, all cooked in sesame oil with a little bit of salt and pepper 


Dessert: 6 homemade chocolates from a friend, 15 crispy m&ms


Snack: 4 swedish fish gummy candies, 1 whole carrot


Cups of water: 8 ish 


Hopefully I can work on cutting back my sugar intake. It is A LOT better from how I used to eat before, but I do know it could be BETTER. I have crushed some cravings here and there though so, baby steps!


On to plan tomorrow!

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I'm unsure what to do for tomorrow. 

I am REALLY liking the routine of working out as soon as I wake up, it is helping me feel more ready and alert for the day. 

Even though tomorrow is a walking day, I may do one set in the morning, JUST to get me going. 


I have shockwave therapy in the afternoon so I will probably be ordered to take it easy afterwards. 

I am working for 6 hours and 30 minutes on my feet before that though! 


As always the workout is as follows: 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


On an unrelated note, I'm reading Steve's book and I was reading how he created his own class of Troubadour. I'm trying to figure out a name for my ideal class of 50% assassin, 30% monk, and 20% adventurer. Maybe Hunter? Wanderer? Ninja? I don't know. 


Let's do this! 



EDIT: 10:10PM 


Man I'm tired. Let's make this quick. 


I did my first set in the morning, worked, and am now halfway through Steve's book. 

I also did Shockwave therapy and my Chiro was very impressed with how well my knee is doing. Yay.


Breakfast: Chorizo breakfast sandwich from Starbucks, Grande half-sweet hot chocolate with no whip from Starbucks, one banana 


Snack: one banana and a grande half sweet white hot chocolate with 1 pump of cinnamon dolce syrup from Starbucks 


Lunch: Ancho-chipotle Chicken panini from Starbucks 


Snack: 1 crispy m&m, 1 banana 


Dinner: Cream of celery spaghetti with half a sliced smokie 


Dessert: 3 homemade chocolates from a friend 


Cups of water: 6 ish 


On to plan tomorrow and then bed.

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The plan for tomorrow is three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I get up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I'll also have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk, even longer if my knee can take it. I'll also be working for 6 hours. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


Stretching and lots of water after!


I can do this! 



EDIT: FEB 21 2016, 12:18AM 


Wow, okay the 19 was HARD. 


So I did my first set in the morning feeling pretty good. I made ants on a log to take to work, a sandwich, carrot sticks, I was ready for the day. 


Then I went to work and things just... went wrong. 


I just couldn't focus, I didn't feel good. I had taken my supplements to fight my depression in the morning but... it didn't seem to be doing much. 

I was just staring at the clock urging the numbers to go faster. I like my job but, on Friday it was just tough. My depression kicked in to high gear and beat me down hard. 


I came home exhausted and with not even an iota of wanting to finish my sets for the day. I watched movies on my phone, ate corn chips and nachos and went to bed, my mind buzzing, and my body clenched in panic and frustration. 


It was rough. I would have eaten better if my roommate wasn't home. I was having a severe anxiety episode and didn't want to see, hear, or contact ANYONE. Things are better today though. We went shopping together and watched The Bourne Identity! I just couldn't push through my anxiety on Friday... I just couldn't. 




Breakfast: 1 ant on a log made with peanut butter and dried cranberries, a little piece of cheddar cheese, 1 grande half-sweet no whip hot chocolate from Starbucks


Lunch: 1 sandwich made with whole wheat bread, miracle whip, 3 pieces of salami, kale, and cheddar cheese; 1 whole carrot, 1 ant on a log made with peanut butter and dried cranberries 


Snack: 1 grande vanilla syrup creme from Starbucks with extra whip (I was feeling like I was about to lose it so I wanted to drink something that I thought would make me happiest) 


Dinner: Half a bag of Tostitos restaurant style corn chips, 1 plateful of homemade nachos with cheddar cheese and corn chips 


Dessert: half a bag of crispy m&ms, 1 whole piece of bueno fudge 


Cups of water: 4 ish 

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Well, this entry is really late! 

The plan for February 20 was to do three sets of this workout. One in the early morning as soon as I got up, one in the afternoon before lunch, and one in the evening before dinner. I also wanted to have a 30 min- 1 hour long walk, even longer if my knee could take it. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward and back 

20 punches 

10 squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 

5 wall push-ups 



20 squats 

20 lunges (each leg) 

20 leg raises (each leg) 

20 foot rocks 


So I did all three sets and managed to walk for about 2 hours today! 


I also got a REALLY cool running hoodie that will be my next loot for completing something on NF. 






