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They Call Me Sketchitar

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Well really only my sister and her husband but you can call me that too. Sketchitar: it sounds kind if like an 80s superhero that might have made a gust appearance in a Batman issue.

By day I'm a 20 year old social work student who works 40 hours a week at an internship and 20+ waiting tables. I'm about 20~ pounds over weight (lost 30 or so after high school) and for the last year I've been in constant pain. I have to rest my arms when I'm braiding my hair because it hurts my shoulders so much. Turns out, I have fibromyalgia (FM) and that leads to chronic pain and fatigue. The remedy is move more, less sugar, less gluten. (Does this not sound similar to our dear Obi-Steve Kamb-nobi? Hmm maybe he's on to something there.)

So here is Sketchitar, resurrected from her 1980s comic death by radioactive catapillers! Powers include looking stylish in a cape, gluten reduced cooking, flying, and carrying three plates on one arm. I can regularly be found chilling with Alfred in the Batcave, or on the streets of Gotham saving the day one reformed henchman support group at a time.

Goals include loosing 20 pounds by April (or I owe my sister $30), sleeping enough, increasing my activity (particularly yoga) without increasing my pain.

Plans so far are:

Getting up at 5 am and working out (I'm doing the 5am part already)

Salads. I eat a salad every day at lunch because food where I am is not allergen labeled. And there's no gluten in veggies.

No French fries at work. (Can you hear my heart breaking?)

Walking 10,000-12,000 steps a day( I work in a hospital and wait tables, this will not be rocket science)

Very very very VERY little gluten ( too much and I'm in pain the next day)

Yoga ( because I can't effing move efficiently yet) and adding to that later.

My reward for loosing weight? My sister owes me $30. And I'm getting a tattoo.

So yeah hi guys.

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What kind of tattoo are you thinking about getting? I have to admit that I don't know if I would be able to hold off waiting to lose weight for a new one. They are so ridiculously addictive! That being said, I only have the one tattoo down my ribs that I have been adding embellshments tomorrow the last 8 years... I'm a science nerd so it's a giant linear science style tattoo.

Your post has me thinking that you are going to start a comic book theme!

Dwarvish Assassin

Level 12

Start: 184 /BMI 32.6 /Body fat % 51.

Now: 163/BMI 27.6/Body fat % 39.

“You can pay me in handstands. Exercise is now a legitimate form of currency.â€- Ancient D.Paladin Proverb

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Three birds on the right side of my ribcage, I'm pretty excited. 90% of the waiting is saving the money for it.

I'm kind of a comic book geek, as in I love the stories but I've never really read them because social work brain and representations of women...yeahhhhh. Social work brain makes things like making woman overly sexual just to make them overly sexual and then justifying it by saying their fan base is primarily male, when the reason their fans are primarily make is because the overt sexy alizarin of comic women turns many females fans off. We like to overthink things here in SW World.

But me, totally kick ass superhero. But no heals, because how to you fight in heals? Seriously?

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