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This week has already been exhausting and it's only Wednesday 

Oh Boy. 


I need to go work on some other things after writing this first (may work out first, I'm trying to decide what to do) 

Anyways, I just wanted to put down some dates so that SOMETHING gets accomplished today. 




- Workout scheduled for

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Food Log

Can't remember


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Can't remember


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



1 hour of work scheduled for 





- Workout scheduled for

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Food Log

Can't remember 


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Can't remember


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



1 hour of work scheduled for 





- Workout scheduled for

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Food Log

Can't remember


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Can't remember


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



1 hour of work scheduled for 



and today 





- Workout 3C- Completed! I also did Staci's cool down

- Had 1 serving of veggies from my sandwiches

- Can't remember

- Can't remember

- Food Log

Breakfast: several handfuls of trail mix, 1 serving of oatmeal with some blueberries and 1 tbsp of maple syrup 

Lunch: 2 sandwiches with whole wheat bread, red onions, mixed leafy greens, cucumbers, black forest ham, and margarine, 1 navel orange


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Can't remember


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Completed! Did 10 minutes of writing



1 hour of work scheduled for March 17


Okay, I think I'll eat some oatmeal and work out, I think I'll feel better about what I need to tackle and about myself in general. Like I said, it's been a tough week. 


Let's do this. 




UPDATE: Just about to go and have a shower. This latest art project is taking a toll on my mind though. I'm so scared to do it, and I'm so concerned I will run out of time. Well, it will get done one way or another.

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Another crazy week gone by. 

I'm only 2 days away from keeping track of my daily life for a full month. I can't wait to see the results! I'm not sure I hit 80% on everything but we will see! 


Okay, I'm going to attempt to record the past few days I missed. 




- Workout 3A scheduled for March 17

- Had 1 serving of veggies from my sandwich

- Had 1 treat I think?

- Completed!

- Food Log

Can't remember


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 



How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



1 hour of work scheduled for March 17





- Workout 3A scheduled for March 17

- Had 1 serving of veggies from my sandwich

- Mars bar, chocolate chunk cookie, peanut butter cookie- Failed

- Completed!

- Food Log

Breakfast: Chocolate chip CLIF bar, Mars bar 

Lunch: Black forest ham sandwich on whole wheat with red onions, margarine, mixed leafy greens, and cucumbers, one navel orange

Snack: Tall Starbucks blossoming rose roiboos tea latte made with almond milk, Machu Pichu Prana trail mix 

Dinner: Starbucks Chicken Santa Fe panini 

Dessert: Chocolate chunk cookie, peanut butter cookie


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Failed, had a tall Starbucks blossoming rose roiboos tea latte made with almond milk


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



1 hour of work scheduled for March 17


And today: 



MARCH 17 (Updated March 18 8:56AM)


- Workout 3A- Completed!

- Had 2 servings of veggies

- Had a McDonald's Shamrock shake and a slice of lemon raspberry cheesecake- Failed

- Completed! Walked for about 40 minutes

- Food Log

Pre-workout: 1 serving of oatmeal with 1 tbsp of maple syrup and some blackberries 

Breakfast: Starbucks Butter Chicken wrap 

Lunch: A McDonald's Big Mac, small fries, and a Shamrock shake 

Dinner: Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, big serving of steamed asparagus, half a plate of salad, cranberry sauce 

Dessert: One slice of lemon raspberry cheesecake


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Failed- Shamrock Shake


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not Completed



Not completed


After this workout today I will earn my loot for doing consistent workouts over the month (a t-shirt that has a design made by my friend on it). I'm going to wash it and wear it with pride today :) 


Let's go! 




UPDATE: I am loving my new shirt :) I may have not done so well on other things today but I got my workout in!

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- Workout 3B scheduled for March 19 5:00AM


- Nothing yet


- Food Log


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Nothing yet


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]












1 hour scheduled TODAY


Lots to do outside of my goals so I should get a move on here. 

Let's go! 



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It's currently 2am and my mind won't shut up. 

I've got so much crap to do, and so much happening in the next while. It's infuriating. I'm feeling so depressed and apathetic that I just do nothing. My grades are slipping and so is my sanity. I just can't handle this. I have still been working out so that's good at least but I have been eating lots of garbage. I have work at 5am and I desperately do not want to go. I just feel angry and disappointed in myself all the time. I feel so useless and pathetic. I don't know what I want, I want to run away but at the same time i don't. I was so productive and on top of things and now I'm just not... what happened?






- Workout 3A scheduled for today at 9:30pm


- Nothing yet


- Food Log


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Nothing yet


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]












1 hour scheduled March 31


I'm going to sleep now. 

