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Starting over, again

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Hello all who take the time to come read my thread.  I've received the Nerd Fitness email list for at least a year (maybe 2?) and have always very much enjoyed the posts.  In fact is was Staci who inspired me to start lifting heavy.  Thanks Staci!  Here is me right now in a nutshell:


I'm a mom of two elementary school BOYS (pee, pee, pee everywhere, and dirt) and am turning 40 this year.  For the last ten years or so I've struggled with my weight. I'm not hugely overweight, but enough to piss me off.  My belly looks a tad pregnant and my thighs rub together.  I really hate my thighs rubbing together. That is for sure going to be a long term goal for me!  I have always kind of had stomach problems and after seeing the gastroenterologist a year and a half ago and he didn't really find anything wrong, I decided to go Paleo.  Well, let's be honest, 90% Paleo and also 100% gluten free.  My stomach issues pretty much disappeared! And I also during that time started lifting.  My husband is very much in shape and has been pushing me to do this for years.


The Paleo thing went great.  I was actually doing it 75-80% of the time.  But then my parents (who are overweight and bad influences) came to stay with us for Christmas last year and derailed everything for me.  Looking back I guess I just told myself that my stomach was doing great, even while eating wheat and dairy, and so I just started eating all that again.  Now mind you, I don't eat a ton of sugar or chips or fried food. We rarely eat out since we live in LA and for a family of four the $$ adds up when we do that.  But I just let the Paleo go... Bad idea.


Last week I got on the scale after avoiding it for months; I was getting tired of my pants feeling super tight, and I'm at my heaviest I've ever been un-pregnant.  I was in shock.  Soooooo, here I am.  I started getting back into the grind this week.  I'm not super out of shape, as my husband and I play racquetball on Saturdays as often as we can.  I can play soccer with my boys at the park, throw balls around with them, go bike riding, etc. But I want to be BETTER.  I want to look better, and feel better.  


I'm back to Paleo (90% of the time, if not more).  I will allow myself the occasional gluten free pasta when I'm too lazy to deal with spaghetti squash (why is that stuff so hard to cut open!?!?).  But my belly has already in just a few days gone down significantly (wheat belly anyone?) and I am feeling already so much better.  


I'm hoping this is IT.  From now on I hope I never go back to a sedentary lifestyle.  I work in an office so I sit all day long. I have a membership to LA Fitness which is block from my office.  Before I fell off the fitness-wagon and now that I'm back again, I go a few times a week on my lunch hour to get in my workout. So I am unfortunately limited on time during my workouts; I have to make them matter.  I can go after work, but being a working mom, I'd rather be home with my family after work.  Mommy guilt.  


I'll be doing racquetball with my husband on Saturdays for 1-2 hours since we love doing that together! And I also just started running with my oldest on Sundays (he's 9).  We went for a 3.5 mile run/walk last Sunday and we both loved it.  I also want to do more hiking. I mean, hello!  I live in LA!  So when my son and I can't run for whatever reason, we'll all go hiking as a family.  Or biking.


This has been long and if you've made it this far, thanks!  I think joining here will really help. My husband is super supportive since, like I said earlier, he is a fitness fanatic who wakes at 4 am everyday to get to the gym, but he can only support so much. I want to be accountable to others, not just him.  Don't know if that makes any sense.  I'm looking forward to the challenges.  And being an active member here.  Not sure which I'll choose since as you saw I like to do lots of different things.  I like to be outside mostly, but I like running, I'd like to get into a kickboxing class at the taekwondo place where my boys take classes, I like to bike, I like to lift, mostly (still learning to love this one).  When I was at my best last year I was squatting 85 lbs and deadlifting 130.  Gotta get back to that.  


Ok, so hello.  





Hello Ron.jpg

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