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Hit reset and am starting over.

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About 2 years ago I signed up for the rebellion with lots of hopes of making life better. I started out well, was getting in better shape and enjoying life more. But then something happened in my personal life and my depression came back 10x worse than ever and everything just got worse than it had originally been.  I was drinking about 3 liters or more of soda a day, eating fast food for almost every meal never leaving the house except for work and to buy more books or video games to keep me distracted. I had to stop living alone because my family needed my income to help them not lose their house so I lost my independence and privacy and felt like life had reverted to being worse than it had been before. Worse I was not living anywhere close to my work anymore and had to rely on my family to give me rides to work, which they often made me feel bad about even though I only moved to help them. As a side effect of not walking to work like I had been for almost 3 years I started gaining weight and having to buy bigger and bigger clothes ever couple of months.  Eventually I managed to get my drivers license and first car so life started getting slightly better for little while at least but for the most part things stayed the same, I was still depressed every day and eating terribly, the weight gain didn't stop.  Life did not get better and bad things just kept seeming to happen to make things worse anytime it seemed like things were about to change. 


Skip forward to November. I was at my niece's first birthday party and posed for a picture with her. The next day my sister-in-law gave me a copy of the photo and when I saw it my jaw just dropped. I had not realized how bad things had gotten, I looked bigger than I ever had before in any photo.  I showed it to my family and was just shocked asking how they could not have told me things were that bad, none of them thought there was a problem. I weighed myself later that day and again shock. I was over 300lbs.  I hated myself more than ever after that. I knew I had to make a change right then and immediately decided step one was to stop drinking soda again. I struggled with that for a few months and saw very little progress losing weight. I still was not happy. 


Then in February I got an email, it was one of the Nerdfitness newsletters.  I had not read any of the newsletters that showed up in the past two years after things started getting bad.  So I decided to start trying again. I talked to a friend about it and he suggested just walking a little each day listening to a podcast or something to keep entertained since that was my biggest problem with walking with no destination in mind. So I started that night after work and actually enjoyed the walking. I chose "Welcome To Nightvale" because he said it was fun, if y'all were wondering.  I also started changing what I was eating, stopped myself to always grabbing fast food for breakfast and dinner (still eating it for lunch most days )  and cooking more often.


 I have started feeling better most days and after 2 1/2 weeks of eating better and walking regularly I am happy to say I lost 15 lbs.  I decided to start adding in body weight strength workouts last week so my weight loss slowed some because I am putting on muscle now too. But I am still losing fat I am sure, my cloths are starting to sag I will need to buy new ones soon.  I feel like this time things will actually work. 


I got my copy of Level Up Your Life yesterday and started reading right away. I am excited to start making changes and working on myself to build myself into the person I have always wanted to be.  I have a lot of work to go still, lots of weight to lose and still have social anxiety to get past, but I am confident that this time I can do it. 


Thanks for reading.

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Welcome back!


No joke, my eyes were watery near the end of your story. Its great to read that you are leveling up your life to a stronger, healthier & happier life. 


I think i can speak a little bit on behalf of all the rebels that we are here to support and help you level up your life.

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Congratulations for all those little wins and good luck on your way back!

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I´m a bass player, what´s your superpower?

"Small you are? Lift you must!" Master Broda, at the Dagobrah warrior bootcamp to his apprentice Luke Skylifter

 "Let not the gains of your heart diminish the gains from your mind for the path of iron is long and full of hardship"  Book of Liftviticus ch23, v13

Success starts where excuses end! 

\m/ Be awesome!!! \m/

My DailyBattleLog:

\m/ Commitment on being awesome \m/

My Current Challenge:

Click me!!!

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Hey friend! That's a bittersweet story there. It sounds like life has handed you a few lemons and you got a bit addicted to them. But you know what? Based on that last part of your story, that doesn't matter anymore! You are back on track and back with the Rebellion! We're here to motivate you and keep you going! You can do this! Yeah, you had to respawn but there are many people who fail to realize that's even an option! And worse, there are some who realize it is an option but refuse to take it! *gasp!* BUT you are not one of those people! You're in it to win it! Now go out and get yourself as many kills/wins as you can get with this respawn! If you need cover fire or a medic/healer then you got us here!


Sorry, I really get into this stuff sometimes. lol Also, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend you finish reading and apply the lessons learned in Level Up Your Life! You picked the right side friend, that's as best as I can put it!

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I'm training to be (like) Batman physically, mentally, and financially.

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Way to find your way back! 


Also, 15 lbs in 2.5 weeks, holy moly batman! 


Keep at it. You have the drive and it looks like some good friends to give you pointers. If you start wondering what direction you should go in or feel like you're unsure what to go to next you have an entire community to fall back on!

Spaz Ranger


You can have results or excuses. Not both

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