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I'm going to keep this short because I am very tired. I just started taking Sertraline and I am FEELING IT today. Very drowsy, a restless night's sleep, dizziness, nausea... lots of fun. 


I have been consistent with my workouts and did all three last week. I just finished 3C just now. 

My diet however has been AWFUL, but it's almost the end of school and I'm having trouble finding other coping methods. Maybe now that I'm taking meds I won't be as inclined to eat sugar. I've heard Sertraline decreases your appetite so maybe.




- Workout 3C- Completed!


- Nothing yet


- Food Log


Eat Your Calories, Don't Drink Them 

Nothing yet


How to Break your Sugar Addiction

Defeat five cravings 

[x]- wanted to eat chocolate, had an orange instead- March 14

[x]- wanted DQ, ate an orange instead- March 16

[x]- wanted to get a treat at work, had trail mix instead- March 15

[ ] [ ]









NEW GOAL: 1000 words per day 




1 hour scheduled April 7


Okay on with the rest of the day


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Oh boy it's been a while. 


Oh well! I'm back now. 


Food Log 

Breakfast: Buddha bowl with tofu from Freshii, a green smoothie from Freshii

Lunch: Rest of the Buddha bowl, a pb protein smoothie from Jugo Juice

Dinner: Lipton chicken noodle soup with a bowl of guacamole flavoured chips


Workout done for today: Done!


That's all I'll be recording for now! I honestly don't know why I was so obsessed with recording every other thing in my life... I've learned that just stresses me out more than anything. I may not be consistent with everything, but I definitely want to make my workouts and healthy eating a priority. 



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Log for the 24: 


Food Log 

Breakfast: Tropical Tornado smoothie from Booster Juice 

Lunch: Bacon souvide egg-bites from Starbucks plus a glass of Lactaid milk 

Dinner: Lipton chicken noodle soup and guacamole chips 


Walk done for the day: Done! 22 minutes


Log for today, the 25 


Kind of neglected my battle log whoops. 

Well here I am again! I just ate my pre-workout snack and working on a project for an hour and then I'll do my workout for the day. 


Food Log

Breakfast: Chia seed pudding from Freshii 

Lunch: Umamii Salad with chicken, mangoes, and beet slaw from Freshii



Workout done for today: Done!


To work I go! 



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Oh man, it's been AGES since I've been on here but. I want to get back into the workout game again. 


A lot has changed in the last 5 years.  


I want to start out simple by doing workouts and recording my food log. I'm not too worried about my nutrition but, I am trying to focus on not eating out as much as possible, mostly because of financial reasons more than anything.  


I'll be starting off my workout journey again by doing Bodyweight workout 3A after having some water and a protein bar in the morning. 


Maybe I'll talk about life here too but idk, we'll see. 


Anyways, good to be back. 


Cat Kitty GIF by Gobookmart

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What up y'all! It's your boi 


So, I followed through on what I said and did Bodyweight Workout 3A today. 

It didn't go to badly but I did have to modify some exercises just because I felt some pain in my body.  I am very grateful that we have a little home gym area in the basement and that I don't have to go to the gym OR pay for a membership anymore.  After stretching after my workout I strapped on some boxing gloves and punched the crap out of a punching bag until I felt tired.  

Overall I feel good, and I'm even looking forward to the next workout, which doesn't happen often for me. 


Here's my Food Log so far 

Pre-workout: Protein bar and some water 

Post-workout: Curry tomato chicken with rice, a glass of milk, and a small cup of black coffee 

Lunch: Nothing whoops

Dinner: Bowl of Munchies and a can of Pepsi


My arms already feel tired so I know I'll be sore tomorrow. Luckily that's what A535 is for lol. 


My plan for tomorrow is to have a rest-day and do some walking. 


See you later everyone!


wrestling kitty GIF


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Another day another post in the Battle Log 


So, as predicted, my body is HELLA sore. Although, I can still move around and walk relatively easily so, it's certainly not the sorest I've ever been. I am pretty tired today but, that's kinda normal for me. 


I said I wanted to do some walking today but my activity might be fulfilled by the housework I have to do today. I have about 4 flights of stairs in my house from basement to the top floor so, I'll be getting in my steps today for sure! I'll be sure to record how long I did that for too. 


After I post this, I'm going to get started on the laundry and then the dishes!  


I'm also gonna be making some pepper steak with rice tonight so that should be tasty!


Food Log 

Breakfast: Coffee and a Chocolate Chip CLIF Bar 

Lunch: Garlic sausage with cucumber, sliced tomatoes, and 3 triangles of Laughing Cow cheese. Also a pomegranate Italian soda half cut with water to drink  

Snack: A slice of chocolate cheescake with some coffee, and water

Snack: A key lime soda half cut with water to drink

Dinner:  Lemongrass chicken with rice, and water




cats train GIF




So it's been a very successful day! I've been cleaning my house for probably about 6-7 hours today so I've been moving A TON. The bathrooms look BEAUTIFUL now and the laundry is getting done! I also took out the garbage, emptied and loaded the dishwasher, and watered the plants. I even tackled the bath and shower drain and removed HUGE clogs of hair. I still want to get some things done before bed such as straightening out my office.   


