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Well hi, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing but I also figure what the heck, the worst thing that could possibly happen is that an earthquake will occur immediately after I post this and I'll die when everything caves in on me, so as long as that doesn't happen I should be okay.


I originally found my way to the forums about two years ago (here's my original introduction post). I was all in, I completed a challenge (read about it here!), and then I kind of dropped off the map. I mean, I still get those e-mails and I read them, and I think about different stuff, but for the most part I just kind of stayed away. Honestly, it may happen again (who can say?).


There were a lot of various factors as to why I stayed away. I know I don't have to share, but I'm going to anyway:


  • Time - I decided I didn't have time to work on this. Obviously this isn't completely true (I figure if I have time to walk to eat an entire pizza, I probably have time to log onto a website every now and then), but that was one factor.
  • Confusion - Again, my own issue. I'm familiar with the idea of leveling up - Chris Hardwick wrote an entire book about it - but I didn't really understand how points are assigned. I like the idea of specific goals - that's helpful - but at the same time, how do I decide how many points something is worth? Why do the different classes have to have such vague names? What if I don't understand the difference between what makes something epic or just normal? I mean, I guess I could have spent more time trying to figure them out, but that goes back to the time issue and probably a bigger issue that I'll talk about below, but this was a convenient excuse to not have to take part in things anymore.
  • Not feeling like I belonged. This was probably the biggest issue for not caring as much. I realize this is all on my own - everybody was super super nice and friendly and helpful, but this is kind of my biggest inner demon. I'll outline why below:
    Everybody seemed like they knew what they were doing: This is generalizing, obviously, because I know this isn't the case, but I always got the impression that some of the concepts made perfect sense for people - who understood what I was confused about above or how to be more effective with things - but maybe weren't able to answer my questions the way that I needed them to be answered (super obvious) and that made me feel intimidated and that I was stupid. Again, my issue, but I don't like feeling stupid, so that made it easy to justify staying away.
    Paradoxically, I felt like the information was too obvious: There were some things that seemed super obvious to me, and that this was a waste of time. I mean, I know how to go grocery shopping. I know how to cook for myself. I know how to cut up an onion. I have not had soda on a regular basis since I was in college, unless on an airplane or I have an upset stomach, or if it's in a mixed drink I ordered. I think that vegetables are delicious; I eat them all the time. I understand that I should not take this information as a personal affront, but I felt as if the easy stuff was all explained, while the difficult stuff wasn't (I've zoned out every time I've tried to read the article on travel hacking, for example). Again, my issue.
    Most importantly, I didn't feel like I was nerdy enough. This is probably the biggest reason, and also the one that objectively makes the least amount of sense. I mean, I consider myself a nerd. I watch  Doctor Who . I was a fan of Being Human when it was on the air. I love reading Terry Pratchett. I have board game nights, and after watching Soylent Green I once told a hypnotist that if I had a child I would name it Furniture. But a lot of the information I've seen is about Star Wars (I don't don't understand the fascination with it and the latest one seemed like a commercial), the Avengers (I don't want to watch white men brood for two hours, and besides, there are shirtless pictures of Chris Evans all over the internet so any other reasons I'd want to watch the movie are meaningless), Jason Bourne (I don't really like watching violence, but I did think Spy was hilarious), and Harry Potter (I'm not a huge fan). Again, I know there is way more to all of this, but I didn't feel like I could really connect to a lot of the advice (I have no idea who Groot is or why I want to be like him). I mean, again, my issue - there is great information tied to Legend of Zelda or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - but I was able to use that as an excuse not to read, because I could justify that the advice was for other people, not for me (which ties into some of the stuff above).

Anyway, I want to give this another go. I want to get healthier, there are things standing in my way, and I would like help from people who know what they're doing. Just because I don't understand a reference doesn't mean that I have to then give up.


