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Brace Yourselves... Conk Has Come to the Rebellion!!!!!

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That's my attempt at Star Wars music.

Anywhos, I have been reading NF blog regularly since Christmas time, and I like it. A lot of good articles, and got really interested when I found out that Steve and the Rebellion are Primal Blueprint fans.

Current Stats:

Age: 21

Height: 6'3

Weight: 293 lbs.

BF%: 32

Muscle %: 32

My Fat Biography:

I have been huge practically my entire life. (I hit 200lbs in 6th grade kind of huge) I was my heaviest the Summer of 2010 when I started Summer break at 348 lbs. My family was obsessed with cooking lo-carb that Summer, and I ended up losing about 30 lbs with no exercise. In September 20101, I attended something called a Master's Commission, which is basically a boot camp for college kids wanting to get into Church Ministry. We lived at a church, and worked about 100 hours a week. And it was a lot labor, cleaning, and moving in general. On top of that, we only had about 11 or so guaranteed meals a week, so we learned to scavenge for days at a time (we were not allowed a job or an income). I managed to drop from 320 lbs to 260 lbs in that 9-month program. At 260 lbs on my huge body frame, I was actually pretty skinny. But the weight loss was all on accident.

The following summer after the program ended, I worked out often but let my diet run wild, and I gained 25 lbs back: starting the next school semester at 285lbs. It was pretty humiliating having to go back to my program I got skinny at, and having to re-buy some big clothes again because my new clothes no longer fit. I left the program last November for some good reasons, and I ended up back home right in time for holiday cooking season. I proceeded to go from 285 lbs to 307 lbs by New Years. I am over halfway back to my original super-fat weight.

So, I have been going about 65/35 Primal (I freaking love dairy, really hard to give up) since New Years, doing some sporadic exercise and lifting, and I am now back down to 293 lbs.

So, that's my life right now, and I can't wait until the next NF Challenge starts up!!!!

"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." -Proverbs 14:23


I. AM. A. BEAST!!!!!!!!!" -

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Hey progress is progress, congrats on the loss so far

Level 2 Rebel
STR: 5    DEX: 1    STA: 7    CON: 6    WIS: 4    CHA: 4


"The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place, and I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward."


Latest Challenge

Challenge 1

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don't say it.... don't say it... don't... aaa what the hell!


Ok so... if you want to lose weight and you're still young it's going to be really fast... I mean... not fast... but faster than normal, and you're still on a good age to change your whole body shape and ... (i don't know the word.... but it means something like... if you do it now and for a while you'r going to have an easy time keeping you in that state even when you become old like yoda).

go slow but never stop, watch your diet (try to eat your favorite healty things... believe me you'r going to find that some are really good) and exercise every week.... in a month or so you are going to be another person, then the next month, and the next one, and the next one, until you acomplish your goal, then you'r screw (in a happy way) because you'r going to have a hard time looking how to level up your live xD

Good luck

& Have fun :)

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