I unfortunately did not make the pepper steak today but I plan to do that tomorrow! I HATE wasting food so that will be a priority. 


I have to work at my day-job tomorrow so I'm not looking forward to that. After a nap I'll be sure to knock out workout 3B however! 


Alrighty, time to do some more work. 




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Bonjour all 


Didn't post yesterday because I was hella busy and sleepy but getting back on track today! 


Here is the low down on yesterday:


February 15 


Food Log 

Breakfast: Egg white egg-bites with Avocado, and a Cold Brew Coffee with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam from Starbucks  

Snack: Dark Chocolate and Cherry KIND bar

Lunch: Bowl of Munchies chips and some soda

Dinner: Pepper Steak with rice, and a glass of water


Additional Notes

I actually managed to make the Pepper Steak before the meat went bad in the fridge! I'm so proud of myself for that. It was about 10pm when I started cooking and I didn't finish till about 12am so it was a VERY late dinner. I had a 3 hour nap after work and just scrolled on my phone after because I was so tired from my day-job in the morning. I didn't do my workout but I was pretty active at work so, it counts for something I guess! 


and now today: 


February 16 


Food Log

Breakfast: Black coffee, and a piece of chocolate zucchini loaf

Lunch: Tall iced caramel macchiato, and a banana loaf from Starbucks 

Snack: A Grande black iced tea lemonade with no sweetener and light lemonade from Starbucks

Dinner: Spaghetti squash with sliced cucumbers, butter, and parmesan cheese, and a glass of milk

Snack: A very tiny amount of Munchies


Additional Notes

The messiness of my office has been stressing me the hell out, so I might do that before work instead of workout 3B today. I've also got some stuff to take care of in regards to a Design Commission I'm doing for a client so, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I do have work in the evening  so, I will be moving around then. I REALLY do want to get my workout in before work but, I can only do so much. The DOMS has definitely set in now so I don't want to wait too long between workouts. 


Anyways, I gotta get going now. Hope y'all are having a good day 


Fluffy, out 


Cat Working GIF by Operand 



So I wasn't able to get my workout done before work but I know I'll for sure have time for it tomorrow morning. I'm pretty tired after work but I was moving my body a lot so at least I wasn't sedentary! I'm gonna play some games on my phone and then go to bed. Night night

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Oh my god it's been a wild ride the last few days. 


My time out with my friend was lovely but I was busy with work the next two days and oh my god did I exhaust myself. I couldn't quite rest yet however since I had agreed to spend time with family after work on Monday, and also help out my mother on Tuesday. While it was rewarding to spend time with family and friends I have been pushing myself for a while and reallllly starting to feel the strain.  I was even supposed to visit with another friend today but (kinda thankfully) she needed to reschedule since she wasn't feeling the best. I have D&D with my friends tonight which is usually fun, but I'm so tired and stressed I honestly just want the night to myself. However, I tend to be the perpetual flake in my group and I hate disappointing my friends so I am pushing through and playing tonight. At least we are online so I can work on things while we play a bit. I am really starting to feel the burnout though. I still have so much to take care of and so many deadlines to meet that I can't rest quite yet. I recently had to pay a VERY large bill and... well let's just say I CANNOT afford to stop working. 


Things are tough but I know I can get through it. It's just really really hard. 


I can't really remember what I ate the last few days so I'll just record today's food: 


Food Log 

Breakfast: Black coffee, two slices of homemade buttermilk pie, and a handful of white-chocolate-covered kettle corn 

Lunch: Iced coffee with sugar, two eggs, and four hashbrowns

Dinner: Water, and a bowl of Munchies chips 

Snack: 2 slices of homemade buttermilk pie, and a cup of peppermint tea


As far as workouts go, still need to do 3B. I know everyone says they're busy but I, really am. I haven't had much time to myself let alone to workout. I HAVE been active however doing manual labour and chores so, at least I haven't been sitting too much. 


I'm just really, really tired. 


Hope y'all are having a good day 


Fluffy, out


Tired Cat GIF



D&D went well and it was a fun session! I didn't have to do to much thinking which was nice. I also developed a plan for getting things done and put my priorities in a list format. I like lists they make me feel better. I have work early tomorrow so I'm going to head to sleep. Night night.

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Another day, another update. 


