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Walking into crossfit for the first time ...

Guest Snake McClain

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So I just got back from my Crossfit introductory class and I had a completely different experience than Bruce. I loved mine. :)

4.5 hour class of 12 newbies and 3 trainers, we went over a ton of exercises and proper form and then did a workout. I thought it was awesome. The trainers did a really great job of explaining everything very clearly and working with everyone individually to make sure they were doing the exercises correctly. It was really helpful for me to get someone to critique my form since I already knew how to do most of the exercises already. Apparently I have pretty good form. :)

We went over all the variations of squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses, push presses, cleans, jerks, kettlebell swings, ring dips, toes to bar/chest/elbows, pull ups, kipping pull ups, box jumps, wall balls, tabata, bodyweight exercises (push ups, plank, sit ups, burpees, etc)

Then we did a workout, 2 rounds of 45 s. work and 15 s rest of wall balls, kettlebell swings, box jumps, push presses, sit ups, burpees

So yeah I'm definitely going to start going in March. I would go sooner, but I'm traveling for the rest of February for work, but I cannot wait to get back and get started.

I think I'm really going to like Crossfit. This box seems like exactly my kind of place. It's in an old factory complex in a warehouse type building, very dirty grungy type of place. I've looked at many other gyms in my area and not only are they the same price or more expensive, but they're those "spa" type luxury gyms or a cheap gym without the equipment I want. Also, it's close to my apartment and the price is really really good. So double-win.

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me lies an invincible summer." - Albert Camus

"Moving on and Moving up" Challenge

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I'm starting a group class at a crossfit box in Toronto this Sunday. The only way the wife and I could've afforded it was to get a group of our friends together to do a 12 week boot camp style version of it so that's why I say "class". But it's basically crossfit on Sundays for 12 weeks. Im super excited.

I'll let everyone know how my experiences stack up comparatively.

200lbs is always 200lbs.




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Sorry just read this whole forum and I have had a completely different experience with my first month of CrossFit. The first day at my CrossFit I went through an introductory workout with one of the trainers, but it was just warming up, rowing, pushups, pull ups, squats, and I forget the rest but it's in my log. The next day was all in, but with a trainer. They said to me on the first day that if I am ever unsure of how to do an exercise to say something to the trainer and there would be a separate "intro" to that exercise. For example, today after being there for four weeks, I hadn't heard of one of the exercises so I went aside with one of the trainers and learned it, then jumped back in the WOD.

I didn't have a "on ramp" course or anything, just one day 1 on 1 and then any time I don't know I speak up. I realize that some places might have issues with this if someone won't admit that they don't know how to do something, but the trainers are ALWAYS around and fixing form. Overall I've had a great experience with it!

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