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(I don't play very often, but I hope you read the title in the StarCraft SCV voice if you recognized it.)


Hi there! After a few days deliberation (probably motivated by the price jump of NF Academy), and a few years of regularly reading the NF newsletter, I figured I may as well get off my butt and attempt to take the advice I've been reading about for so long.


Here is a spiel about who I am and why I'm here:


I'm 21, just graduated college, working at the moment, moving for graduate school (PhD program... hardcore nerd here :D) come August, and you'd probably think just from my age I'd be in fantastic shape. But nah, far from it. I've always felt like my heart is an untrained weakling and my lungs are too small for my body, and no physical activity yet has seemed to change that. I did gymnastics as a kid, dance classes and whatnots on occasion as a preteen, but then high school hit and all non-nerd extracurriculars kind of just stopped. (I went to math club and science club. Because priorities. :D) I suppose that's mainly due to my inability to get anywhere to do those extracurriculars (working parents), but probably also because I was in the typical overachiever high school kid preppin' fo' college mode of all-books-no-play (and I liked it that way). This continued through college, where I continued to overwork myself beyond belief(no surprise for attending an Ivy...) , and will probably continue to do so for as long as I am in academia. But I've realized more and more lately that I've definitely gained weight throughout undergrad, and am definitely DEFINITELY addicted to sugar, and my body is not where I'd like it to be... especially compared to those around me. Whether or not my weight gain is my fault or medication-induced (or both), and whether or not my lungs are actually abnormally tiny... I would like to do something about moving in a positive direction.


I also don't really like conventional forms of exercise, but I'm curious about trying strength training, and especially interested in figuring out the most efficient way to get where I want to be physically. Or move towards it, at least. I specified conventional forms of exercise because I think the best outdoorsy hobby I've ever discovered is technical tree climbing, and I don't think I've ever had a better workout than when scaling a giant sequoia. (Or two in one day - would not recommend. Will probably not do again unless I absolutely have to.) It takes a substantial amount of balance, coordination, strength, willpower, and endurance to go 300ft in the upwards direction. (Without stairs. Stairs would be nice. I don't think the tree would appreciate it though.) I've never felt more accomplished than I did when reaching the tops of these monster trees. I've also never felt more winded than I did from the climb. I would say my reach epic quest goal thingamabober would be to get fit enough for those climbs to get easier. I would have a more solid plan than that, but at this point I'm not sure when I'll next be heading to California... so while it must remain a tentative thing, I'm sure I'll make it happen someday, and I can certainly work towards it for now.


Now that I have completed shpiel-ing, I will return to working on my NFA 'Mindset' quests. (Yay!) And see how long I can stay away from eating sugar cubes. (Yes, really. But I left the box at work. This may end well for now? but poorly later...) (Also, I like parentheses.) (A lot.)


Looking forward to meeting y'all!

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Holy shit. I can't believe you climbed a sequoia. With guts that takes, and the tenacity your path in school requires, you'll have absolutely no problem with your fitness goals. Sugar addiction is a pain in the ass. I find if I don't set some sort of cheat date/meal I can easily succumb to it. You got this!  

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11 minutes ago, Yayhem said:

Holy shit. I can't believe you climbed a sequoia. With guts that takes, and the tenacity your path in school requires, you'll have absolutely no problem with your fitness goals. Sugar addiction is a pain in the ass. I find if I don't set some sort of cheat date/meal I can easily succumb to it. You got this!  


On one hand, I guess it sounds pretty bad-ass, but on the other, I'd also point out that it was a group effort to go from the middle (our main line reached about 1/3 or 1/2 of the way up the tree) to the top, using ropes and gear and multiple days of stepping our way to the top (we came down in between days, on the main rope that reaches the ground). The vertical ascent portion though was definitely an all-me-lifting-full-bodyweight-up-the-tree thing... My gear held my harness onto the rope for me, but it was me doing the work to move myself higher those 300ft.


