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Nerd Fitness Pro Wrestling RPG (Moderated, NSFW)

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This thread is where the show goes down. If you're not familiar with what's going on, check out the Off Topic thread. Please take note that posts made by people who are not part of the game will be deleted. If you are one of the players, please post only the narrative that has to do with the game. If you want to make a comment about someone's actions, please use the Off Topic thread, unless it's a comment your character would make in-game, otherwise it will be moved to the Off Topic thread.


Format: Bold is everything the announcers say. Everything the characters say should be written in italics, no matter whether it's heard on the mic/on screen or not. Descriptions and everything else are written in regular text. Feel free to use .gifs in your post to show any fancy moves happening.


That said....







Announcer: Welcome to NFPW! We are coming to you live tonight from Miami, Florida and listen to this crowd turn up the heat as local hero Chris Benedict walks down to the ring!


As Chris Benedict delivers the typical "I'm so happy to be here" speech, Buff McSavoury is waiting behind the curtain at the top of the ramp to make his entrance . The company's head booker, Jon Show, is standing next to him providing some last minute instructions.


"OK Buff, listen, as you know opening matches are a big thing because they're meant to get the audience involved and show them what a great show they should expect, alright? I'm giving you an opportunity here, I know you won't prove me wrong. This guy, Benedict, he used to play in the NFL for the Miami Dolphins.The people love him and having him around helps us with exposure, so use that to get some heel heat, okay? Maybe carry a mic to cut a promo too before the match. Alright, he's done, go out there and show them what for!"


Buff's entrance music blasts from the speakers...

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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The Hi-NRG eurodisco intro from "Male Stripper" by Man 2 Man meets Man Parrish parps out from the PA system as the arena comes alive with disco lights.


# I was a Male Stripper in a Go-Go bar... #




# Ladies night Adonis, working after hours, ripples on my chest, never got a night's rest... #


"Dreamlover" Buff "The Stuff" McSavoury steps out onto the ramp and strikes a double bicep pose for the - somewhat perplexed - crowd. His long hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and he's wearing his usual attire of tearaway stripper pants and a bowtie.


# A modern day Jack, a Jock with an act, hey Lolita, touch me, squeeze me! #


He struts and dances his way down the aisle, climbs the ring steps and enters between the top and middle ropes. He gets to the centre of the ring, kisses both biceps, and in one swish move, rips off his velcro stripper pants to reveal his hot pink g-string.


# Built like a truck, I'd bump for a buck, tips in my G-string, make my living... #


The camera cuts to a female fan at ringside, loins clearly aflame as she ogles Buff's Stuff, much to the obvious displeasure of her male companion.


"Settle down, you sweat-soaked South Florida fatsuits, and take a - mmmm! - LONG, HARD look at a real man."


Buff glances at former NFL star Chris Benedict as he's leaving the ring.


"You can run along now, Waterboy, Buff's got this. I'm sure you have some under-inflated balls you need to attend to."


The Dolphins fans in attendance jeer loudly at this stab at their hometown hero.


"When you need to start a show with a... bang... you call the man who guarantees to leave not a dry seat in the house. You call the One Stop Shop Who Makes the Cherries Pop. You make it rain, and you call Buff."


He winks at the female fan and flexes his pulsating pecs.


"NFPW, Buff is here to serve notice. Tonight is the beginning of the Golden Age. No longer will our female fans be forced to have their beautiful ladyboners shrivel and wither at the sight of the hairy, sweating gargoyles who trundle around here. What the world needs now... is a Dream Lover... and Buff is here to - mmmm! - lay this down for ya...


After Buff unleashes the Stuff I'm gonna STAND PROUD over your fallen body, posin' and flexin' like the lean, luscious son of a gun that I am.






Move: Cut a Promo (+Look)


Roll: 8 (6+2 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) + 2 Look = 10


Result: +1 Momentum and +1 Heat with Chris Benedict


GM edit: Buff gains an additional +1 Momentum for insulting the local audience as part of the "Cheap Heat" move. His current total is 3

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Season 1 (2015): #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

 Season 2 (2016): #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12  #13 #14 #15 

 Season 3 (2017): #16 #17 #18 

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Buff strikes a pose to the crowd's explosion of boo's. The camera even catches glimpse of a guy in the front rows holding up a sign that reads "BOOH LA LA!" as Chris Benedict slides into the ring. He walks towards Buff and taps his shoulder. It takes a moment before Buff pays any attention and turns around, but when he does he comes face to face with Chris Benedict. The staredown lasts only for a split moment, before the former NFL star headbutts Buff and sends him backward into the turnbuckle, where he proceeds to beat him down with a series of strikes, then stomps as he falls down into a seated position. The crowd is loving every bit of it and Benedict steps back to raise his hands at them, feeding off their energy. Buff however isn't loving it at all. Seems like Chris Benedict was rushed through his wrestler training in order to get him on screen fast, because his blows feel too stiff. From the looks of it, he'll have to carry the athlete through the match and he's gotta do it while making sure he doesn't get injured.


