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Many wagons fail to make it all the way to Oregon

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I have failed. Quite spectacularly. Again.


I stumbled across an article from Steve last July 4th as I sat at the lake, recovering from my 3rd knee surgery. This pointed me to Nerd Fitness and The Rebellion. As a lifelong lover of most things "nerdy" I found a group that spoke my language a space where (I hoped) I could finally gain some traction for weight loss and health. On July 7, I weighed 297 lbs. - the most I've weighed in my life. That day I said, "no more", and launched into a quest that would ultimately leave me 80 lbs. lighter and healthier than I have been since maybe ever. 


But it didn't. Because I didn't. 


I started well - lost about 15 lbs in the six weeks or so. Then school started (I'm a college professor) and life got harder and time got shorter and 1000 other excuses that add up to I failed to choose to do the work. So here I sit, 9 months later, a whopping 3.5 lbs lighter than I was in July. This alternately infuriates and saddens me. So, once again, I'm picking myself up and setting my dusty hat back on my head to go another round in a fight that I have been losing for 35 years. I have a goal (217 lbs). I have a plan for eating (Zero Belly). I have an exercise schedule. And I'm trying to work up the (20 seconds of) courage to amass a cheering section (to this point, I've been too embarrassed to admit to friends and family that I'm trying). It all begins tomorrow morning. 


So here we go again. This time for the win!

This is what is required of you: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8

You can safely assume you have created God in your own image when it turns out he hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies

Like pirates, sharks, monkeys, and ghosts, ninjas will never not be exciting. - Danny Wallace, Yes Man

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Welcome to your respawn!

Sometimes life sucks, it´s about the way you handle it! Try to establish some minor positive changes and get it slow and steady if you can´t run on full steam. Just small stuff like swapping out some soda and drink water instead. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. And read and be active in this community!!!

I´m still stunned how inspiring and helpful this forum is, everybody cheers on your success and gives awesome advice when you fail.

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I´m a bass player, what´s your superpower?

"Small you are? Lift you must!" Master Broda, at the Dagobrah warrior bootcamp to his apprentice Luke Skylifter

 "Let not the gains of your heart diminish the gains from your mind for the path of iron is long and full of hardship"  Book of Liftviticus ch23, v13

Success starts where excuses end! 

\m/ Be awesome!!! \m/

My DailyBattleLog:

\m/ Commitment on being awesome \m/

My Current Challenge:

Click me!!!

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10 hours ago, Slates said:

Hey there, why the Zero Belly diet? 


Familiarity for the most part. It's something I know how to do and have had some success with it before. 


10 hours ago, Slates said:

Also, hitting everything at once may leave you feeling burnt out (though I really hope it doesn't!) The challenges are shorter than they used to (4 weeks!) you thought about popping over there and starting one? 


Actually did one at the first of the year, I'll be starting another in the next round. Thanks!

This is what is required of you: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. - Micah 6:8

You can safely assume you have created God in your own image when it turns out he hates all the same people you do. - Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies

Like pirates, sharks, monkeys, and ghosts, ninjas will never not be exciting. - Danny Wallace, Yes Man

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