Maybe I need to imagine that the view of my awesomely-fit future body will be as beautiful as the valley from the top of those trees. (Not sure I'm convinced, but perhaps it could be, just in a different way?) Motivation is something I really struggle with, so I'm a bit nervous to start on this journey, for fear of quitting, and especially once the sweet tooth calls. Scheduling specific instances that it is allowed to be fed is a very good idea.


Thanks for the support :)

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Oh okay I see. It will be, obviously in a different way :P Visualization is a very powerful tool. Motivation is tough. Perhaps watch videos of people doing what you want to do? Looking like you want to? Remaining vigilant is important, but not as important as accepting that we all fail at times. Rules get broken, gym days get missed. It is important to not let that derail you. I've been there.. Setting up people to hold you accountable could help. 

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First off, team effort or not, climbing a Sequoia is super cool.


I definitely feel your pain with both the sugar and motivation. The lack of motivation definitely led to years of a sedentary lifestyle which in turn made it more difficult to get out there and try getting in shape. That of course made me nervous to get out there and go to a gym. I can't tell you how many times I psyched myself up to go to the gym then drove there only to sit in the parking lot, see all the cars and in shape people going in and coming out and I just turned around and went home. Heck, one time(a more recent situation unfortunately) I decided I wanted to give CrossFit a shot and walked almost a mile to the place and just stood there across the parking lot while everyone got there and couldn't get myself to go and just walked home. Well at least I got some exercise on the walk to and from right. 



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13 hours ago, Condogg138 said:

I can't tell you how many times I psyched myself up to go to the gym then drove there only to sit in the parking lot, see all the cars and in shape people going in and coming out and I just turned around and went home. Heck, one time(a more recent situation unfortunately) I decided I wanted to give CrossFit a shot and walked almost a mile to the place and just stood there across the parking lot while everyone got there and couldn't get myself to go and just walked home. Well at least I got some exercise on the walk to and from right. 


That's awesome that you walked there though! Make it a regular routine and eventually you'll be curious enough to go inside? :) CrossFit scares me at the moment though, I'll consider trying that someday... but not today. Nowhere near fit enough yet and group fitness classes are often demotivating to me :( bad habit of focusing on how much more fit others are, oops.


Personally, I don't like walking to work (about a mile, some bits uphill) not because it's difficult but because I get gross and sweaty before I even start working, and they just suspended the bus stop right by my apartment so now I'll be having to... Might have to start bringing a change of clothes.

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28 minutes ago, dismantlerepair said:


Personally, I don't like walking to work (about a mile, some bits uphill) not because it's difficult but because I get gross and sweaty before I even start working

Haha, yeah I know that game. 


I did kick myself into gear today and finally got back to the gym. now I gotta make it more consistent. 

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On 12/06/2016 at 2:11 AM, dismantlerepair said:


That's awesome that you walked there though! Make it a regular routine and eventually you'll be curious enough to go inside? :) CrossFit scares me at the moment though, I'll consider trying that someday... but not today. Nowhere near fit enough yet and group fitness classes are often demotivating to me :( bad habit of focusing on how much more fit others are, oops.


Don't worry, Crossfit is terrifying to me and I'm pretty fit and strong! ;)


Welcome to the Rebellion! 


I'm not sure what kind of strength that you want to follow but if you're interested in lifting heavy things, pop on over to the Warriors and say, "Hello!"



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Ah, so many possibilities! And scaling a Sequoia sounds amazing. I didn't know there was such a thing as technical tree climbing. (Somehow I picture the tree sighing to itself, "What are these things DOING? Hey, careful where you step, that tickles!") (I like parentheses too :) )


If your goal (at least for now) is to get as strong as you can as quickly as you can, lifting heavy things is the way to go. Chat up SpecialSundae, she's really helpful to new folks looking to start lifting. 


But if you just want to get stronger and can't/don't want to join a gym right now, you can see huge improvements with bodyweight exercises and walking. 


Good luck on your journey, wherever it may take you!

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"'It's time for a few small repairs,' she said." - Shawn Colvin



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