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How to stay positive in every situation?

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Hey there!

I really like the concept of positive thinking or focusing on the positive aspects in situations. But I am just starting out with this and need to practice this.
Any tips for starting out?


And I was thinking about one aspect. I understood like this " Focus on the positive aspects, no matter how small they are". But if they are too small I can't understand how to remain positive?

For example, this morning I got back pain because I am dumb and tried to lift something heavy. Now moving hurts and the only comfortable position is laying on my back on the floor. THe only positive thing I can think of that I can now lie on the ground, relax and start to meditate. But on the other hand I can't train Parkour, I can't do sports, well I can't do a lot of things that are important to me.

Or is it more like " find the positive aspect and let it grow & change the situation so it is positive"?


Well you can see I'm pretty confused, can you recommend me any blog articles/videos to understand the concept more?

I'm IkarusPicture, but can't change my name


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I've been into positive thinking for several years now and have definitely seen benefits in my life thanks to it.


One of the best ways to stay positive and always make the best of any situation is to be grateful for what you do have, as we normally have been generously gifted with much that we take for granted.


As an example with your situation, I would be grateful that I can relieve the pain by lying down. I would also be grateful for all the other areas of my health that are good, which I may not have had time to give thanks for. If you think of all the people suffering from chronic pain and patients who are bed-bound or children suffering from incurable cancer, it's really a blessing to even be able to walk on your own, and breathe with your own strength.


These are some extreme examples of course, but the point is that by being grateful for every little thing you have, you'll just keep finding things to be thankful for and naturally you're going to attract more people, situations, and events to you that you'll keep being thankful for.


Great start on trying to see the positive of having to lie down :)

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I've found the suggestions  here , especially the Negative Self-Talk/Positive Thinking table at the bottom of the page, to be useful.


Also,  I'd say it isn't necessary to view every situation as positive. Some situations just have more bad than good, and being able to take that in stride and accept that we'll sometimes have joyful as well as painful experiences (rather than becoming upset when bad things happen) is an incredibly useful skill. I find mindfulness and meditation to be helpful with this.

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If I may add but a few suggestions.


Firstly as it was mentioned abouve, not every situation will or should be converted to positive, rather the emphasis needs to be on always understanding the pain, the sadness, the frustration, the [insert negative thing] will pass. I think a lot of the time we get wrapped up in the negativity to the point we let it define us, even if just for a moment. This is where mindfulness is key and should be practiced everyday. 


One thing I do and suggest you do to A) help with mindfulness and B ) help with positivity, is every night before you go to bed for each finger and toe you have say to yourself something you are thankful for. So for me, that's 20 things every night I say I am thankful for. Make that a habit every evening before you go to bed, that'll help lots!


Also, as a behavioural therapist changing your environment is a huge factor in your behaviour and mentality. Another thing I strongly suggest and implement myself is plastering positive quotes and messages that have meaning to me around my room, house, computer, phone, etc. Some have commented on my overboard approach with so many positive quotes, but lets be honest - if it works for you, what harm is it doing? Surrounding yourself with things that empower you, inspire you, and motivate you help keep your mind in a state of appreciation and thankfulness. 


Another thing I enjoy doing and could be seen as selfish, is I always go out of my way to do small favours or tasks for others. I do this because I love the feeling of helping others, I enjoy the feeling of appreciation from others and knowing that my actions can make a difference, even if they're small. 


Positive thinking is harnessed each day and cultivated over time. It takes patience to be mindful during the challenging moments and we all find answers in different avenues. But be open to new ideas that you may not have thought of because the unknown is the answer to all questions, it's just a matter of finding the right unknown. 


Lastly, books I'd suggest you check out; 

  1. The Way of The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
  2. Level Up Your Life - Steve Kamb
  3. Awaken The Giant Within - Tony Robbins
  4. The Carpenter - Jon Gordon
  5. The Go-Giver - Bob Burg & John Mann

I also listen to a lot of inspirational and empowering podcasts during my travels or while I'm doing cardio! Remember, it takes time to harness positivity. Being positive doesn't just happen, it's generated through the actions you take to fueling it's purpose. 


