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spezzy's workout log

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ok, so i'm going to start writing out what i actually do every day so a) i can keep track of everything/the weights i'm using (my little postits are getting lost!) and B) you guys can keep me honest.

soooooo, here we go. i do everything in circuits. i've been playing around with a few different programs i found in books, mixing and matching what i like/don't like.

2 minutes walk/1 mile run - 8:20/ 2 minutes walk

balance exercises - 5 minutes

circuit one: (3 times)

20 pushups

db flys (on a body ball) - 15, 15lbs

machine leg press - 20, 150 lbs

squats - 50.

jump rope - 100 jumps

circuit two (3 times)

db press (on a body ball) - 15, 25 lbs

lateral shoulder raise - 10, 8 lbs

burpees - 20 (first time through i did the first 10 with a pushup, but then realized my arms were still dead, so switched to just plain burpees

side lunge - 20

circuit three: (three times)

diamond pushups - 15

plankups - 20

box jumps (bench jumps? :) ) - 20

one leg squats - 20 (10 on each leg)

jumping jacks - 50

circuit four: (three times)

shoulder press - 15, 20 lbs

external shoulder rotation - 30 (15 each arm), 15lbs

knee tuck jumps - 10

side lunge - 20

crunch on body ball - 30

circuit five (i call this my summary circuit): (one time)

sumo squats - 50

decline pushups - 35

dips - 35

jump rope - 30 seconds

plank (feet on bench, arms on ball) - 90 seconds.

and that's it for today.


i'm tired. :)

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Do I count correctly?

Fourteen total circuits in one day?

Great effort Spezzy!

Oh, are those bench dips or parallel bar dips?

haha yeah...though i never thought of it as 14 circuits, always just look at it as five :)

normally i do my last circuit three times as well (i have this thing where i have to do everything 3 times or it just doesn't feel right), but started to feel a tiny bit of pain in my shoulder that I injured a few years ago, so I decided it was time to stop.

and they are bench dips, with my feet elevated on another bench. at that point in my routine, my arms laugh at the idea of doing parallel bar dips, and also the parallel bars are nowhere near where i can do pushups. (need to be near the pushup area because it was actually 10 pushups/10 dips, 9 pushups, 9 dips, 8 pushups, 8 dips, 8 pushups, 8 dips... normally I can keep going but with the pain in my shoulder I decided not to risk it.)

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ok, so today was PAINFUL. had a super stressful day at work, i don't think i ate enough, so kind of half assed the workout and had to make a few adjustments to account for my laziness. just wasnt feeling it tonight.

also, i always walk first/do a basic warmup and cooldown, but its not significant enough to ever post.

run - 1 mile, 8:06

went outside and ran around and jumped over things for about 5 minutes.

circuit one: (three times)

assisted pullups (unfortunately, the pullup bar was in use... i wanted to try negatives) - 5 with 40 lbs assisted

db rows - 15, 30 lbs

single leg straight leg deadlifts - 30 lbs on the bar + the bar (i think its a 30 lb bar). 12 each leg

walking lunges - 50

jump rope - 50 jumps

circuit two (three times):

assisted chinups - 5 with 30lbs assisted

low db row - 12, 30 lbs

box jumps - 15

circuit three (three times):

inverted row: 12

bodyball hip raise with leg curl - 15

supermans - 5 sec hold, 2 sec down - 15

reverse crunch (holding onto foam roller with knees) - 50

circuit four (once, due to laziness):

chinups - 3 x 20 lbs assisted

back extensions - 20

i don't know what this one is called - i lay on my stomach on a body ball, hold onto the bench, and raise the lower half of my body. 15 times.

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today was fun.