Here are some updates with where I'm at now:

  • Medically I'm a mess. I had a seizure last July and another one in December, so I'm on Kepra (I don't think it has any side effects). Also, as a result of meeting with my neurologist, he wanted me to get tested again. I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder in high school, but now we're trying out different medications to help keep that under control (because apparently those medications exist). The seizures haven't actually been a total bad thing - as far as I can tell there have been no side effects - and one result is that I'm no longer allowed to drive, which is sort of a blessing in disguise. When the weather was nice, I was biking everywhere. I still have been walking a lot. So in that regards, this has been great - a bike ride into work is actually a pretty relaxing way to start the morning, and the ride home is an even better way to end the day. Hopefully the weather gets nice again soon (I don't have the right rain gear for my bike).
  • Working out wise, I'm doing okay. As I mentioned above, I'm biking/walking a lot more than I have before. The place I live has a workout room, but after venturing in there a few times I realized that treadmills are stupid and I really have no idea what to do with all the free weights, so I've stayed away. I'm still not running as much as I used to - though there was a period last year where I was being fairly diligent about running every day... I didn't stick with it for long enough, unfortunately. However, last April I signed up for krav maga (because Happy Endings is hilarious) and I've been going to that about two times a week (more in the summer when I'm not working, less when work is getting super stressful). I've learned a lot and I know my fitness has gone up. The biggest issue is that I don't really know what to do the rest of the time, and I'll look at stuff but it's hard to get motivated to do it. I'm the kind of person who needs specific instructions and somebody to keep me accountable, and as far as I can tell, a home gym where I use all my own stuff won't cut it. I'll find excuses. Actually paying money and having somebody yell at me for an hour is way more effective.
  • Nutritionally I'm a mess. I really don't understand nutrition. I've tried to meet with one, but my insurance won't cover it. I don't really understand what I should and should not be eating beyond a somewhat basic understanding (e.g. protein is good except when it's not, bread is bad, don't eat half of a strawberry cheesecake at 3 AM). The biggest motivator to getting back into this is figuring out what I can do that might help me learn better food habits (I hear talk of bulking up or decreasing calories or doing some sort of challenge or another and in my head I start singing the Brady Bunch theme song). Also, I do like a drink, and I know that isn't necessarily the healthiest habit.
  • Life wise I'm pretty happy. I moved into a great place, I've marked a bunch of things off my bucket list (eg skydiving or seeing Blondie and then meeting Debbie Harry). There are obviously things I can do better, but for now there are other things I want to focus on. I'm not sure how much I weigh but I've got a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I'll find out then.

So I'm excited to get back into this and try again. I know why I failed last time. I may fall off the wagon again. But I think now I have a better understanding of where I fell down and what I struggle with, so I have a better idea of what to work on.

Problem areas: Motivation, poor understanding of nutrition and different fitness techniques, not having a big epic quest.


tl;dr: I joined Nerd Fitness two years ago and I fell off the wagon for a variety of reasons. I've worked on my own the past two years and am struggling with nutrition and with some fitness stuff and how that all ties together.


I know that was long. I'm excited to be back. Viva la revolucion!

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I tried to post to this topic and it didn't take, so if it shows up 3 times, sorry....


Well, your back, so it's all good!

Take a look at your own obstacles’, we all have some... 

Time, That is always a big issue, but I am sure we can find a few extra minutes to do the short and intense workouts recommended (this is a self pep talk)

Confused? Ask for advise, but think about how hard of a challenge it will be for you. I think the 100 points was suggested for something that would take 6 months or so to complete… so personally, I work down from there then add points if I have to learn a new skill to complete it. (just my perspective)

If the info seems to obvious, that is because you are ahead of that part of the game, but there is still much to garner, such as support, accountability, and unneeded advise (like this welcome)

Not nerdy enough? Of course you are, you watch Dr. Who! You specialize in your nerdiness… You’re a focused nerd… Rejoice!


Anyhow, it is great to have you, I hope to see you around and perhaps you can disabuse me of the “no time†notion when I am feeling weak…



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