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I've always taken pride in being able to survive alone. Somehow, I believed that surviving without people gave me a leg up on the rest of the world. I would even say that I viewed myself as a partial mutant with the power to shut out the world. Well, now I know that's not the truth. That power is not strength in my hands. 


Being able to survive alone is a weakness that drove me to pride and complacency.


So, here I am. 27, married with a 1 year old (and another on the way), a 4-10 work week as an engineer at a nuclear station, a tired skinny-fat body and a cloudy mind.

Mentally, I feel like I'm meandering in the fog of war. Visibility = 0.

Physically, I feel like I'm on the bottom. Like, I just got a full body punch from the Hulk and I'm lying here trying to figure out how I'm alive.


But, I've also been told that is the best place I can be. There just has to be hope for me!


For starters, I've joined this Rebellion. After half-heartedly observing NF from afar for a year or so, I'm all in... or, at least, trying to be.


A little about me:

I love the mountains, the smell of falling leaves and the satisfaction of scaling a waterfall.

I love dancing with my daughter... and dancing in general... like a crazy person. Seriously, when the beat drops, I can't help myself. (Once, at a wedding, one of the guests asked me if I was a dancer for hire...)

I enjoy discussions with impossible implications (just yesterday I was discussing the possibility of Spiderman beating the Hulk in a fair fight).

I love the idea of going to visit a city and free-running the diameter. (We'll call this a step in my epic adventure)

I also sing. I think I'm pretty good, but I haven't received much constructive criticism. Maybe you guys can help with that, too.


Trying to give you an idea of who I am... not doing a great job. But anyways.


Last year, I tried doing the basic body weight workout at home and went steady for a month before I became sick and totally derailed. This time, however, I'm going to try something different. I have reached a realization: I can't do this alone. I need people to cheer me on, to keep me accountable, to give me serious constructive feedback and to show me how to level up.


It is my desire that this Rebellion will provide the boost I need to grow steadily and my hope that someday soon I can do the same for someone else.

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You're wrong. This is not the best place to be.


This is the ONLY place to be.


You are never alone, never. Go and take inspiration from your daughter. From your wife. And from us. Even if we are miles apart, your hearts and minds connect through this wonderful thing called internet. You are here now, and that's what matters!


I welcome you, then, to the base. Here we strive to improve on our superpowers. And we try to become best at our... "lesser" powers. From your description I believe you will eventually choose the Assassins. But I'm not here to force you anywhere. It is your story. YOU are the hero. But every hero needs sidekicks and that is why we are here. We are your sidekicks. All of us. And you are my Sidekick. As well as Soldier's sidekick.


We back each other out. It's our thing.


I'll say no more. For now, just this


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Race: Half-Elf          Class: Warrior-Assassin

Level: 0                     Last Challenge:

STR: x | CON: x | DEX: x | INT: x | WIS: x | CHA: x |

"[I am] the spark that will light the flame of the Rebellion"

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This is fantastic! Thanks guys!


Now, let's get to work. I know of three obstacles right now: sleep schedule, workout routine and workout location.


First order of business is to adjust my schedule.

I have two bad habits that need correcting. I stay in bed and play games on my phone when my alarm goes off and I stay up too late waiting for my wife to be ready for bed.


I just had a conversation with her about going to bed by 9:30, it's going to be hard for me, but I'm going to do it!


I'll hack my morning by putting my phone across the room. Also I will make incremental increases to my waking time until I'm up at 5.


For the next two, I'll need some help. Last time I tried to build a routine, I did the basic warm up and body weight workout. It was fine as a starting point, but I got bored after about 3 weeks. Based on how I've played games in the past, I can only grind so long before I have to switch it up.


I had to do it in my garage, which ended up being uncomfortable and annoying. Pushups on cardboard and planks on pieces of packing Styrofoam was no fun at all (contributing factor). Also, I had to move my car every morning which was mildly annoying. I'm also afraid of working out in the house for fear of waking the baby, and there's another on the way... which makes that an unsustainable plan.


There's a gym where a couple of my friends started working out. I don't know what it is about the gym, but the thought of going makes me feel very uncomfortable and self conscious. Although, I just had a thought. If I went to this gym with my friend on say, a Friday, when he's available, then It might curb the feeling of dread. Plus, I know that the monetary commitment will give me another reason to follow through.


All that being said, any thoughts?