2 minutes walk/1 mile run - 7:52/ 2 minutes walk

ballet lessons! this took probably about an hour, but some of it was goofing off, and a lot of it was just learning basic moves.

handstand - 3 minutes

jump rope - 3 minutes

circuit one: (3 times)

20 pushups (25 the last time)

db flys (on a body ball) - 15, 20lbs (level up from last time!)

machine leg press - 15, 170 lbs (level up from last time!)

squats - 30, with 20 lbs on the silly bar they have at my gym (i think its a 30 lb bar, but definitely not a real sized one) (level up from last time!)

jumping jacks - 50

circuit two (3 times)

db press (on a body ball) - 15, 30 lbs (level up from last time!)

lateral shoulder raise - 10, 10 lbs for the first set, then 8 lbs for the rest. for some reason, i just can't seem to level up on these.

burpees - 20

side lunge - 20

circuit three: (three times)

plank - 15 seconds

close grip pushups - 5

side plank - 15 seconds

plank - 15 seconds

close grip pushups - 5

side plank - 15 seconds

plank - 15 seconds

sumo squats - 20 lbs on the bar.

jumping jacks - 50

circuit four: (three times)

shoulder press - 15, 20 lbs (probably could have levelled up if i did this earlier in the routine, but at this point my arms were ready to go)

skullcrushers - 15, 40 lbs (you know, having 2 20 lb dumbells over my head for shoulder presses really doesn't phase me, but putting it in ONE weight that i hold over my head for this one kind of scared me a little...)

ballet squat - 15 (i did a ton of these earlier during ballet and really liked them, so threw a few more in)

hip abduction (machine, i know, ew) - 15, 90 lbs

hip adduction (again, machine, i know, ew) - 15, 90 lbs

20 pushups (once)

and that's it for today.

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so tonight's workout was a little wimpy.

first, after i had written out everything i wanted to do and emailed it to myself so i could reference from my phone at the gym, i forgot my phone at the gym.

second, a coworker went at the same time and we ended up discussing plans for our teams for the upcoming quarter the whole time. also means i wasn't really good at counting my reps...

so that didn't help, but it was necessary to get done.

let me see if i can remember what i did:

1) 5 minute run. wasn't feeling the running today, my legs weren't really having it for some reason. i'll run more tomorrow morning.

2) did about 5 sets of various things to try to work towards pullups.

circuits ... (of course, they were slower tonight...)

one: (three times)

chinups (assisted, 40 lbs), around 15 each time

db rows - 30 lbs, 15

single leg straight leg deadlifts... tried to level up to 50 lbs (from 30) plus the bar... did 8 each leg the first time, 4 each leg the second time and then switched to 40 lbs, and then did a set of 8 and then a set of 10 in the final circuit

walking lunges (50)

some fun ballet jumping exercise i learned last night. for about a minute or two.

two (three times)

inverted rows (12)

low db rows - 30 lbs, 15

deadlifts - 70 lbs plus whatever the bar is (i really need to find out how much this stupid thing weighs, i know its not 45). tried 90 lbs, could do 1...so 70 lbs x 5


three (three times)

windshield wipers - 20

held an upside down pose i want to work on - 15 seconds

cat camel - 15

back extension - 20

the thing where i lay on my stomach on a body ball, hold onto the bench, and raise the lower half of my body - 20

then i did hip raises with a curl on a bb a bunch of times and supermans (while laying there talking about things) and then stretched for a bit.

and i think that's it.

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starting my 'working out in the morning' thing. and wow, i have way more energy!

i found out today that my bar is a "womens" olympic bar - which means its 33lbs.

started with a quick warmup, then...

circuit one (three times)

db press (on ball) - 30lbs, 12,15,13 (yeah, didnt get the same amount of reps each time)

db fly (on ball) - 20lbs, 12x

squats! so - i originally tried putting 50 lbs on the bar, but couldn't get the stupid thing over my head... so brought it down to 40lbs. 25x

jumping jacks - 50x

circuit two (three times)

pushups - 20

lateral raises - 10lbs, 10,12,10 (i have been doing 10 lbs on this one for forever. i don't know why, but i am simply unable to level up here)

burpees - 20

leg press - 190lbs, 15

calf press (i really just wanted to stretch my calves... and the exercise felt good, so i kept going) 190lbs, 12

jump rope - 100 jumps

circuit three (three times)

plank, raised up on bench and body ball - 30sec, 30sec, 60sec

extended plank - 15s

diamond pushups - 5

side plank - 30s (first two i did regular side planks, third i did what i call a starfish... unsure of what it's actually called)

extended plank - 15s

diamond pushups - 5

side plank (other side)- 30s (first two i did regular side planks, third i did what i call a starfish... unsure of what it's actually called)

extended plank - 15s

diamond pushups - 5

sumo squats - 30lbs on the bar

ballet jumps - 100 (this is what i've decided to call them, they're awesome. i dont know what they are actually called, but you start in 5th position, jump out to 2nd position, then back in to 5th position with your feet switched)

circuit four (three times)

shoulder press - 25 lbs, 15

external shoulder rotation - 15 lbs, 15 (im not sure i'll try to level up on this one, this is more of a 'my physical therapist told me to include this when i hurt my shoulder a few years ago) and i feel good at 15lbs

skullcrushers - 40lbs, 12

ballet squats (no weight) - 50

skaters - 50,25,35

cool down:

