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Training the eyes?

Guest Eduard

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Yeah, a control group would have been helpful. If I picked up a decent trick for measuring my eyesight day to day I could use myself as a control given some time for repeated trials. May have to look into that.

Scout 30/Ranger 1 (3 skipped)


"I must not fear. / Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing......Only I will remain."
-Litany Against Fear

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I paid one off easy payment and my EXTREME short sightedness was gone forever!!

That was a one off payment of £2,500 for laser surgery which has absolutely changed my life!! I don't have to worry about contact lenses each morning and night, I can just see the second I open my eyes.

I failed the initial assessment for the job I have always wanted (as it is quite a physical job and if your glasses / contacts are knocked out then it could lead to potentially dangerous situations) and since the surgery I have been accepted and have been doing the job for 3 years now!

I am in the skeptical group when it comes to these books, but to be fair I have never tried any of them so I can't comment for sure if there is something in them or not.

Karma Stu

Level 1 Human Ranger

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"You have to want it more than you want to continue feeling comfortable, and until you do, you're not going to change a damn thing - no matter how much you lament not being or doing what you 'want'." - Evicious


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I'm shortsighted with astigmatism in my left eye. I've been wearing glasses since I was 9. Been back to the doctor over the years and gotten new glasses a couple of times but had some interesting things happen 2 years ago when I broke them.

Went in for an eye check and it ends up with the doctor changing my prescription. I had MASSIVE headaches and the ground looked like flowing water. Long story short, when in the eye doctor testing room my eyes over compensate for the lens in my case leading to me having glasses that vastly overshot what was needed. Thinking back on it I also had HORRIBLE headaches when I had first gotten my glasses. We dropped back to my old prescription and things were okay again. Since then I've completely stopped wearing my glasses. My good eye is 20/25 and the astigmatism makes my "bad" eye 20/75(Getting that eye lasered).

I'm not saying my experiences apply to everyone, but if you're given glasses with the wrong prescription it can definitely make your eyes worse. Another thing I've done is focusing exercises with a pencil. Focus on the #2 on it and move it from your nose and out to arms length. Felt like it helped me.

Level 1 TechnoMage Adventurer

STR : 2 | DEX : 3 | STA : 2 | CON : 2 | WIS : 4 | CHA : 2

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I used to believe the "it's not possible" talk, too.

Then again, a lot of people say I couldn't retire by 30, vagabond around the planet. I told myself it wasn't possible to overcome my massive fear of heights (about to head to India to do some more paragliding, so much for that). "It's not possible" to me is just an invitation to go try.

I'm gonna post this here, again: http://www.cedonulli.com/looks-are-environmental/

Seven months I still had a -4.00 myopia prescription. I couldn't see much of anything, without glasses. I started a myopia rehabilitation program back in May. "It's not possible" is currently -2.25, and counting. My eyes are so much better, I don't even wear glasses some days. So much for all that.

Self guided, I'm not sure how well that would work. I'd been lucky enough to have had a connection to one of the greatest guys I've ever had the pleasure to meet. About to retire Austrian guy, guru of all things blurry vision. He's got a bit of an explanation of myopia here: http://www.myopiachallenge.com/why-is-my-vision-blurry/

I've got nothing to gain from sharing this. Alex has paid, distance myopia rehab programs (which is what I'm doing), but also super inexpensive Web stuff that's pretty decent. You ask him, he's likely to give it to you for free if you don't feel like it's worth paying for.

Myopia is a STRESS symptom, covered up with glasses, eventually becomes an axial length change in your eyeball. It's no grand mystery. Read his link, and check out the other links to all the clinicaltrials.gov studies substantiating the biology and science. Don't be a sheeple in the profit stats of big eye pharma.


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Along that topic.. i like reading this book, i have not yet tried to act on it, but reading it was quite interesting and enjoyable.. http://amzn.com/9549589986

Level 2   Human   Ranger

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Well, seeing how a lot of people have an astigmatism in their eyes, these types of exercises or any in general, would do nothing for you. Besides getting laser eye surgery, your eyes start to get pushed down creating a "football shape" which is one of the main reasons your eyes become back in the first place. This is also not considering genetic situations where onset glaucoma happens.

I'm all for natural ways for your eyes to get better, but honestly, scientifically/logically speaking; corrective lenses, contacts or laser eye surgery the way to go.


|Ogre Monk|

My Challenge to all NF'ers

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Well, seeing how a lot of people have an astigmatism in their eyes, these types of exercises or any in general, would do nothing for you. Besides getting laser eye surgery, your eyes start to get pushed down creating a "football shape" which is one of the main reasons your eyes become back in the first place. This is also not considering genetic situations where onset glaucoma happens.

I'm all for natural ways for your eyes to get better, but honestly, scientifically/logically speaking; corrective lenses, contacts or laser eye surgery the way to go.

Logically speaking, contacts or surgery just hide the symptom. If you get a headache, do you say "well, logically I need some painkillers right now"?

I'm not trying to give you shit, I though the same way for 15 years. In hindsight though, I wasn't really thinking at all. There's a cause, and I just didn't really go looking for it. Did you look at that link I posted? It explains it pretty simply. We spend too much time focused up close. The focusing muscle gets overstrained. Eye grows longer, to compensate for strain. Longer eye = default up close focus = less focus muscle stress.

Logically thinking, I don't want to be blind, or have a laser carve up my eyes. It's a quick fix. Naturally vs. some external enhancement ... Do we take steroids, try to bulk up as fast as possible at no matter what cost?

I don't.

It took seven months to get a 50% improvement in my eyesight. My astigmatism is GONE. I'm glad to take another year or two to be back to 20/20. No different from working out. Doing things right sometimes takes time.

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I have read many wild success stories by random Internet folks, and to see if there's anything to it I'd like to try it for free.  There's nothing to lose, really, and a lot to gain.


So I read that not using glasses for close-up things is a major thing you can do, and I'll do that.  But what else have you all personally found worked, which you don't have to pay for?

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I understand that masturbation gives you bad vision so I guess I'm going to be pretty much blind forever...

But seriously I'm on a waiting list for corrective surgery provided by the Navy hopefully I can get it done as soon as I get back stateside.

Lvl 1 Human Ranger

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