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Greetings everybody!


I'm RetroRebel, 21-year-old male, 6'5", and currently weighing in at about 240-45 lbs. I ran across Nerd Fitness about a week ago while searching for work-out tips. I decided to join the group to get some of that good ol' community spirit and accountability. I'm down old Texas way, just outside of Houston. More than willing to meet up for work-outs to anybody close.


I'm built like a gorilla. A stocky, wide shouldered, tall gorilla. I've got a spare tire around my middle and I'm trying to change that. But I'm not freaking out about my weight because honestly I'm kinda made like that. If I weighed 190, I'd look like a stick. But ideally I would like to lose a few pounds, Get down to the 220 level or so. I'm much more concerned with turning my flab into muscle though. If I can't get down to 220 but I've built great muscle, so be it.


I know the board is all about that fantasy and superhero theme but my personal hero is an adventurer that goes by the name Dr. Jones. I'm working on my own archaeology degree so what better than to be in shape for my own adventures? I've even got the hat for it.


Alright, down to history. Fairly active in my teens. As a Boy Scout, went camping, hiking, kayaking, etc, quite often but I was definitely kind of chubby. Around 250 lbs or so, I want to say? After graduation, still stayed active by working as a kennel technician at a vet clinic. Wrestling those great Danes to the ground for surgery will keep you in shape. Working on my degree via online college so I sit in front of a computer a lot of the time.


I moved to Texas about a year ago. New city, new place, so I stayed in and sat at the computer. I ballooned up to 312.8 at my heaviest.


Thankfully, I got a job (again as a kennel worker) and between the actual work and being so busy that I usually skipped meals (unhealthy I know), I got down to about 260. This without going to gym once, despite paying for a membership. Well, last November I decided it was time to get my rear in gear. I finally had my free training session at the gym and at the end of that, I signed up for a coach. Takes money I know, but I figured it was worth it in the short term to get a good foundation as I had no clue what I was doing.

Around the end of the year, I quit my job to focus on my school work and excavations so I've had plenty of free time to work out. Oh, and I've been attending a kickboxing class. After all that, I'm down to the weight listed above. Pretty good but it's progression, not perfection.


Food-wise, I'm doing alright. I haven't had a soft-drink in years and I've already cut out a lot of processed food and sugar and such. I eat a lot of veggies. I can and will do a lot better though. I'm going for a paleo-ish diet but I'm got to work through what I've got now. Poor college student can't waste food haha. My problem is actually not eating enough. It's a good day if I manage to hit the proper amount of protein. I just get distracted and forget to eat. I can't forget to fuel my body after all.


Due to not having a job at the moment, my sleep cycle is all out of whack. I'm working on changing that.


Time for goals. They are fairly simple at the moment but I do have a deadline. I head home for my brother's graduation May 21st and I'd like to surprise people by being in shape.


- 25 overhand pull-ups (can currently do about 2)

- 25 push-ups (today's record is 16)

- 25 dips (can currently do about 3)

- 315 lbs deadlift (PR is 225 though that was just 1 set of 1. Consistently doing about 185)

- Mile in <10 mins. (I actually ran 10:30 mile this morning. Wheezing like crazy at the end with a huge stitch in my side though)

- 15% body fat. Last measurement was 19.4% at the beginning of the week.


Really though, I'm going for a balanced fitness. I have no desire to body build like Schwarzenegger even though I've got the physique for it. Functional strength with muscle endurance for me. I'd really like to work on my over-all endurance and stamina though. I'd also like to develop my agility and flexibility. So probably a Ranger/Assassin/Monk combo with some Scout? Maybe? I don't know. The idea is that I'd be able to survive an action-adventure movie like Dr. Jones by being able to run, swim, fight, etc. Sounds silly but it's what I'm thinking.


That's about it for me. I'll probably lurk a little bit while I familiarize myself with everything. I'm really looking forward to being a part of the NF community and learning from such fine folk.


Fun Facts:


- My dog's name is D'Argo. Bonus points if you know where that's from.

- I just started playing D&D a month ago. A part of the plan to get out of the house and be social.

- My favorite band is Volbeat.




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