1 minute of crunches on a body ball

15 pushups

15 bench dips (with feet on a bench too)

no running today, was too spent. maybe a light jog later...

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burpees - 20


I fricking hate burpees, Unless I'm doing them outside on grass then they're not as bad.

db press (on ball) - 30lbs, 12,15,13 (yeah, didnt get the same amount of reps each time)

db fly (on ball) - 20lbs, 12x

Why are you doing pressing exercises on a ball? You've previously stated that your worried about injury. Introducing a stability ball into the mix won't ease those fears. I prefer to have a solid platform from which to lift from (either my own two legs or a decent bench). I know you want to be graceful but sometimes you just have to be a plain old rock spezzy for safety.

squats! so - i originally tried putting 50 lbs on the bar, but couldn't get the stupid thing over my head... so brought it down to 40lbs. 25x

Squat rack?

external shoulder rotation - 15 lbs, 15 (im not sure i'll try to level up on this one, this is more of a 'my physical therapist told me to include this when i hurt my shoulder a few years ago) and i feel good at 15lbs

Your correct to not go to heavy here. That is not a strong joint and your highly likely to hurt yourself. Don't view it as a lift, it's a supplemental rehabilitation exercise to hit a specific muscle which is hard to exercise regularly.

Looks like a pretty intense workout overall though. Great effort.

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I fricking hate burpees, Unless I'm doing them outside on grass then they're not as bad.

i LOVE burpees because they kick my butt. my favorite variation is the broad jump burpee... I'm terrible at them, but they are an awesome "lets just go to the park and get in a quick workout" exercise. video:


Why are you doing pressing exercises on a ball? You've previously stated that your worried about injury. Introducing a stability ball into the mix won't ease those fears. I prefer to have a solid platform from which to lift from (either my own two legs or a decent bench). I know you want to be graceful but sometimes you just have to be a plain old rock spezzy for safety.

When I first started I read that it helped work your core at the same time, and it just kind of stuck. I've got it down pretty well, doesn't even move at all, but as I start lifting heavier the ball may have to go.

Squat rack?

I have 2 gyms. one has one, one doesn't. Unfortunately the one that's more convienient (and the one that I was using yesterday) does not have one. (they don't even have a regular bar, saying that they don't need one since they have a smith machine :roll: ) With the switch to morning workouts I will hopefully be switching to the gym that does have the squat rack.

Your correct to not go to heavy here. That is not a strong joint and your highly likely to hurt yourself. Don't view it as a lift, it's a supplemental rehabilitation exercise to hit a specific muscle which is hard to exercise regularly.

Good, because I don't think I COULD go heavy here. Its definitely one of those things that feels awesome when I do it, though. Hard to explain - kind of like stretching.

Looks like a pretty intense workout overall though. Great effort.

Thanks :) I have this problem that when I'm at the gym, if the intensity isn't high, I'm not happy. If I can go to a store on my way home and not completely disgust the people walking around me by the fact that I'm soaking with sweat, I did it wrong. (Which is why I can't seem to fall into a 'one body part a day' type workout - I get bored while resting)

It's interesting writing it all out, and then comparing what my plan was to what I actually did - because I write out 3 times more stuff than I actually end up doing. When I'm sitting on my couch its "oh, this circuit should be super easy" or "i have time, I can do seven circuits" and then when I get in and actually do it, I realize that it's way harder than I thought :)

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pull day! whoooo! today i decided i was going to go heavier on everything. i went earlier in the day and the gym was packed, which caused me to edit my circuits as i went a little bit... but that's ok.