Once again, I've been HELLA busy. I've been trying to front-load all of this work so I have time to really relax and enjoy some time off. It has certainly NOT been easy though, I am realllly starting to feel the mental fatigue, and my body is also beginning to protest by being sore and feeling generally sluggish. My mental health is doing the worst though. My partner said a valid criticism to me about something and I about lost it. I had to take some time to go to the basement and punch the shit out of the punching bag. I felt A LOT better after, but I was also disappointed I became so overwhelmed that it came to that point I needed to take my frustration out physically. One big part of my frustration has been how messy my office is. My office is my escape from everything and it being messy and chaotic has been driving me NUTS. I also have a deadline for a client that's been hovering over my head for about a week now and that has not helped my nerves in the least. I know once I get my office sorted out though, I'll be much more capable in doing my job. 


ANDDDDD I just got a text from my client wanting an update, GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!! A MOMENT OF PEACE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!????????


ANYWAYS. On to food. 


Food Log 


February 22 

Can't remember


February 23 

Can't remember


February 24 (today)

Breakfast: A cup of coffee, a CLIF bar

Lunch: A beef empanada, horchata, and some Munchies



I really need to do my food tracking everyday I guess. My memory sucks. 


Hope you are having a better day than I am y'all 


Fluffy, out 


Frustrated Under Pressure GIF by Clever Code Lab

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Hey all, 


Been a while and honestly? Things have been okay. Not good, not bad, just okay. 


After a surprise performance review at work I had a mental breakdown and am now taking a year-long LOA. However, besides what will we be paid out to me in vacation hours, I won't have another source of income. Sure, I have a job I work once every week or so but, it's not enough money to live on. So, I have to find another job. I'm so tired, so burnt out. I wish things were not like this but, reality still stands. I can do nothing but own my situation and work on it. As for the project for my client, that has been completed now so, yeah, that's good at least. 


I actually have been doing pretty well with eating meals at home. I am actually starting to prefer it. I have a few go-to's I can make when I can't think of anything else to eat so, having that plan in place helps a lot. I even made a meal plan and so far have been following it pretty well. I also read two books: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and How to Keep House While Drowning. Both very good books but, I liked How to Keep House While Drowning more.  I listened to them as audiobooks. I have found I really like audiobooks.


I want to get back into working out since, I feel like that will help my mood out a lot. I really want to get stronger and have my muscles visible. 


So, tomorrow, I'll be doing body workout 3B. The only reason I'm not doing it today is I am planning to fill most of my day with cleaning the house since we are having guests tomorrow. 


Food Log 

Breakfast: n/a (was sleeping) 

Lunch: Coffee, one sausage, some mixed veggies 




Fluffy, out 


Tired Cat GIF

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What up y'all


So, it's been a while, but, I am doing a WHOLE LOT better. I managed to find a new job that is a dream job for me and overall I am just so much more calmer and relaxed. I have more energy to do things, and I have been doing really good with self-care and my mental health. I didn't realize how much my old job was affecting me and making me miserable. Now I'm going into a job I'm actually EXCITED to do and I look forward to going to work instead of dreading it. I've also started getting more into doing my makeup everyday, which is a big deal for me since, for the longest time I avoided it because I thought it was a sign of vanity, and I also felt embarrassed I didn't even understand the basics of it.  Now, I like doing my makeup because it makes ME feel good. I don't do it for others I do it for me. 


As far as working out goes, I'm starting to get back into it! I FINALLY did Bodyweight Workout 3B after months. It went well, but it also made me realize how much stronger I want to be. 


I'm not sure if I'm going to keep recording my food because honestly, I just want to focus on getting into a workout routine and I think focusing on that AND food will impede my progress. I'm honestly not too worried about what I eat anyways since, I haven't gained or lost weight from the calories I'm consuming so, I assume I'm eating enough. 


Anyways, I'm going to have a shower and then get some work on a commission done. 


Hope y'all are having a good day! 


Fluffy, out 


Fail No Pain No Gain GIF by Mekamee

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What up NERDS

So, I did Workout 3C today! It went pretty well and again, I love the fact I can just workout in my basement. I'll be starting my new job tomorrow so I'm super excited for that!! That's one of the reasons I want to get into routine again too, I want to be able to perform my job to the best of my ability! Unlike my last job, I really want to put my heart and soul into my work, I feel like the work I'm doing is important and impactful, which is very important to me. I also recently started watching this anime called Baki: The Grappler and, it's very motivating for me to build my strength. Don't get me wrong, I know the strength of the people in Baki is exaggerated but, I at least want to have well-defined muscles and lift heavy things. Perhaps I'll sign up for kick-boxing in the future too since, I enjoy that quite a bit. 


Anyways, hope y'all have a great day! 


Fluffy, out 


cat playing GIF

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