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Terrible, terrible start ...

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So, I messed up right from the beginning. I payed my fee, hopped on the forums all excited, then did nothing. I've had a lot of things going wrong and I've been letting these things interfere with my life in every way possible. I've been out of work for a while now and allowed myself to fall into a kind of depression because I felt like I just failed at life. I think I lasted one week trying to improve my life here before I fell right back into my slump which consisted of me existing on my couch 24/7, as in I sat there, eating junk food, watching TV shows, and falling asleep there only to wake up and repeat the process the next day. I do this because it's easy and when I feel defeated, I want easy. To nerd this up, I'm even afraid to play a video game on hard mode because I believe I'll quit playing because it's too difficult... (actually this has happened often) maybe I should do that one day just to make myself finish a challenge, haha. 


I'm in need of a serious respawn. Last week I started going to a yoga class at my university. It's free, so that's helping a lot until I figure out my financial situation. But, it's hard. A friend also showed me a very nice walking trail near where I live, one that I never even knew existed. I think I tried to start too big and I let everything overwhelm me so for my respawn. I plan to take it step by step. I want to be more active at my school gym but for now, I think the yoga classes and walking trail will be my focus. I'm going to learn to commit to a routine first and foremost. Then, I'll step it up and figure out what is next. However, I understand that I do need to do a little more, so I've started preparing better meals as well. All the junk food I have been eating has to go, so I'm actually eating real meals now. 


And for more good news, I attended a career fair yesterday. I made some good connections. But even better, on the way to the career fair I received a phone call for an interview. So, I'm doing that on Tuesday and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'm glad that I started taking the yoga classes before all of this too. That means that I decided to improve my life before things started to look up, during my slump. This is important to me because I did not let difficult times keep me down. It took a while, but I made a small change.


My next yoga class is on Friday. The class is hard, and I typically feel sick half way through, but I do notice how much better I feel after. Right now, it's hard for me to go. About an hour before each class, I start making excuses. I'm too tired, I want to do something else, or I can just go next time ... It will be more difficult tomorrow because I missed the last class with good reason, that was the day of the career fair (in my defense, that career fair was a lot of walking!). The excuses will be easier to accept this time, but I am not going to allow them to interfere. I'm putting this here so that I have to make myself accountable. I am telling everyone that I promise I will attend my yoga class on Friday, no matter what excuse I come up with. So, I have to go, I don't like breaking promises.  


And for a final note, I have a hiking trip planned with a friend and my brother-in-law at the end of this month. We have done this a few times, but I can never last the full trip, we have to stop early because I can barely move. This time, I am going to push myself a little harder. I love being out in nature, but I let the difficulty stop me just like with everything else. I believe that I can go further, it's just easier to stop. But not this time. We are going to make the full trip, even if it takes me a little longer. So, here is my respawn and I'm bumping up the difficulty level to hard mode. It's time to actually face a challenge for once.

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Hi Kvnlls, 


I feel you, I really do.  I'm a week into my first challenge, and I'm feeling burnt out already.  It's not easy to make these changes, no matter how gentle we try to go, nor how much we know we need them.  


But, remember we can always chow down on some respawn burger.  So it went wrong today?  Well tomorrow is always waiting for you.  Just keep in mind it will never come, but we can always act as though we're preparing for it. 


Don't give up, don't give in.  Reading through your lifestyle, i feel we may be very similar (minus the uni.. i even bailed on that before it began).  If you would like, we could keep one another going, (accountable), as i know how difficult that motivation can be when it's a "meh, who's it going to bother" mindset. 


Chin up, eyes forward, shoulders back.  Ready?  Go! 

