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So I started bodyweight workouts, it was going awesome, then I performed 80ish chair dips over 2 days with incorrect form and injured my left shoulder. Now I can't do any shoulder movement workouts for a month or more. And the majority of bodyweight workouts involve shoulder movement. AND I just completed my first clean pull up in my life and now I cant for a month or more. So here I go on them cardio workouts.

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These things happen. Honestly. Take from it that form is king and high repetitions can be a wee bit dicey (overuse injuries SUCK even if your form is decent) and you'll be able to move on nicely!


You can always do things that don't involve your shoulder? What did you actually do?


By the way, hello from Edinburgh. ;)



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Hello and good effort! In general most of my trainers and friends have injured themselves in the past with fairly innocuous (sp?) movements so training with injury is not uncommon nor unexpected.

You will be the best judge of what movements you can and cannot perform. Sometimes it isn't bad form necessarily but just rushing to harder progressions before soft tissues/joints can acclimate (e. g. wrist and forearm during diamond/close-handed pushups)

Question: by chair dips do ypu mean "elbows behind the back" legs on ground "bench dips" or 100% bodyweight parallel chair/bar dips?

The former can very easily cause injuries due to the high shoulder and hip mobility required to maintain a relatively straight back and isolate the triceps. No real benefit over standard pushups. Highly not recommended.

The latter, bodyweight dips, can exacerbate shoulder imbalances or mobility issues due to the higher stress placed on joints, especially if going well below parallel without slowly increasing range of motion over time... this can take months sometimes on a single progression.

Good luck and heal soon! If it helps any, work on various bridge/reverse plank progressions to strengthen and increase mobility of the shoulder girdle after healing up completely.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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