Narrative control goes back to SGFS/Buff. Take it away

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Buff takes advantage of Benedict's moment of playing to the crowd, and hits him with a perfectly placed nut shot, eliciting an audible "ooooooo" from the crowd, and staggering the former NFL star enough to allow Buff to get up from the mat. He begins a series of chops across Benedict's broad chest, which reddens as the crowd count along with each chop. He grabs Benedict's wrist, and attempts to Irish Whip him into the corner, but the footballer uses his strength advantage to reverse it, sending Buff back into the corner and following up with a running clothesline which catches Buff across his own chest.


Benedict returns the favour and starts to chop at Buff's oiled chest as the crowd counts along again. After ten chops, Benedict backs off into the centre of the ring, smirks, and motions for Buff to come at him.


Buff shakes his head, slides out of the ring, and looks to be remonstrating with the officials, announcers and timekeepers. The camera picks up on his complaining:


"My beautiful pulsating pectorals! Someone needs to tell that goon to loosen up!"


Benedict slides out of the ring and starts to go after Buff, who sees him coming and immediately takes off back into the ring. He springs to his feet and catches the raw football star with a stomp as he tries to get back in himself. He drops an elbow across Benedict's face, and hooks his leg in a cheeky attempt to score a quick pin, but Benedict easily kicks out on 1.


Buff grabs Benedict's arm and drags him to his feet, but keeps hold and applies a wristlock.




Move: Wrestling - demonstrate character through action (+Look)


Roll: 5 (3+2 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) + 2 Look = 7


Result: Retain control and transition to the next sequence

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Season 1 (2015): #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

 Season 2 (2016): #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12  #13 #14 #15 

 Season 3 (2017): #16 #17 #18 

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...as Buff maintains control with the wristlock, Benedict begins to use his superior size and strength to power out. He pushes back hard into the corner, forcing Buff to break the hold. As he moves away, Buff steps up to the middle turnbuckle, and launches himself at Benedict, attempting a cross body. However, it proves to be misjudged as Benedict catches him in mid-air and turns it into a hard powerslam. Buff groans as the air is forced from his body, but manages to kick out at 1 and Benedict tries a pin attempt of his own.


Benedict grabs Buff's ponytail and drags him up to his feet. He whips Buff across the ring into the rope and attempts to hit him with a lariat as he bounces back, but Buff sees it coming, ducks under Benedict's arm, bounces off the rope behind Benedict and launches himself into a bulldog, hauling Benedict face first to the mat.


Keeping the headlock applied, Buff gets up again and is about to synch it in tighter when Benedict counters with a back body drop, staggering away as Buff crashes to the canvas behind him. Dazed himself, Buff scrambles to his feet, but Benedict charges him into the corner, hoping to be able to roll him up for a pin attempt on the rebound, but Buff hooks his arms under the top rope, and Benedict sprawls backwards to the mat again.


Buff attempts to keep control of the match by hooking Benedict's legs and attempting to apply a Boston Crab.



Move: Wrestling - showcase ability (+Work)


Roll: 6 (2+4 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) - 1 Work = 5


Result: Botched - Benedict counters, takes 1 momentum and control of match.

  • Like 2


Season 1 (2015): #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

 Season 2 (2016): #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12  #13 #14 #15 

 Season 3 (2017): #16 #17 #18 

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Buff pulls the leg to apply pressure on his hold, but Benedict presses against the mat with tremendous force, which lifts both men up still in the Boston Crab. The crowd cheers in excitement and Benedict plays to their reaction, doing a few pushups to taunt Buff, before he walks his hands to grab the bottom rope. Buff lets go just in time to avoid getting disqualified. He throws himself to the opposite ropes and returns with a baseball slide dropkick aimed at Benedict's damaged leg. However, the former NFL player instinctively rolls to the side. Buff lands on his feet outside the ring, then pulls Benedict's leg to drag him out as well. It soon proves to be a bad idea, as the slugfest favors the big athlete. Benedict is about to finish it with a big move, before he realizes that the referee is on the count of eight already so he simply throws Buff back into the ring. At the count of nine, he just slips in a quick smash of Buff's leg against the steel ringpost, before rolling back inside as well just as the ref is about to count him out. Benedict roars and the crowd explodes as he squats on the opposite corner, motioning for Buff to get up. Everyone is holding their breaths in anticipation of the incoming Spear...


