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Hello, everyone !  

Here's my deal:  37 year old male.  Married, father of 3.  Full-time software developer, part-time drummer and total geek.  Love Star Wars, LOTR, Star Trek,  AD&D, MST3k, XBox (D3, Battlefront, NFS Rivals, Alien Isolation and Portal series are go-tos).  Favorite character:  Boba Fett.


Currently addicted to junk food.  Not "addicted" as in hyperbole for comedic purposes, legitimately "hiding from and lying to others" addicted. This wasn't really a problem when I had the metabolism of a hummingbird in high school.  Fast forward a couple decades...after being at a desk job: I have tried and failed many times to not only stick to a regular exercise regimen, but I have really struggled with eating healthy.  Certain junk foods are strongly associated with very sentimental memories/feelings and when I have stress/anxiety (which is quite often...) I raid the junk food and fast food.  I don't smoke and very rarely drink, but I could easily destroy a bad of Doritos in a single sitting, I'm pretty sure my bloodstream qualifies as a variety of Dr. Pepper, and a picture of Jimboy's Tacos makes me misty-eyed.


I'm here to change all of this so I can be the dad that actually plays with his kids and practice their sports with them.  My daughters are 9 and my son is turning 2.   I can't continue like this and expect to play with grandkids someday.  My wife is very beautiful and frankly is getting a crummy deal with a puffy oaf like myself.  [My charming personality can only make up for so much...] If I can get off blood pressure medication by getting my body fat % down from 28% to 18%... that is would be a success story.  If I can get there and not feel like I'm going to die if I don't have a Dr. Pepper, then my success will actually last.

I definitely have fallen into the "eager beaver" trap in the past.  I'm trying to pace myself.  I also have fallen into the "lone ranger" category (although I think Leroy Jenkins would be a better comparison in some past fitness endeavors), so putting myself out there is a bit of a challenge for me.

If I can reach my goals and share the journey with fellow geeks, it makes it even more rewarding.  Thanks for your time.

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Wow, full blown addiction. That's tough man. I mean, I've had some pretty crappy eating habits in the past, but at least I've been able to change them when I put my mind to it. It can be very difficult to win the psychological "food = happiness/reward" battle at the best of times so you really have a bit of an uphill struggle. 


Im sure you will find lots of people here who have the same issues who would be willing to offer advice, support and encouragement. Many people use the challenges to set themselves targets and there's lots of good recipes in the Diet and Neutrition section, even ideas for making healthier versions of your favourite fast foods. 


Have a look around the site and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need any. :)

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Make Life Rue The Day                             Turning back the clock                                                Recipe book  14


Life is far too short to take seriously

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Thanks, Guzzi.  From what browsing I've done so far in the forums, people seem really cool here.  The whole idea of the quests is tapping into something really positive with me, so I'm going with it!  I also make a 90 day follow up with my doctor, so there is some accountability there as well.


Thanks for the welcome!  I appreciate it.

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