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Hi to everyone here! 


I'm new and I have yet to go around the threads and read up on what is happening. But I feel like I have to introduce myself and not just become a lurker. I've read most of the articles in Steve's site, even followed the Beginner's Workout Guide and have begun to (finally) change my life for the better. 


I have always been self conscious of my appearance and weight. I'm quite short (5 feet flat) and I have always viewed myself as fat. Looking back at my old photos, I always think that I was skinnier in the past and fatter in the present even though during that time the photo was taken, I already thought of myself as fat. I always tell myself to love who I am and that if a man really loves me, he will accept me fat and all. 


My past boyfriends were fat and seemed to have no problems with my weight. So I continued on with my destructive habit of eating unhealthy, not working out and constantly justifying that I am beautiful regardless of my weight. But deep down, I felt bad about myself. Although admittedly beautiful, I always see my weight as a hindrance and the fact that it kept increasing ate away at my confidence. I don't like shopping for clothes because I know the ones I want will never fit. I tried every now and then to eat healthier and to workout but I always fell back to old habits. 


But recently, I told myself I have had enough. 


I was watching the CW Series Arrow and Flash and I was inspired by the level of fitness the actors had. I told myself that they probably work out and that if they can do it, so can I. 


And so I began to research on non-conventional gym workouts (the gyms bore me) and I found crossfit. But I was almost injured my first day in crossfit so I did not go back. I tried the free trial of a local F45 gym (functional training) and while I enjoyed the sessions, I found the monthly membership expensive. But that didn't stop me. I looked for the 7-minute workout app (which I've heard from friends) and committed to using it. 


But it wasn't enough. I will still slacken off. 


And then I found Nerd Fitness. It was actually cool how I found the blog. I'm a digital marketer and as I was reading one of my email subscriptions, Nerd Fitness was mentioned as an example of a blog who uses cool graphics in its post. So I went ahead and checked out the blog, not knowing that it will be a life changing visit. 


I read the testimony of Staci and I was so inspired. That's the kind of body I want. That's the kind of confidence I want. I want to be as healthy and good looking as she is. And so I began my transformation. 


It's now close to two weeks that I've switched to Paleo and I did the workouts as Steve suggested (body weight and interval training). My sister swears that she can see my stomach getting smaller. I like to believe so too. But I have committed to this until at the very least December 2016 to achieve my desired body and desired weight. By that time, I know working out and eating healthy would have been the staple in my life. 


It's been a challenging few days - 11 days in fact, of consistently eating healthy (Paleo diet) and working out. While I find the adjustment exhausting sometimes (Paleo is tasking - planning meals, cooking, etc.) I have a sense of pride that I am able to accomplish so much. 


I went to this community to draw inspiration from thousands more of individuals who are going through the same journey as mine. While I cannot read all your stories, and I am not sure you can all read mine, it is comforting to know that so many people are making that switch to living healthy. It's not easy since we are surrounded with temptations all the time but I know that it is doable. 


I look forward to participating more in the other threads and learning a lot from everyone hear. 


Cheers to Fitness!

-Acielle "Ace" G.

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Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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I actually tried it once just to know what it is. I like it definitely even though after that trial run my body ached so badly for days! But I look forward to doing crossfit. It's just that (1) CFMNL's rates are too high for me at the moment and (2) I don't have anyone to do it with. Although I've never let (2) stop me from doing anything before (always game to meet new people!). 


For now, I am working out on my own - I'm pretty consistent with it - and learning as much as I can. From someone who rarely worked out, doing 7-minute workout apps and crafting my own workouts - is already a step up. 


But I still have plans to go to a gym -- not yet sure if it's a crossfit gym (when I can afford) or a regular gym (just so I can lift weights). What I do want to do is learn Parkour :) but I am not that confident to even try it yet without getting myself in better shape. 

Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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Yeah, they're a bit steep. (Understandable, since an L1 designation costs Php50'000 for 5 years, and I believe it's Php150'000 annually to maintain affiliate status.) Mostly rich kids.


I used to Parkour independently all over Riverbanks in Marikina, the entire mall security even tried chasing me down once. Are there any Parkour organizations over there?

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9 hours ago, Machete said:

I used to Parkour independently all over Riverbanks in Marikina, the entire mall security even tried chasing me down once. Are there any Parkour organizations over there?


That's nice! You must have been a pioneer of Parkour here in the Philippines. There's a Ninja Academy  and I've been meaning to try them out. And then there's this group - Philippine Parkour / FreeRunning Association (PPFA) - who I just discovered now. Perhaps I can give them a call. :)



Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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6 hours ago, Steaky said:

Welcome to the community.


If you want to get into parkour, body weight training is the way to go.  You want to go say hello to the Assassins too. Bit of an odd bunch, but they're friendly and always happy to help new recruits.

 Thanks for the welcome Steaky!


I think I'll head over there. I've been a bit intimidated to actually join them though that was my first choice. As the real reason I am so gung ho on fitness right now is so I can do parkour. I know I can't do it yet without improving my current physical state (i.e. become stronger). I don't want to try Parkour only to fail miserably and then be discouraged. :(

Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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2 minutes ago, Steaky said:

You don't have to join them straight away. I've been on the forums a week or two now and still undecided, so staying as a rebel for the time being.  The assassins are the people to speak to about body weight training and parkour. The two go hand in hand. 



I joined them already. hehehe :) 

Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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23 hours ago, Ace Garcera said:


That's nice! You must have been a pioneer of Parkour here in the Philippines. There's a Ninja Academy  and I've been meaning to try them out. And then there's this group - Philippine Parkour / FreeRunning Association (PPFA) - who I just discovered now. Perhaps I can give them a call. :)


Haha. Probably not. I trained solo, or I'd go on these all-day "urban hike" excursions with my neighbor and we'd just parkour all over several cities.


But definitely go check them out. It's always better to get some guidance and spotting.


The Assassins' Guild is great. Last time I checked they were really organized and very interactive.

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7 minutes ago, Machete said:


Haha. Probably not. I trained solo, or I'd go on these all-day "urban hike" excursions with my neighbor and we'd just parkour all over several cities.


But definitely go check them out. It's always better to get some guidance and spotting.


The Assassins' Guild is great. Last time I checked they were really organized and very interactive.

They are really very nice and interactive people. I just joined them and looking forward to completing the challenges with them. :)

Epic Character  | 4-Week Challenge: Current | 2 | 1 |

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