Breakfast: 1 ant on a log made with peanut butter, and dried cranberries; 1 whole carrot  


Snack: 1 fruit by the foot


Lunch/ Dinner: Spaghetti with tomato sauce mixed with basil, thyme, rosemary, salt, pepper, curry powder, chopped red pepper and onion, and 2 leaves of kale; drunken with a full glass of my melted down slushy I am keeping in the fridge (that thing was like a sugar roller coaster) 


Dessert: 1 whole carrot


Cups of water: 6 ish

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Once again it is the day of rejuvenation and rest. 


No workout today. 


More on Monday. 




EDIT: FEB 22, 5:25PM 


It was a nice day on Sunday. 


Breakfast: French vanilla yogurt with 3 tblsp of peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, golden raisins, and chia seeds 


Snack: 3 homemade breakfast cookies made with almond butter, banana, chocolate chips, dried cranberries, and quick oats 


Lunch: 2 breakfast cookies and 3 gummy shark candies 


Snack: the crust from my brother's toast, 1/2 a piece of buttered toast, 1 marshmallow-filled chocolate, 1 caramel-filled chocolate 


Dinner: 2 slices of peppered roast, 1 cup of green beans, 1 1/2 cups of roasted, seasoned small potatoes, 2/3 of a cup of salad consisting of romaine lettuce, shredded carrot, and shredded red cabbage 


Dessert: 1 marshmallow-filled chocolate, 1 truffle-filled chocolate 


Cups of water: 10 ish 


I didn't do so well on eating less sugar but I am starting to notice that I can't have too much sugar or I start feeling sick. I wouldn't mind me not being able to handle sugar at all!

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So it's pretty late in the day BUT, I have really REALLY exciting news. 


My Chiro gave me a more intense workout to do!!! 






He said I should be able to do it 5 days in a row a week!!! 






Seriously though, I LOVE waking up and working out first thing in the morning. I just feel SO GOOD afterwards. My confidence is also higher and I am usually more productive and more inclined to start a difficult project. 


On Saturdays I think I'll get up early and go do a Zombies, Run! mission. 


OKAY. So here's the new workout plan! 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward

30 seconds of arm rotations back 

20 punches 

10 full squats 

5 lunges (each leg) 


5 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 



10 full squats 

10 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 

10 straight-leg sit-ups 

5 single leg Romanian deadlifts with no weight (each leg) 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec side plank 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec other side plank 


2 sets each day from Monday-Friday 

The Chiro also said I should be able to do the sets one right after another in one sitting instead of 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon, which I am COMPLETELY okay with.


Walking for 2-3 hours Saturdays 


Resting on Sundays


I'm so excited to start this tomorrow!!! 




EDIT: FEB 23, 11:03PM 


I am really tired. Let's make this quick. 


Did one set of old workout before shockwave therapy. Couldn't workout for the rest of the day after that. Still walked around for about 1 hour and a half. 


Breakfast: A whole papaya with french vanilla yogurt 


Lunch: Chicken Shwarma from the mall. Had chicken, rice, carrots, broccoli, beets, and roasted potatoes. Had a baklava for a snack after. 


Snack: Breakfast cookie 


Dinner: None 


Snack: one whole bag of popcorn 


Cups of water: 7 

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Okay so I'll just write a post for the day. 


I did the new workout fully in the morning. It was hard but awesome. I also walked for about 30 minutes today and worked on my feet for 4 hours. 




Breakfast: 3 scrambled eggs with onions, red peppers, and kale all cooked in chill powder 


Snack: 1 banana, 1 toasted coconut ice cream bar (A gift from my boss!) 


Lunch: 4 Breakfast cookies 


Dinner: (Went out to a sushi and Korean bbq restaurant) 5 pieces of bbq squid, some seaweed salad, a small bowl of miso soup, 2 mango sushi rolls, 2 California sushi rolls, 4 chef's gift rolls, 2 seaweed, caviar and crab rolls, 2 pieces of bbq chicken 


Dessert: 1 tiny cup of mango ice cream, 1 tiny cup of cookies and cream ice cream, 1/4 of a tiny cup of mocha almond ice cream


Cups of water: 5 ish  


Planning tomorrow, and then finally BED.

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The plan is 2 sets of this workout first thing in the morning. I'll be on my feet for 8 hours working as well. I want to walk a little bit more for maybe an hour or so. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward

30 seconds of arm rotations back 

20 punches 

10 full squats 

5 lunges (each leg)

5 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 



10 full squats 

10 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 

10 straight-leg sit-ups 

5 single leg Romanian deadlifts with no weight (each leg) 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec side plank 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec other side plank 


Let's do it!




EDIT: FEB 25, 10:37PM 


Ugh, again really tired. 


Let's go. 


Did the workout in the morning it went well.