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Limitless the level 0 Wood elf

"Limits you say?  Never heard of them say I"
My Current Challenge


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Thanks for that! Yea, I would like to find some accountability here, so if you don't mind dealing with an expert in excuse making I would really appreciate it, haha. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one here that struggle with attempting the difficult. I believe I know my biggest obstacle. I discovered it when my friend made an observation about me on one of our hiking trips. We had just reached the top of a mountain, one of the hardest one's I've done and this was our second time hiking it so I knew it wasn't going to get any easier. I was sitting on a rock and just enjoying the view for a while, and that "while" ended up being close to an hour. My friend and my brother-in-law (this trip was his idea as he hadn't hiked this mountain before) wanted to keep going but I said I'd like to sit and enjoy the view longer. While there was truth to this, I also was trying to avoid walking any further for as long as possible. I said I could sit there forever, and I probably could have because it was a great moment. My friend looked at me and said this, "You seem to always be comfortable where you are at." I believe he meant it as a compliment, as in I can just fit in anywhere and love it, but I also saw some issue there related to my avoidance of a challenge. I get way too comfortable.


That's about the best description I could ever have heard for myself. I get so comfortable where I am, that the idea of changing that moment is overwhelmingly burdensome. But, I'm sure this can change. So yes, I am interesting in keeping each other accountable. I do get comfortable where I am, so I wonder if I can use that to my advantage and put myself in a place where I feel good about myself and be comfortable there. I sincerely believe that once I make what people call the lifestyle change, and not just a routine, I will be comfortable and happy there, and feel a heck of a lot better! I know exactly where I want to be, I just got to get there.


So, that's me, where I am now, and where I'm trying to go. My fitness goal is to have something like a gymnast build. I want to be flexible, have a great stamina, and be able to go out and have the adventures I always dreamed about, and especially get into hiking more. My class on this site is Assassin, I was thinking along the lines of the parkour type, think Assassin's Creed. I don't necessarily want to do parkour, I just I want that mobility. I'm taking these yoga classes to work on my stamina and flexibility. Eventually, I'd like to work some strength training into the build as well, but I'm trying to avoid bulking up. And I'm also thinking that cardio will be important for me. 


I'm glad to be able to start this out with someone else! For a while, I thought I was going to have to go solo on this. What are your goals and what difficulties do you think you will be facing the most? Let's do this!

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You're most welcome.  That's what this community seems to be for, to help one another we really can do this! 


And okay, i'll do the best i can to help you push those comfort zones.  I get living in the moment, i'm like that myself.  I don't worry **too** much about the future, but instead try to focus more on the present and living it the best i can.  


Your goals seems awesome.  I did a little parkour myself years ago.  If i could reccomend, don't separate your strength and flexibility training so much, instead look into staggering them through your week (with your yoga and stamina work on off days from strength training).  There's a great bodyweight routine on this site.  Although by fee, i assume you mean you've joined either the NF Yoga or Fitness one?  In either case, that's awesome! 


We'll get to know one another a little better over time, and hopefully that will include learning exactly what's needed;  encouragement, gentle pressure, advice, or a good ol' yell!  Even yelling at ourselves in the mirror haha. 


So for me, goal wise I have a thread which i'll link at the end, but generally: 

Build up a level of fitness nearer to what i had before (never very bulky, but very strong for my size  ((ranger guild seemed good for this, functional strength)) ) 

Repair some flexibility and back pain issues.  

Learn Tai Chi and/ or Yoga (started tai chi, it's proving difficult but enjoyable!) 

Get my life into routine again.  (That's what my current 4 week challenge is about).  

Stop drinking.. 

And a few other bits and pieces, i'll add them as i remember them.  


I've ascribed with the druid guild, as my beliefs and goals are somewhat of a merging of several guilds, but the Druids seem to be where my heart lies.  I'm a spiritual person, and it seems i can pursue that with Druids while continuing my ranger/warrior blend of goals too! 



To note - I came here from reading "Level Up Your Life".  If you haven't read it, i'd really recommend it, like seriously haha!  


From here, i'd say we should follow one another's profiles for updates, and also have a look around the forums a little more.  Your respawn was successful, you have a full HP bar, ready to fight?



My Links:   This one is my 4 week challenge page


This is my introduction:  


And this is my character page:  




Limitless the level 0 Wood elf

"Limits you say?  Never heard of them say I"
My Current Challenge


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