started with a light jog for a few minutes, and a basic warmup (a few pushups, lamegirl pullups, bw squats, etc)

circuit one: (three times)

chinups - 30lbs assisted, 8

db row, 35 lbs, 10

crunches on a bb (mainly to let my arms rest for a minute) 20

single leg straight leg deadlift - 50 lbs (+bar, so now that i know what that is... 83 lbs?) - 8

jacks - 60

circuit two (three times):

chinups - 30 lbs assisted, 5 times

low db row - 35 lbs, 8,10,8

jump rope - 50 jumps

(not really a circuit with only 2 exercises, i know, but everyone was getting in my way!!!)

circuit three (three times):

inverted row (lower than normal) - 8

deadlifts - 70lbs + bar, 8,10,10

barbell row - 65lbs, 10

reverse crunch holding onto 8lb medicine ball with my legs (normally i do a foam roller, but it was nowhere to be found) - 25

box jumps - 20

circuit four (three times)

rear lat raise - 10lbs, 10

good mornings! (first time i've tried these, they were fun) - 30 lbs + bar, 10

hip raise - with 50lbs on my lap - 15

back extension - holding onto a 25 lb weight - 15

reverse hip raise - 15

circuit five (three times):

chinup, 30lbs assisted, 5,5,3

Y raise - 15

T raise - 15

single leg hip raise and leg curl with a ball - 10 each leg

Adduction machineeee - 100 lbs, 12

Abduction machine - 100 lbs, 12

Finished off with:

50 walking lunges

half kneeling rotation (20 lbs plus bar, 10 turns each side)

and a LOT of stretching

my body is comfortably numb. :)

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Told you that you would like it if you went heavier.

Good effort with the chin ups. You'll be doing proper ones in no time.

i do! and i like the lower reps thing... takes less time :)

didn't update here yesterday, yesterday i did about half an hour of the sprinting exercise dantes prescribed in my challenge thread :)


didn't get much sleep last night due to a noisy upstairs neighbor, so didn't try to go too heavy on the weights.

today i pretty much followed a few days ago routine.

started with 15 mins of super easy elliptical (i know, do this last, but i was showing my mom how to use the elliptical)

circuit one (three times)

db press (on ball) - 30lbs, 15

db fly (on ball) - 20lbs, 12x

squats! so - 50lbs, 15

jumping jacks - 60

circuit two (three times)

pushups - 20

lateral raises - 10lbs, 10

burpees with a high jump - 15

leg press - 190lbs, 15

calf press - 190lbs, 10

ballet jumps - 100

circuit three (three times)

extended plank - 30s

diamond pushups - 10 (HUGE improvement from the 5 last time, and these felt pretty easy)

side plank - 30s

extended plank - 15s

diamond pushups - 10

side plank (other side)- 30s

extended plank - 15s

diamond pushups - 10

sumo squats - 70lbs on the bar

jacks, 60

circuit four (three times)

shoulder press - 25 lbs, 15

external shoulder rotation - 15 lbs, 15

skullcrushers - 40lbs, 15

ballet squats (no weight)- 50

skaters - 26

circuit 5 (once

15 pushups

15 bench dips (with feet on a bench too)

15 squats - 70 lbs

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circuit one: (three times)

chinups - 37 lbs assisted (this machine is different than my other one, and is way harder. or my muscles are weaker.) 5

db row, 40 lbs, 10

crunches on a bb (mainly to let my arms rest for a minute) 20

single leg straight leg deadlift - 50 lbs (+ REAL bar), 8 per leg

jacks - 60

circuit two (three times):

chinups - 37 lbs assisted, 3 times first 2, then hurt something, so stopped.

low db row - 35 lbs, 8,10,8

ballet jumps - 100

circuit three (three times):

inverted row ( way lower than normal) - 10

deadlifts - 70lbs + REAL bar, 8,8,8

barbell row - 70lbs, 10

reverse crunch holding onto 8lb medicine ball with my legs (normally i do a foam roller, but it was nowhere to be found) - 25

box jumps - 20

circuit four (three times)

rear lat raise - 10lbs, 10

hip raise - with 50lbs on my lap - 15

back extension - holding onto a 25 lb weight - 15

reverse hip raise - 15

Adduction machineeee - 50 lbs, 12

Abduction machine - 50 lbs, 12

overall not pleased with my performance today. taking tomorrow off, and maybe saturday too.