Breakfast: Strawberry smoothie from Starbucks 


Lunch: Oatmeal and one hard-boiled egg 


Snack: chocolate chip cookie from Starbucks


Dinner: Nothing 


I was very depressed and tired yesterday so I didn't eat much


Cups of water: 8 

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I'm really tired so this is going to be really simple. 


I did my workout again this morning. It wasn't easy but I did it anyways. 




Breakfast: Smoothie with dried black berries, sliced lime, whey protein powder, 2% milk, and 1 banana 


Lunch: tall half-sweet hot chocolate with whip form Starbucks, Spinach feta wrap from Starbucks, Cherry oat bar from Starbucks


Dinner: 1 plate of corn chips with melted cheddar cheese with mild salsa, 2 whole avocados 


Cups of water: 5 ish 


On to plan tomorrow. 

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The plan is 2 sets of this workout first thing in the morning. I'll be on my feet for 8 hours working as well. I want to walk a little bit more for maybe an hour or so. 



30 seconds of arm rotations forward

30 seconds of arm rotations back 

20 punches 

10 full squats 

5 lunges (each leg)

5 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 



10 full squats 

10 push-ups from knees with a pillow underneath to support my knee 

10 straight-leg sit-ups 

5 single leg Romanian deadlifts with no weight (each leg) 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec side plank 

30 sec front plank 

30 sec other side plank 


Let's do it! 




EDIT: FEB 27, 4:01PM 


I really need to make a daily habit of updating these at the end of the night. It is WAY easier to remember what you ate the day of rather than the day after. 




I did my workout! Go me! 


I also worked for 8 hours on my feet and was VERY tired by the end of the day. I killed it at work though! 




I actually hardly remember what I ate and drank this day. Hence the need to update this consistently at the end of the night every day. 

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This is a post accounting for February 26, 2016 


I wanted to do my workout but I didn't. I was EXHAUSTED in the morning and felt it was better to sleep. I had planned to do my workout after work, but I was so tired after that I basically went home. Stayed awake for an hour and had a 2 and a half hour nap before I practiced for a musical number I'm in. 




I don't remember what I ate and drank.

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Now FINALLY on to today's ACTUAL post. 


So I've already done my workout. It went very well. I'm getting quicker in going from one exercise to the next and I am not stopping to catch my breath as much as I did when I was starting out the week. I even had a little sweat on my forehead after so that tells me I am working hard! 


I'm also getting MUCH better with my planks, especially the side planks. My right side is much stronger than my left but my left is starting to catch up. 


It's nice to see improvements happening! 




Breakfast: french vanilla yogurt with dried cranberries and chia seeds, a blueberry lemon muffin from Tim Horton's, A bottle of Tim Horton's orange juice 


Lunch: 2 whole hard-boiled eggs, 6 small sandwich slices of roasted ham, one sandwich made with chunky peanut butter and no name brand strawberry jam, one glass of milk, a little bit of Starbucks sweetened passion tea lemonade from yesterday.


I will update later with the rest of my food consumption! 




EDIT: 10:55PM 


Well, I did my musical performance tonight! It went very well and the entire cast had a lot of fun! 

Not bad considering I have social anxiety haha. 


ANYWAYS. On to food! 


Dinner: Wedge salad with iceberg lettuce, bacon bits, cease dressing and diced tomatoes; 2 buns, rice cooked in chicken broth? (It tasted similar to that and this was at a formal event so I didn't make this), steamed carrots with born sugar and spices, bacon-wrapped pork loin stuffed with some sort of bread and vegetable substance 


Dessert: vanilla cream cheese mousse with crushed oreos on the bottom and one raspberry


Snack: 4 pieces of my homemade super-healthy almond butter fudge (it is literally just almond butter, coconut oil, and honey)


Cups of water: 6 ish 


On to plan tomorrow!

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Once again it is Sunday the day of rest. No workout today but a workout will be done Monday! 




EDIT: 9:30PM 


Today was a nice relaxing day! I also made some homemade chocolate coconut energy bars this morning <3 


I shared them at Church and my friends loved them! I'm going to make them as a dessert for our next event and not tell anyone they are actually healthy haha. 




Breakfast: A bowl of Campbell's chicken noodle soup 


Snack: a few m&ms, some almond butter fudge, and a whole carrot 


Lunch: 2 homemade chocolate coconut energy bars and some leftover batter in the glass pan


Snack: 2 homemade chocolate coconut energy bars, and 2 pieces of almond butter fudge with some m&ms 


Dinner: stir-fried broccoli, onion, green pepper, pork, and spaghetti with teriyaki sauce 


Dessert: 2 small flavoured liquid honey sticks 


Snack: Some cheese and 1 homemade chocolate coconut energy bar 


Cups of water: 4 ish 


I need to remember to drink more water!


On to tomorrow!

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