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Made significant progress to introduce myself now

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Howdy from Texas, 


I came across NF reading Pinterest boards for how to add more veggies to my diet. Once I got a hang of the forums and the articles, I was hooked. However, this seemed to be a different forum than the other weight loss/fitness forums out there. This has got people who do believe in scientific research and do not think that getting good health = spending more money. Plus, it caters to the young, poor, demotivated and non-celebrity types - oh wait, that's just me!


I decided I won't jump in and introduce myself until I reached my first goal of losing 15 pounds. I continued to read people's intros and challenges and articles. I really wanted to join in the Feb challenge, but I had to show it to myself that I was serious. Yesterday's weigh in was my first milestone!! I posted all about it in the Woot Room: Doing it the healthy way this time


Yikes, I blab so much. So here goes: 29yo female, grad student, can't run because I have a bad knee. But I love dancing, biking and using my Fitbit. One day it occurred to me that a good way to lose weight safely was to join a bike challenge of some kind. I registered for the MS150 in mid-April, where one has to raise $400 to participate in a 150-mile bike ride (over two days). I was not sure about my dedication until I received my first donation. Hah, can't chicken out now. I have got to finish because people put their money in my campaign. The training, I believe, will help my weight loss goals. And talk about that new endurance - physical and mental!!


Why am I in this? I found my answer while reading GeekOnFire's post



From this community, I am looking forward to sharing my successes, slip-ups, getting advice and daily motivation and recipes. Without the judgement, with open arms and tons of "You go girl!!"


Thank you for reading. 

I am where I desperately wanted to be 3 months ago. I'll keep at it because I really like how I feel.

Starting weight: 173lbs

Goal weight: 133lbs 

Progress: 25.5 lbs so far, 14.5 more to go.




Bike progress: Personal best 76 miles, aiming for 100.




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Hi there!  I am also a grad student and a fitbit user!  :)  Congrats on losing the 15lbs, that must feel amazing!  


I'm here because I got so fed up with the pseudoscience being spewed in another fitness group I was in.  I tried to have civil discussions about it, but the group members and coaches were not willing to accept that they might be wrong about something because "we read all these articles full of stories from internet people!!"  -.-  I'm all for educating yourself, I'm getting my PhD in biochemistry for heaven's sake, but some random dude's blog =/ peer reviewed research.  Add to that the expensive supplements I had to buy to be a member of the challenges (that I didn't even like the taste of) and I just couldn't do it anymore.  I've been on Nerd Fitness a grand total of 2 days and I can already tell that this is so much more my "home".  Looking forward to seeing more of you around the forums!

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My plan for getting through graduate school: Science, Lifting, and Knitting





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Thank you, bambooroo. Feel so welcome here. I am doing a 50 mile training ride tomorrow. Maybe I'll start posting snapshots of my bike app.

I am the contemporary/club/hip hop kind of a dancer - no special skills :tongue: I can move well with the beat, that's all. So, I fit well in the Zumba classes. 


Thanks a lot, biochemcrazy - it does feel good. And gosh, that story sounds crazy. I am so glad you got out of it. I used to have a trainer who followed "Food Babe" religiously, despite how she has been criticised for pseudoscience so many times. She (my trainer) would never listen to any of my arguments and just throw stuff out of her fridge cause the food babe said so.

I feel very comfortable here as well. I have a feeling it is going to go well. We should connect on fitbit.com if you want to do weekly/weekend challenges with me. At the moment, I usually can't beat the power walkers (the 20K in a day kind of people) but I still participate every time. P.S.:  I am getting my Ph.D. in Bioinformatics. 

I am where I desperately wanted to be 3 months ago. I'll keep at it because I really like how I feel.

Starting weight: 173lbs

Goal weight: 133lbs 

Progress: 25.5 lbs so far, 14.5 more to go.




Bike progress: Personal best 76 miles, aiming for 100.




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Uggggh, Food Babe.  I see her posts occasionally via a couple facebook groups I follow (they repost to pick apart the ridiculousness) and it gets me so upset!  We should totally connect on fitbit, I'll PM you my info.  Right now I'm working my way up to getting 10k steps a day, this is my last day of a goal of 5k, then I boost it up to 8k.  :)  


Yay for bioinformatics!  That's my adviser's specialty, so it wiggles its way into my research sometimes too.

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My plan for getting through graduate school: Science, Lifting, and Knitting





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