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Both Feet, Straight in...

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I'm new to the rebellion. Over the last few months I've transitioned from vague knowledge of this site to reading a few articles to picking up the book to now jumping in and starting to play the game. I'm Tim. I'm a pretty big guy. 6'5", 250 lbs. But those 250 lbs aren't what I want them to be. Far to much fluff, far too little "built like a brick sh*t house". I have a few hobbies. I've been practicing Hapkido for a couple of years and am currently a purple belt.  I play guitar, but not well yet. I am building a good workbench for my woodworking (traditional nonelectric) and I work on the ambulance a few days a week.


I also enjoy learning. I want to be fluent in Spanish, French and Italian as well as Norsk. I'm in school working towards my RN, knocking down prep classes right now. I've given myself 36 months to finish that challenge. I teach first aid, CPR and a few other classes as well in my free time.


Coming into this game, I've got a good sidekick to keep me accountable and on-track. My son, Jack, is an eight year-old who lives in beast mode. The only people I know with a motor like his are some marine corps buddies who spent their time getting physics degrees while I was partying (ikr). The kid was born motivated, and he plans to do a lot of the fitness work with me. We have to be careful with some of my contact sports goals, unfortunately, because Jack, like any good hero, has a weakness. He has hemophilia, but he has taken charge of that, and learned to stick IV's at the age of 6 (sticking me, not him) and now that he's turned eight, I'm going to let him try to give his own medication (under clooooose supervision). But, like I said, the kid has a motor. He's taken it upon himself to learn about his illness and take charge of his care. He is up to the task.


I am in a bit of a panic at the moment. My gym doesn't allow kids. so I moved around equipment and tools in my garage and made some space for a workout area. Last night I bit the bullet. I bought a squat rack, bench, barbell and 300 lbs of weights. Ho-Lee-Chit, I can't believe I did that... but I'm not going to cancel the order. It has to happen. I need a place at home where I can work out. I can do body weight, sure, and I have a 60 lbs bag for my Hapkido practice... fine, but I need a better playground to reach my goals, and do it in a way that doesn't have me leaving behind my sidekick.


I'm working on my Basic goals at the moment. 


  • Martial Arts 
  • Stronglifts


  • RN in 36 months 
  • Complete Rosetta Stone & Duolingo Spanish
  • Complete the Mel Bay Complete modern Guitar course and Justin Guitar basic songbook


  • Raise the bar with the Cub Scout den I'm leading
  • get back into stand-up comedy, improve my set to a solid 10 minutes
  • Perform a guitar set at a local open mic including REM's end of the world


This is a starting point.





Ready Player One...


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Success at anything will always come down to this: focus and effort. We control both. On time. On target. Never quit.

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Renegade Six.  You've taken the step into a much larger world.  ;)


Major props on getting your son involved, even if he's already squared away and hard-charging to take control of his life at 8 years old.  Your starting point goals are already more considerate than many I've seen and you're just starting out.  I suspect we'll see great things from you!


Have a good browse around the forums, peruse some of the guilds and see which fits your longer term fitness goals.  You aren't stuck with one for life and can switch each challenge, but finding a cadre of like-minded folks really helps dial up the intensity when you've got a tailormade cheering section full of encouragement and support.  If you're interested in starting a 4 Week Challenge, we're just wrapping one up this weekend and there'll be a week off (Week Zero) before the next one starts, likely on or around June 13th.


Best of luck to you!

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[Level ??] Rurik, the Thunderer

Class: Stormborn War-Shaman (Path of Giants Barbarian/Conquest Paladin/Elemental Domain Cleric)


Equipment:  Studded leather armor, war club, plus adventurer's pack containing rations, rope, and nature-based potions. 


"Rangers have to at least give up on pants. It's a special rule we enacted after Rurik became a Guild Leader.” – DarK_RaideR

"Did I just get my ass kicked by a member of Metallica meets History Channel's Vikings?" - Wild Wolf

"By the Well-Oiled-and-Meticulously-Groomed Beard of Rurik!" - Tanktimus the Encourager

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