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If you're even a little bit 'handy', I can highly recommend DIY sandbags for about $50, a trip to a couple stores, and about 4-8 hours of your time, depending on how many you want to make. It worked for me because they're cheap, not dangerous to use alone, are very unlikely to damage anything if working out indoors, and require no benches/racks/etc to use. They're also very quiet, and I could store them in a small heap in the corner of my garage when not in use. They certainly have their limits, but I can give you details about creation/routines if you're interested.


Also, go to the dollar store and get yourself a dedicated alarm clock. Then leave your phone in a charger by your front door. Humans survived thousands of years without someone being able to call them in the middle of the night for an emergency, you can too.

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Welcome Johnny my advise is about your sleep cycle, more of a question really. Do you eat a regular breakfast?

If not you should. I've found that since I started MAKING and eating a regular breakfast my body wakes up of its own accord because I've become programmed to want food.

I also eat the same thing every morning (though this is boring there be method in its) 1 serving bacon, 1 egg fried in the drippings on toast with 1 tbps cream cheese, and a cup of coffee black with fiber powder and 1/2 tsp sugar for taste.

I do this because I can do it on autopilot and the time it takes things to cook I can do the 4 pose yoga routine from this site

The breakfast shakes out to around 400 cal and super high protein with a little charb thrown in to start you off right.

Scream has it right about the phone, he'll if I could when the argumentwith my wife our bedroom would be a screen free zone, but out place is too small and when she wants to watch k-dramas an I want to game or watch anime we need 2 screens. Luckily our sleep schedules have started to coincide since we started working the same hours.

Cheers and on to Victory

Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk

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If you're even a little bit 'handy', I can highly recommend DIY sandbags for about $50, a trip to a couple stores, and about 4-8 hours of your time, depending on how many you want to make. It worked for me because they're cheap, not dangerous to use alone, are very unlikely to damage anything if working out indoors, and require no benches/racks/etc to use. They're also very quiet, and I could store them in a small heap in the corner of my garage when not in use. They certainly have their limits, but I can give you details about creation/routines if you're interested.

Also, go to the dollar store and get yourself a dedicated alarm clock. Then leave your phone in a charger by your front door. Humans survived thousands of years without someone being able to call them in the middle of the night for an emergency, you can too.

Those sandbags are an interesting idea. It'll take a little more thought and research, but I'm open to it. How do you use them?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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Welcome Johnny my advise is about your sleep cycle, more of a question really. Do you eat a regular breakfast?

If not you should. I've found that since I started MAKING and eating a regular breakfast my body wakes up of its own accord because I've become programmed to want food.

I also eat the same thing every morning (though this is boring there be method in its) 1 serving bacon, 1 egg fried in the drippings on toast with 1 tbps cream cheese, and a cup of coffee black with fiber powder and 1/2 tsp sugar for taste.

I do this because I can do it on autopilot and the time it takes things to cook I can do the 4 pose yoga routine from this site

The breakfast shakes out to around 400 cal and super high protein with a little charb thrown in to start you off right.

Scream has it right about the phone, he'll if I could when the argumentwith my wife our bedroom would be a screen free zone, but out place is too small and when she wants to watch k-dramas an I want to game or watch anime we need 2 screens. Luckily our sleep schedules have started to coincide since we started working the same hours.

Cheers and on to Victory

Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk

I usually eat 1 cup of Greek yogurt with about 1 1/2 cups of organic granola. But that doesn't enter my body till 830, usually. I have considered adding an early breakfast before work at 6. Do you eat before or after you work out? I usually feel pretty sluggish after eating.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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I usually eat 1 cup of Greek yogurt with about 1 1/2 cups of organic granola. But that doesn't enter my body till 830, usually. I have considered adding an early breakfast before work at 6. Do you eat before or after you work out? I usually feel pretty sluggish after eating.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Just yoga and stretches in th morning for me. and it's usually whole the bacon is frying and the coffee is brewing, kind of a way to focus the day. It's the thing that happens after brushing my teeth, which is the second thing I do in the morning.

Cheers and on to Victory!

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Those sandbags are an interesting idea. It'll take a little more thought and research, but I'm open to it. How do you use them?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

Right now I use them just like you would barbells/dumbells. I have a 75, 50, 25, several 10s and a 5 which I can throw in a duffel bag to make as heavy as I want, including throwing them all in to deadlift 200. I do presses from the floor, and the nice thing is that if I drop it on my face I don't break anything. It's like getting sat on by a really fat guy; not pleasant, but no lasting damage :D Plus when I'm done with overhead presses I just toss it down with a soft thump. I just need to make sure my dog isn't nearby.

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