PS: Remember to lift with your legs and keep your back straight lol, back pain is a serious thing! Don't damage your back by pulling on it. Always bring yourself into the moment and remind yourself, legs, legs, I have to lift with my legs. 


Hope some of this helps shed light on positivity! We're all working everyday to be more positive! 

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Thank you three for your helpfull answers!


  • One of the best ways to stay positive and always make the best of any situation is to be grateful for what you do have, as we normally have been generously gifted with much that we take for granted

Thank you! I experienced this behavior before, there are so much great things in my life that I am not aware of. I will try this out!


  • Also,  I'd say it isn't necessary to view every situation as positive. Some situations just have more bad than good, and being able to take that in stride and accept that we'll sometimes have joyful as well as painful experiences (rather than becoming upset when bad things happen) is an incredibly useful skill. I find mindfulness and meditation to be helpful with this

I haven't thought of this, but it makes sense. The link was helpfull too, thanks! :)


  • Firstly as it was mentioned abouve, not every situation will or should be converted to positive, rather the emphasis needs to be on always understanding the pain, the sadness, the frustration, the [insert negative thing] will pass. I think a lot of the time we get wrapped up in the negativity to the point we let it define us, even if just for a moment. This is where mindfulness is key and should be practiced everyday. 

Thanks for this tip!

I will start to write down positive (inspiring) quotes from now on to give it a try! :D

  • The Way of The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
  • Level Up Your Life - Steve Kamb
  • Awaken The Giant Within - Tony Robbins
  • The Carpenter - Jon Gordon
  • The Go-Giver - Bob Burg & John Mann

I just purchased "The Obstacle is the Way" and will try to find usefull informations in it. Netherless, thanks for the recommendation!


  • PS: Remember to lift with your legs and keep your back straight lol, back pain is a serious thing! Don't damage your back by pulling on it. Always bring yourself into the moment and remind yourself, legs, legs, I have to lift with my legs. 

Yes, that is true! The sad thing is, I know it already.. I came from a Parkour training (trained mostly legs) and then had to play the big man and lift it with my arms.. :stupid:

But I learned from it!


Thank you all for your tips! :)

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I'm IkarusPicture, but can't change my name


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  • PS: Remember to lift with your legs and keep your back straight lol, back pain is a serious thing! Don't damage your back by pulling on it. Always bring yourself into the moment and remind yourself, legs, legs, I have to lift with my legs. 

Yes, that is true! The sad thing is, I know it already.. I came from a Parkour training (trained mostly legs) and then had to play the big man and lift it with my arms.. :stupid:

But I learned from it!


Haha you and me both! I have been training for my entire life (started as a drummer) and yes sometimes that ego gets in our way and our body reminds us why we can't always listen to it lol. You're human bro, just like all of us and even with all the unique knowledge we each possess we make mistakes in our own fields. Brush off all the rubbish that enters your life and always remind yourself the sun will always shine, the pendulum always swings. We live in a world where there are always opposites and as such, when you're down, you'll be up again! Just be mindful when you're in the up and up, that you need to cherish these moments for the days it grows dark. 


We're all here for you, so don't ever hesitate to reach out to anyone of us in here! 


I'm glad there were some helpful tips that you can implement in your life! 


Also, The Obstacle Is The Way, great book and great work starting to open the scope of your life through literature and the experiences and advice of others!! WOO :flustered:

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"Rise with the strength you fight for everyday"

"Every successful person was first a master of failure before they were a master of success"


"Intend to Attend, everyday"

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On 3/25/2016 at 2:51 AM, Gurkour said:


Well you can see I'm pretty confused, can you recommend me any blog articles/videos to understand the concept more?

 I'm having a hard time also because according to my mom I'm a natural pessimistic. As for me I try express what I'm grateful for, I try hard to retrain my mind to always think positive and I surround myself with positive people which is by the way the hardest for me lol :D

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