Back to SGFS/Buff

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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...but Buff takes the coward's clever way out, and rolls back outside to safety, again remonstrating with anyone who will listen about Benedict's rough treatment.


"You better be careful with Buff's Stuff, you swamp-snorkeling troglodyte."


The ref begins to count again, and Buff stalks around outside the ring, making the most of the count to recover. He slides back in and aims a crotch thrust at the big guy. Enraged, Benedict charges at him, but Buff uses his quickness and agility to take him down with a drop toehold, smashing the former NFL star face first into the mat. Buff grabs Benedict's ankle and drives his knee into the mat repeatedly, stomping as he does for dramatic effect.


He ends with a stomp at Benedict's now-hurting leg, and takes the opportunity to work the audience by grinding his hips and striking a double bicep pose.


Move: Work the Audience. (+Audience)

Roll: 8 (5+3 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) + 1 Audience = 9

Result: Pop, gain 1 momentum and retain control of match.


Announcer: The ego on this guy! Listen to these fans!


Buff hauls Benedict back to his feet, and the big guy hobbles gingerly on the knee Buff had been working. Buff applies a headlock, hooks Benedict's weakened leg, and hits a beautiful Fisherman's Suplex, keeping the leg hooked and getting a count of 1.... 2... before Benedict kicks out!


Buff scrambles back to his feet before Benedict can get up and begins to stomp at his leg again. He drops an elbow to his chest, and tries for another quick cover, which Benedict escapes easily. Buff decides to change track a little. He pulls Benedict up again, whips him across the ring into the ropes, and catches him with a forearm smash on the rebound which staggers him. Buff takes him to the corner in a headlock, mounts the second turnbuckle, hauls Benedict to the first, and drops him to the mat with a front face suplex.


Move: Work with the opponent to execute a sequence (+Heat)

Roll: 7 (6+1 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) + 1 Heat=8

Result: Hit it pretty well, gain 1 momentum and give Benedict control.


Announcer: Did you hear the impact of that?! He just got dropped on his face!


Take it while I get a breather...

  • Like 1


Season 1 (2015): #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

 Season 2 (2016): #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12  #13 #14 #15 

 Season 3 (2017): #16 #17 #18 

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Once the move hits, there's a big "whoooooa" from the crowd, then it goes silent for a moment in shock watching of the muscular athlete manhandled in such a way. Some might even be starting to give Buff a bit of grudging respect as both men are down and the referee begins counting. Chants and claps of "Let's go Bennie" break out, but Buff is the first to stagger back onto his feet. Never the one to miss a chance for some heat, he taunts the chanting audience by striking his bicep flex pose again, only this time he's a little unstable on his feet, giving it a bit more of a comical look.


Climbing on Benedict's back, Buff applies a sleeper hold and maintains it as the agony builds. This time Benedict doesn't look as alive, but eventually he manages to land some elbow shots on Buff's exposed ribs just enough to force him to break the hold.


Time to wrap this up. Buff is scheduled to win it.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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...Buff staggers back, clutching at his ribs and gesturing at Benedict. The big guy raises a clenched fist to the air, points at Buff and looks to crowd for their approval to lay him out. However, Buff takes advantage of this rookie mistake and punishes Benedict's distraction by rushing in and kneeing him to the midsection, winding him and doubling him over.


Quickly, Buff grabs Benedict's head and tucks it underneath "The Stuff"...



Move: Finishing Move. (+Put Over)
Roll: 9 (4+5 from https://www.random.org/dice/?num=2) + Put Over = Upgrade
Result: Major Success, gain 1 Audience and hit finisher clean.

Buff locks his hands under Benedict's midsection, hauls him up into the air, and drives him down to the mat with a sitout powerbomb, dropping his feet over Benedict's outstretched arms to keep his shoulders down on the mat.


Announcer: HE NAILS IT!


The referee drops to his knees and counts...






Announcer: AND HE GOT HIM!!!



  • Like 2


Season 1 (2015): #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

 Season 2 (2016): #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12  #13 #14 #15 

 Season 3 (2017): #16 #17 #18 

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Buff's music hits the speakers and he gets up to celebrate by climbing to the turnbuckles and striking his trademark double bicep pose to a loud chorus of boos.


All of a sudden, the camera switches to an eerie scenery...


This is a cue for promo cutting. I'll let either Spectre or Grizzelda take it, whoever posts it first I guess

Lvl 65 Multitasker

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