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so, i normally split my routine up into 2 days, but since i'm going to be on a plane all day tomorrow, i decided to try to fit all body parts into one big giant workout.

circuit one (three times):

plank, raised up with feet on a bench and arms on a bodyball (60 seconds)

wide grip pushups - 20

single leg squats - 20 (10 each leg)

regular pushups - 20

deadlifts - bar plus... 60, 70, 80 - 10

jacks - 50

circuit two (three times):

sl sl deadlift - bar plus 50lbs - 8

overhead press (just the bar) - 8 (new exercise for me!)

cat camel - 10, holding 5 seconds each time

ext shoulder rotation - 15lbs the first time, then someone stole my weight and i couldnt find another one, so 12.5 the other 2 times. 15 each arm

squats - 50 lbs on the bar, 10

jacks - 50

note: this circuit wasnt done in order each time. when i put this together, i didnt take into consideration that for the overhead press, i didnt want any weight on the bar, for the deadlifts i'd want to be racking the bar down low and for the squats up higher. after i get stronger this will be less of a problem.

circuit three (three times):

chinups, assisted 25lbs, 5

hip raise with 50 lbs on my lap - 20

back extension, holding 25 lbs - 15

ballet jumps

circuit four (two times, i was so done i couldnt finish the third time):

plank - 30 seconds

close grip pushups - 10

side plank - 30 seconds

plank - 30 seconds

close grip pushups - 10

side plank - 30 seconds

close grip pushups - 10

walking lunges - 50, then 35 the second time

floor wipers (my new favorite exercise) - 25, holding just the bar

box jumps - 25

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hey, long time no update!

light workout today, as my foot's still not feeling 100%. did everything in a sort of circuit style, but much slower, and no cardio in between, because jumping around = not good for the foot. so not really circuits, but i'm going to write them out as such :) kind of just went to the gym and winged it, figured out what felt good, what didn't (for my foot).

felt weaker - and took it easy because of it.

definitely want to get back to the weighted squats, but my foot won't have it, so that's fine. if i can do at least this i'm happy :)

one: (three times)

db press - 25 lbs x 10 (missing the 30lb db's at my other gym - for some reason i can go heavier with the nice rubber coated hex ones than with these crappy ones - dont know why)

squats (just body weight, they my feet didnt hurt at all) - 50

pushups - 15 (struggled on these for some reason)

crunches on ball - 50

two: (three times)

shoulder press - 25lbs x 8,10,12

ext. shoulder rotation - 15x15

skullcrushers - 40x12

sumo squats - 50

three: (once)

calf raises - 3x10 on each leg (mainly wanted to stretch my calves, felt good on foot)

four: (once)

plank up on bench, arms on ball - 60 seconds

started with 10 decline wide grip pushups, then 10 bench dips (with my feet raised) - then did 9 and 9, 8 and 8, until i got down to 1

plank up on bench, arms on ball - 60 seconds

then hip adduction and abduction machines - 100lbs x 10, 3 times on both.

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ok so, didnt write down exactly what i did tonight, so lets just write a basic overview!

(per my usual, everything 3 times)


chinups, 40lbs assisted, as many as i could do (we're taking 5-8 here, not many)

rows, 80lbs, 8,

deadlifts - 75 lbs, 12 (so light, but trying to be nice to the foot)


inverted rows, 10 (only once, as then someone took over the smith machine, and i wasnt in a fighting mood)

pullups, 60lbs assisted (i feel like i'm getting weaker here...) - 8

back extension - 20

straight leg deadlift - 75lbs, 15

hip raise (35lbs added) - 15

reverse crunch - 20

that's it for today. feeling weak. doctors tomorrow!

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woah, an update!

first day back at the gym in a while.

jog - 1/4 mile (gotta still be careful with this)


Body weight x 10

45lb x 10

85lb x 10

95lb x 10

85lb x 10

FLOOR WIPERS - 3 x 20, holding 55lb bar (could have done more, but didnt want to overdo it)

HIP RAISES - 3 x 15, holding 50lb weights

BACK EXTENSION - 20, holding 25lb weight


nice light workout for my first day back! more tomorrow!

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two workouts in a row!

YES FOOT FEELING BETTER! (still not 100%, but good enough)

i decided to start with a set of lighter weights on everything, and then build up. still trying to figure out how much weight i CAN lift :)

I dont remember the exact order of everything. but.

