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How to not suck at incentives

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Hey all,

So I've read all the relevant posts on how to not suck at goal setting, but what I'm sucking at is giving myself incentive. I am a poor student, as are all my friends, so none of us have £500 to stake on an outcome.

I was wondering what incentives you've given yourselves - and if you'd tell me to give me inspiration.


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Most of my incentives are goal-based; I don't have money to blow when I hit something, but the satisfaction of hitting a new high usually gets me there.

As Steve says, looking good naked isn't bad either.

Never think of pain or danger or enemies a moment longer than is necessary to fight them. -Ayn Rand

Amongst those less skilled you can see all this energy escaping through contorted faces, gritted teeth and tight shoulders that consume huge

amounts of effort but contribute nothing to achieving the task.

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If some fucker steals your bike and tries to get away with it, you should be able to catch up to him quickly (with the first 30 metres or so, before he can get speed), drag him from your bike and hold him until the police comes.

If a cute guy/girl asks you on a date which involves lots of walking throughout the city, you should be able to do so without having to rest every other minute.

If a kitten is stuck in a tree, you should be able to climb the tree and save the kitten.

If someone challenges you to game of basketball, you should be able to easily play... and win.

What do you want to do that requires fitness? That's your incentive right there.

Quare? Quod vita mea non tua est.


You can call me Phi, Numbers, Sixteen or just plain 161803398874989.

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My incentives are similar to big number guy:

- Have a high enough fitness to be able to get out and do things. To be able to try anything at least once comfortably. Its a lot different trying to skydive/rock climb/ hunt when you are 170lbs in comparison to 300lbs. There is a set of confidence in your athletic ability that you will be okay and un-scathed at the end of the event.

- Have the physical ability to protect and provide for my future and family and myself. If we are hiking, and my wife slips, am I able to run to her, grab her, and pull her up to safety? If someone robs from my family and runs, can I catch him?

"All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty." -Proverbs 14:23


I. AM. A. BEAST!!!!!!!!!" -

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My secret incentive is to freak my friends out by parading into their house in a speedo :) ofcourse I have to look awesome first, or the jokes on me so I have a goal.

Other than that for me it's boring things like I just reached "normal" on the BMI scale, that was a nice treat. I've been overweight and crawling towards obese for over 10 years and didn't believe I could do it.

dunno what would work for you though... I'm totally hooked on becoming fit now, and that's my motivation :) I do admit to standing in front of mirrors a bit more than I used to :D

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My incentive is to be the guy capable of feats of strength that people say they will never be able to achieve.

My other incentive is to then be able to teach them how to do it.

Of course I happen to have slipped right off the band wagon, but will be using the next challenge (my first one since joining the forums) to get right back on track.

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My incentive is the hot shower after a workout. I want to work really hard and feel so spent that only a good hot shower and scrub will make me feel like a human. I strive for those times :D

Oh and Big Number Guy = Phi = Golden Ratio. He's a cool cat. :)

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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I realize that this is going to make me sound like a kindergartener, but I am totally motivated by stickers and stupid little rewards like that. I put a gold star on my calendar every time I work out, and seeing every day with a star on it makes me feel kind of like a rock star. I've also seen people do a 'pounds to lose' and 'pounds lost' jar on pinterest, with colorful little rocks that you move back and forth as you lose weight... but I'm a giant dork and motivated by silly things like that. Just want to put it out there that rewards and incentive don't have to be trips to Rome or a new $500 pair of shoes or something. For some of us, little things work just as well.

Plus, with the sticker thing, it puts my accountability right out there where everyone (you know, my husband and my dog....) can see it, so if I skip a day there is a big hole in the calendar and it feels like it's mocking me every time I walk past it.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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It sounds from your post as though you're looking for a negative incentive (for example - be able to do a pull-up, or pay the other person a certain amount). Interestingly, though, the amount need not be big to be humiliating -- my father used to have a standard bet: one dollar with your signature on it.

Maybe you could offer to clean someone's car if you don't make the goal? Or find some other act that would serve as payment? Something like taping a sign to your back for the day that says "I didn't make my fitness goals"?

I'm just brainstorming here; I have no idea what your situation is, so I don't know if any of these would be effective disincentives against skipping workouts or bad eating. But I do hope these ideas help.

LRB, Lifelong Rebel Badass  ||  June 3 challenge thread

"What I lack in ability, I make up in stubbornness" -me

"Someone busier than you is working out right now" -my mom

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Rivanariko I like where you're coming from! I do have what I call 'big' motivations, like wearing a bikini, feeling like a 10 all the time (I'm so vain!) but I'm a visual person and struggle to conceptualise what that means when I'm finding things tough.

What I decided to do was buy myself a size 8 dress, which is the size I'm working towards. I read about someone doing that, so they could try it on and see progress when they could zip it up that bit further etc etc. I sniped it on eBay, so didn't have to spend much for something pretty.

Hoping this will help!

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I told everyone I know that I want to get married with a 6 pack, I've made a lot of noise about it so people will remember. Most of my friends and family laughed but a precious few took it seriously and are now perodicaly checking on me - random texts of "What was today's workout?" or "Bought any bread?". I'm finding this a double whammy, I feel like I have support and the idea of putting everyone who laughed in their place and not letting down the ones who believe is a massive driver.

Potential public embarasment + potential epic victory + potential sexy new body = MOTIVATION!

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