1/4 mile jog

pushups - 15


20lbs x 10

30lbs x 10

35 lbs x 10

30 lbs x 10 (couldnt do the 35 again)

PLANK (elevated up on a bench, elbows on body ball)

5 sets of 60 seconds, thrown throughout my workout when i needed a 'rest')


30lbs x 10

50 lbs x 10

50 lbs x 8

50 lbs x 10

DEADLIFT (which is quickly becoming my most favorite exercise ever)

45lbs x 5

95lbs x 10

110 lbs x 10

120 lbs x 10

135 lbs x 10

135 lbs x 8


45 lbs x 10

95 lbs x 10

95 lbs x 10

OVERHEAD PRESS (struggled with these, big time)

45 lbs x 10

55 lbs x 10

55 lbs x 3

45 lbs x 12

45 lbs x 8

CALF RAISES (my dr suggested i keep these up, to strengthen my foot)

90lbs x 10

110 lbs x 10

150 lbs x 10

150 lbs x 10

GETUPS! (not going to lie, stole these from a video Alethea posted, and i LOVE them, prob will add weight to them next time)

5 sets of 20

pushups - 20

1/8 mile jog

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-practiced jumping and rolling, parkour style. about half an hour - 45 minutes

-did random (fake) chinups throughout the day. experimenting with not just doing these at the gym, but all the time. like, attempting a chin up every time i walk through the kitchen (since thats where my pullup bar is)


did an hour of beginners yoga

tomorrow = back to heavy lifting! (because nothing says happy birthday like weighted squats!)

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ooooooo awesome article, thanks!

i love it: "I had a radical thought: if you want to get good at chin-ups, why not try to do… a lot of chin-ups? "

the new rule is whenever i go into the kitchen, i do a few chinups (or my lame attempt at them).

so i'm either going to get really strong and awesome, or really thin and hungry :lol:

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so i still can't do my "circuits" - because my little bursts of cardio don't feel 100% on my foot yet (almost!). so because i seem to have the inability to just stand and 'rest' - I've been doing an upper body exercise, then while i'm resting that doing a lower body exercise. just not with the fast intensity that my circuits had.


few laps around the track, stretching, pushups.


20lbs x 10

30lbs x 10

35lbs x 10

35lbs x 10

30lbs x 10

mixed with


body weight x 15

45lbs x 10

85lbs x 10

95lbs x 10

105lbs x 8

95lbs x 10

DIPS: (bench dips - still not up to bar dips yet, did these in the cage thingie to elevate my feet up)

bodyweight - 15

25lbs on my lap - 10, 4x

mixed with:


130lbs x 10

150lbs x 10

170lbs x 10

190lbs x 10

210lbs x 10

and L SITS:

15 seconds

20 seconds

25 seconds

30 seconds

35 seconds

OVERHEAD PRESS (my arms weren't having these, so i cut it short, i'll do them again tomorrow)

45lbs x 10

55lbs x 7

45lbs x 8

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bear with me on the strange weight amounts, still trying to determine my strength, especially when i'm all alone in the gym :)


45 x10






45 x 10

45 x 10

55 x 10

45 x 10

45 x 10


55 x 10

95 x 10

95 x 10

105 x 8

95 x 10


holding bar (45lbs), x 20

holding 65lbs x 20

65 x 20

65 x 20

65 x 20


75lbs, 3 x 15


25lbs, 3x15

nobody was using the cable machine today so i decided to check it out. of course, there was no conversion chart there for actual weight listed.


3 x 8, on a 6


3 x 10, on a 10.


3 X 2:00

um...... i think that's it!

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“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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in between challenges!

super light workout today. my shoulders have been seriously bothering me so i've been letting them be and do their own thing, and though theyre feeling a bit better now, they are now beyond weak. ugh.















bw, atg, fast.


I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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heavy deads on 5 hours of sleep = bad idea.

DEADLIFT - trying something different.









240 - fail. got it about halfway up. oops.


these next 3 were done kind of in a circuit, so bb rows, then sl deadlifts, then sumo squats, then back to bb rows, etc, without resting in between.














I'm no longer an active member here. Please keep in touch:
“There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.”
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